Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government advised to relax CDF conditionalities, there is just too much bureaucracy and requirements


Alliance for Zambian informal Economy Association (AZIEA) has advised government to relax terms and conditions attached to the awarding of Constituency Development Funds (CDF) projects to enable more participation.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Kitwe today, AZIEA General Secretary Lameck Kashiwa says currently there is too much bureaucracy and requirements attached for individuals and groups to participate in the CDF projects.

”In my view, the existing bureaucracy and requirements such as demand for project or business proposals are likely to make it impossible for ordinary citizens to benefiting from the funds, so government must relax some of these conditions for many people to benefit as initially planned by government, ” Mr. Kashiwa said.

Recently, government, through the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development released K805 million as Constituency Development Fund (CDF) for the first quarter of 2022 and K99, 268,342.47 to cover for bursaries for secondary schools and skills training for the same period.

Local Government and Rural Development Minister Gary Nkombo said the funds would be shared among all the 156 constituencies countrywide..

And the Alliance has proposed that government introduces some form of empowerment initiative for informal businesses to cushion them from the harsh economic environment which is raising the cost of doing business.

He noted that the high cost of fuel and the unstable Kwacha and other factors of doing business are unfavourable to informal businesses because their little capital.

He said these economic factors have hit the informal economy workers badly hence the need to cushion them from effects.


  1. Slowness in Zambia is a disease, an outbreak.
    Average Zambian pregnancy under PF was 11 months… And women who were pregnant during PF campaign are still pregnant.
    You people are still infested by PF retardation, it’s not bureaucracy.
    They have even healthy workers, they have failed.
    It takes a week for a PS to open an email, and another week to print out. Even pr

  2. Don’t relax the conditions. Well done Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Garry Nkombo. There has to be discipline in the way public funds are spent.

  3. Sir Roy Welensky never compromised on quality and standards, up to now his legacy is visible. Our towns were clean and orderly. After he left we brought in cadres and chairmen, today it’s difficult to tell whether you’re in a shanty or CBD. There are no public conveniences, flower beds have been taken by minibuses and mobile money booths. The underground water drainage system has never been unblocked. Rain water and sewer effluent runs in town on the roads. That’s our legacy and now I realize that although Sir Roy was despised when he said we weren’t ready to rule ourselves he was indeed very correct. Relax CDF conditions and we’ll not trace a ngwee, we’ll require sangomas to conduct audits. That’s Zambia for all of us

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