Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Smart Zambia, Cavendish ink MoU to promote service delivery in ICT


Smart Zambia Institute and Cavendish University-Zambia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at improving the service delivery in the information, communication technology (ICT) sector in the county.

Smart Zambia Institute National Coordinator, Percy Chinyama, said the government is committed to ensuring that there is a holistic approach in the way digital transformation services are provided across the country.

Mr Chinyama explained that the collaboration between Smart Zambia and Cavendish University is in line with the digital evolution programmes which are targeted at imparting digital literacy skills to the public service employees and the Zambian citizenry.

He said it also aims at promoting access to and utilisation of electronic services. He was speaking during the signing ceremony in Lusaka yesterday.

Mr Chinyama explained that the establishment of the e-government division was targeted at making sure that citizens have easy access to the ICT government services.

He said this is why the MoU between the two institutions will go a long way in closing up the gap that exists in the digital transformation programme.

He added that the MoU will also ensure that there is the optimal usage of ICT and e-services by the citizens.

Mr. Chinyama further noted that the objectives of the MoU are to promote a framework of collaboration and partnership in capacity building by training civil service staff in ICTs and ICT consultancy in government departments and spending agencies.

He added that the partnership will also be used towards fostering the implementation of various government ICT programmes for effective and efficient running of the economy.

Mr. Chinyama cited the development and implementation of the Zamportal-Government Service Bus and other payment gateways as some of the areas where the contents of the MoU will be used to ensure that there is effortless access to ICT by the general public.

He expressed optimism that if properly utilised, the partnership will contribute to the country’s quest for digitalisation as a factor towards spurring social economic development for the people.

And Cavendish University-Zambia Executive Director, Reginald Rainey, observed that digital transformation plays a key role in achieving total industrialisation in any economy.

Mr. Rainey said this is why there is a need for the government to ensure that all parts of the country and economy are properly digitalised for effective service delivery to be achieved.

He pledged that to this effect, Cavendish University-Zambia will remain resolute in complimenting government efforts aimed at attaining a digitalised transformed economy through the use of ICTs.

He explained that this will be done through the provision of effective and timely capacity building skills in ICTs to government workers.


  1. Cavendish Uni needs to also focus on improving the quality of its education and servicibg students, especially long distance students. dtudents from other countries doing post grad courses keep complaining about how long it takes to get responses to emails or their course work being graded. One student in the region explained how her colleagues who enrolled with other universities six months later in Uganda and Kenya universities are finishing earlier than her for a course of the same duration. Her colleagues get responses within 24 hours for her, she waits for weeks to a simple query. She has also been advised by another university where she wants to do a PhD thar her masters from Cavendish may not be enough She says shes on a quest to discourage her fellow citizens not enroll with…

  2. Computer Mwepu need behave, he is growing big headed for being in starting lineup.
    I don’t like players who complains and raise hands in air when his own teammates lose ball.
    Mwepu and Klings Kangwa are not great players at all , they both need grow like Sakala and Lubambo.

  3. The New Dawn is killing it ,left,right and center. 5years from now the mwankoles wont exist,the citizens themselves will rise against any cartel or tribals trying to fight the UPND government cos citizens would by then have felt at first hand what it means to have a working Government. Zambians wake-up and start investing ,foreigners are already enying you and yet Bally hasnt unlelashed his Economic prowess yet,what more when he does? The whole Africa will envy. So instd of you sitting here replying to Emmanuel Mwamba’s stupiid blogs-start working and benefit from the good manor that is coming soon,unless you are blind,well in that case i cant help-bye!

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