Thursday, March 20, 2025

Fight against corruption is biased against those not in good terms with the system-Catholic Priest


Lusaka Catholic Priest Rev. Fr. Anthony Kapambwe Salangeta has charged that the fight against corruption is biased against those not in good terms with the system.

In his Easter sermon at Regina Pacis Catholic Church in Chawama, Fr. Salangeta said corruption allegedly exist only in people who are not friends of the system.

The Franciscan Priest observed that there are many Government workers using their positions to enrich themselves and their associates.

Fr. Salangeta said the evils in society such as corruption, unemployment, injustice and poverty represent the tomb in which the risen Jesus Christ was placed after he was crucified.

“The Gospel mentions Mary Magdalene. It says: ‘In the first day of the week which is Sunday, while it was still dark Mary and others went to the tomb. When they reached at the tomb they saw that the stone had been moved away and Jesus was not inside’. What is the meaning of the tomb? A tomb is a representation of evil. All of us fear the cemetery. All of us just go to the graveyard during burial. Because it not just in us to visit a graveyard anyhow. That is why even here the tomb represents something which is evil,” Fr. Salangeta preached during Easter Mass.

“Today a lot of people are suffering in our society. Unemployment levels are very high and our young women are indulging in unchristian acts such as beer drinking, abuse of drugs even some of them going out with sugar daddies. Life is difficulty; this is the representation of the tomb. Corruption is the order of the day. No one seems to seem to care. Government workers use their positions to enrich themselves and cronies. Corruption is only to those who are not friends to the system. If you are a friend to the system there is no corruption. Indeed a representation of the tomb. On the other hand education continues to be for the elite. Those who do not attain education will become destitute and more suffering to them. Medical facilitates are a nightmare.” he said.

“The judicial system does not favour the poor, if you are poor ku kukaka. If you bash into someone’s groundnuts as a poor person, you be detained in police cells. The rich do not stay in police cells. This is the tomb we are talking about. This is the representation of the tomb. Some people are in prison for the crime they did not commit because they do not have anyone to represent them. The poor continue to be poor, the rich continue to be rich. So if we look in the gospel of today, we are going to see that this is the representation of the tomb where there is suffering,” Fr. Salangeta continued.

Fr. Salangeta added:”However at the tomb we find two people, there are two categories of people who represent our society. Mary Magdalene and her fellow women went there because they wanted to see Jesus. Then at the tomb there are also the guards, who were guarding the tomb of Jesus Christ because they had said that he was going to be taken by his own people and then fake resurrection. The women leave the place of death hurriedly to announce that he is alive. The women represent those people who go out, people of good will, people who preach the good news. People who want to take love from others. This is what the women did, they went out to announce that Jesus Christ is resurrected and they were happy.”

“We are also being invited to spread the good news that Jesus Christ has resurrected. The women represent those who believe in victory. Those who celebrate with their friends when good things happen to them. On the other hand they represent those who speak for the voiceless and those who endure in most difficult situations such as women who sweep in the streets just to find something to feed their families. And those women who go early in the morning to buy vegetables for resale,” Fr. Salangeta said.


  1. B0LL0CKS

  2. When you champion yourself as being cleaner than clean, walk the talk too – by exemplary conduct! Being selective when it comes to the crux, is to contradict yourself – not good! People always notice when they are being short-changed.

    #plant a tree please!

  3. Very true – this is the story of our Country. It’s dog eat dog these days. We are rapidly losing our humanity tendencies. Truly disheartening.

    #plant a tree please.

  4. #1 I don’t remember you telling Mr Tresphord Mpundu to stick to the pulpit when severally undressed Edgar Lungu. This what we call hypocrisy….a wrong is a wrong. PF made mistakes and paid for it. Upnd are making mistakes and you don’t want people to talk. We’re suffering more than we have ever suffered. I can’t go to the village as regularly as I used to do just a few months ago because both personal and public transport has become very expensive.

  5. @1: Tikki get the sense in what the father has spoken. Stop supporting you new doom government blindly.

    You are talking like you have not seen what is happening in the country. Deja Vu you are right, I used to drive to Lusaka to visit my relatives before new doom governments. I can’t because of the price of fuel.

    Tikki, the father is appealing to your government to cast the net wide. Stop following ba PF, its time to work

  6. This is becoming difficult .. some bloogers must post before they start drinking and should blog with consistancy and not blow with the wind
    much like Henry and Dejs Vu ……. I am a supporter of the new dawn
    and definitely dont like the way its going now with the ministers with integratory issues
    I keep voicing my concern time and time again…
    Fuel prices is what it is nothing can be done.. unless we go back to subsidising everything again
    This is not going to happen we have to get off a butts and work which most are not acustom to
    We have just got rid of a wayward administration and we not going back there !!

  7. #6 Tikki why do you keep on trying to shut me down? Whether you like it or not, I don’t see things the way you see them. Keep on enjoying what the white man has achieved and leave us alone who are feeling the pinch.

  8. Of Course we have different views and it allowed
    White Man ?? Really ?? did he not leave us anything ?
    and why are we constantly running for funds and assistance to these people of a Lighter colour ??
    Stop Begging and look within our continent in future and see how far we go M8

  9. Once upon time,children were left to fend on their own because their parents deserted them.Each time the parents came they tried to shut the mouth of their children,but they never succeeded at anytime. one man once said you cannot shut a hungry mouth.

  10. When you find men of God especially catholic Christians start condemning the wrongs of the government, just know there is something seriously wrong. Serious remedies are supposed to be constituted by concerned authorities to rectify their governing challenges.

  11. So says a priest who used to support PF’s brutality & looting by getting brown envelopes in the dark corners from Edgar Lungu..

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