Sunday, September 8, 2024

The New Dawn Government has failed to rule the nation-Nickson Chilangwa


Opposition Patriotic Front (PF) acting Secretary General Nickson Chilangwa is challenging the UPND to call for early elections saying the New Dawn Government has failed to rule the nation.

Mr. Chilangwa, the Kawambwa Member of Parliament, has further alleged that the 2021 general election was stolen from the PF through rigging.

He said the UPND has failed to rule Zambia owing to high mealie meal prices and weak Kwacha.

He said the campaign promises made by the UPND and President Hakainde Hichilema have backfired because they were founded on lies.

Mr. Chilangwa said President Hichilema should apologise to the people of Zambia for failing to fix the economy, mealie meal prices and the Kwacha in hours after assuming office as promised during campaigns.

He charged that the UPND Government lost popularity within three months of forming Government.

Mr. Chilangwa said the UPND is not guaranteed of winning the next election because it has failed the people of Zambia within months of forming Government.

“I am challenging the UPND to call for early elections because they have failed to run the country. They said mealie meal will be K50 and Kwacha will appreciate against the dollar. Have these things happened? He lies as if he has been bewitched; look at him carefully when he speaks. There is nothing to envy in the UPND. If the bedrock of the President are lies then you are in trouble. Zambia is in problems because of deceit by the UPND and Hakainde Hichilema. It’s not me talking but himself through his campaign promises, is mealie meal K50 as promised? Has Kwacha gained against the dollar? He did even say give me five years to change things but hours. He was saying 10:00 hours to 14:00 hours,” Mr. Chilangwa said during the launch of the PF Women Movement on the Copperbelt.

“If what you promised Zambians were lies Mr. Hakainde Hichilema go back to the people and apologise. When you make a lie you must go for confession. I thought when he went to Rome to meet the Pope he confessed but I think he just went to pose for pictures. I was expecting him to go for confession in Rome. I have never seen a Government that loses popularity this early. Just three months people have lost confidence in this Government,” Mr. Chilangwa said.

He claimed that the UPND will be a one term Government.

“The UPND will end up very badly. Zambia will not allow UPND to carry on in this fashion and I can tell them the reason why. Can I tell you the reason why the UPND will not go far? It is a secret I won’t tell you but let me give you a leakage. It is the women on the Copperbelt that will make sure UPND doesn’t last in Government. Bana mayo ba ku Copperbelt tabasuminishe ubuwelewele ukukonkanyapo mu Calo cesu. Bana mayo say twakana ubuwelewele. Hakainde kuya bebele,” he said as the women cheered him on.

Mr. Chilangwa further alleged that the 2021 general election was stolen from the PF through rigging.

“We didn’t lose the elections they just stole from us and I want to say this, we know the tactics that UPND used to win the vote. They never won the elections genuinely and we know the people that helped them to rig the elections. They think we don’t know, they think we are fools. Ba UPND nga baume ok I will challenge them nga baume bakalande ati ama elections yakabeko nombaline kaili nabakwata 2.8 million voters. Let’s see if that 2.8 will be seen again,” Mr. Chilangwa said.

Mr. Chilangwa was on the Copperbelt at the weekend to officially introduce newly appointed PF National Chairperson for Women Kampamba Mulenga to the party women in the province.


  1. You mean the new dark government. They are all opportunists. Hh thought running government is like running a farm in monze. He is a naive man who needs to swallow his pride and seek counsel from wise men in opposition like ecl before it is too late

  2. In the history of Zambia, early elections do not work. Only KK allowed for it to break short his term that made him lose those election back in 1991.
    PF must wait at least 10 years before singing this song. Only Allah knows if by then the party would be formidable to mount a stiffer ballot fight.

  3. As a nation we need to understand that Politics is not the only preoccupation, it’s just a service to the people and we need to allow others to serve to the best of there abilities.
    When people reject you, you need to at least humble yourself and offer proper checks and balances ,not venomous jealousy

  4. Normally I would have disagreed but looking at it from a moral point of view, promises Upnd made which have come out to be lies since they have not come back to retract them will slowly kill them. They will have to find more other lies to sugar coat the original ones, that how it goes. But for how long. So far they also seem to be vision less. Will they even ever manage to build infrastructure in this country during their term? They keep saying PF stole, WHO WILL CARE ABOUT THAT BY 2026? People will want to see what they would have done in real terms compared to what PF did? They came in and branded everyone a thief and FIRED all the experienced people and now they are feeling it with all these babies running strategic institutions.

  5. After having bankrupted the country after ten years of corrupt and incompetent leadership with Edgar China Lungu stealing the coffers empty, I think Chilanga should be quiet, very quiet.

  6. The New Dawn Government has failed to rule the nation- Yes that is true. They are following in your footsteps

  7. It’s easier to destroy than to build. PF downran the economy plunderkng it in a short space of time. Due to the heavy damage done to it, patience and discipline will be required to fix things up. Watch the destruction carried out in Ukraine and tell me it can be corrected in six (6) months.

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