Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Justice Minister is Conflicted in the case Against the DPP filled before the Judicial Complaints Commission


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

During his press conference held last week to defend the President on allegations that he was part of those that met former KCM Liquidator, Milingo Lungu, Minister of Justice Mulambo Hamakuni Haimbe expressed various views and positions.

He said in granting the immunity of prosecution to Mr Milingo, in matters related to the liquidation of Konkola Copper Mines, the Director of Public Prosecutions may have misconducted herself.

He also said there are various complaints against the DPP filed before the Judicial Complaints Commission. He urged (in my view he directed) the JCC to expedite the hearings. He has repeated this fact literally directing the JCC to hear and determine the complaints.

The JCC is chaired by renowned lawyer, Hon. Vincent Malambo SC. The role of the JCC is to receive any complaint or allegation of misconduct and investigate any complaint or allegation made against a judge or judicial officer provided that were and make recommendations upon its findings.

And Mr. Haimbe is a legal partner to Mr Malambo. Hon. Haimbe is a Managing Partner in the law firm; Malambo and Company.

This little detail is extremely important and Hon. Haimbe must declare this fact and if possible declare an interest.

And on immunity or indemnity granted against specific prosecution of certain persons by the DPP, Hon. Haimbe may have to familiarize himself with previous documents granted by other DPPs.


  1. When we told you that our brothers love themselves u thought it was a joke.A president comes and start talking about a language that when i speak tonga people laugh.where on earth a head of state can start inciting his tribe to hate other ribes that they don’t like your language.He is destroying this country through tribalism.HH is a pure tribalist trying to hide in fake speeches.he is a hypocrite number one.Look at what is happening?Everything now will tonganised.people will be judged by tonga judges.Very sad

  2. @Moscow yes the brutality of Edgar Lungu’s PF became too much such that we were left with no choice but to vote for HH, try to HH for Presidency. If this Government fails we shall try another one but please it is too early to judge them. Tonga is also a tribe like any other Zambian tribe which must be respected. Let’s judge them properly in August 2026


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