Sunday, September 8, 2024

PF headed for victory in Mporokoso


PF cadres raise the red cards

With only 2 polling stations remaining, the opposition Patriotic Front (PF)’s candidate Maynard Misapa is leading the race.

Results from 31 polling stations tallied so far puts PF’s Maynard Misapa at 2 793 and his closest rival Dominic Musonda from the ruling MMD at 2 155.

The former rulling party UNIP’s candiate has less than 80 votes.

The official results are expected to be announced at 10:00hrs Zambia Time.

Voting started on a high note yesterday but a heavy afternoon downpour slowed down the turnout, by making it difficult for people to reach polling stations.. The heavy rains went on late into the evening and disrupted the movement of ballot boxes to the collation centre.

“The heavy rains have led to a decline in the number of voters and have also made the movement of ballot boxes difficult,” Bulangililo polling station presiding officer Albert Musawa said.

And an observer from the European Union, Aloys Lorkeers, who is in a group of five others, said voting was going on well in all the 15 polling stations he had visited.

Anti-Voter Apathy Project executive director Bonny Tembo also said his team had not observed any form of malpractices.

And Zambia Daily Mail reports that the Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) has commended political parties participating in the by-election for maintaining high levels of discipline, which have resulted in peaceful campaigns.

FODEP executive director McDonald Chipenzi, however, said it is important for political parties to conduct issue-based campaigns and adhere to the electoral code of conduct to make the work of the Electoral Commission of Zambia easier.

“We hope this kind of discipline, if maintained, will assure the nation of peaceful tripartite elections,” he said.

Mr Chipenzi said the Mporokoso by-election had no contentious issues which could have led to people shunning the poll.

“The campaign process in Mporokoso has been peaceful and most political parties have been trying to base their campaigns on issues,” Mr Chipenzi said.

The Mporokoso constituency parliamentary seat fell vacant after the resignation of member of Parliament Maynard Misapa from the MMD.


  1. Just a beginning to sweep RB, his cronies & MMD out of power.

    PF please Do not relent. Hope you solidfy the pact We need it with or without this Mporokoso victory

    Congratulations PF/UPND

  2. This serves a lesson to the MMD government. However i still appeal to PF not to lose their head on this win but consider working together with UPND for the benefit of ordinary Zambian least we consider them selfish. I mean we want to vote for selfless leaders.

  3. who gives a rats aslong as i have my white wife with me i dont care about anyone else. kombwiko

  4. PF is PF. You may like it or hate it, its your choice. But as your next party in gvt, please start liking it. Vote for it to be specific. Its a right thing to do. With all billions siaphoned from NAPSA and pumped into Mporokoso for MMD to retain its seat, people have resolved that they can wait even for a day for RB and MMD to leave. They want Sata. You may call him names and hate him, but majority people want him. Thats what we call democracy. Pabwatoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

  5. You sure there can be no FTJ’z “local and international tricks” in the remaining two polling stationz?

  6. I hope what the observers of this polls commended will be same for this year Tripartite elections ahead of us all…

  7. PF lelo mulemona ba RB twalaisandamuna. Abaume baume Bravol! Misapa for your courageous move to shame RB and his bootlegging cronies. They should learn not fire people any how. Machungwa Sinyangwe and other rebels the bell should be ringing in your heads you should thank the Supreme court for saving your asses. 6 months from now all you rebel MPs will be history. Can we now streangten the pact and make sure we burry this monster in the name of RB and his ‘Lazo’ Kafupi consultant.

  8. I think headlines in the media should read:
    Mporokoso rejects RB: Not through booing but the ballot

  9. 37 i dont why you are here and even bothering to comment. why arent you busy enjoying the riches and services your white wife lovingly provides?

  10. 37 i dont why you are here and even bothering to comment. why arent you busy enjoying the riches and services your white wife lovingly provides?

  11. Congrats in advance PF. maynard did his mathematics right. MMD taught a good lesson. GK, RB all went to campaign using disgraced chiefs, Govt machinary and used Tax Payers money, the People of Mporokoso spoke will speak loud and clear. MMD and Chief Mumporokoso are not a factor in Mporokoso.

    Both Losing. Next will be Chief Chibale and George Kunda in Serenje. 2011 both should lose.

  12. PF should seriously consider working with UPND if they have to remove MMD.The gap/difference is too minimal in their stronghold..northern province! what more in other provinces? they should not be deceived a slim win…we need a landlslid win.

  13. (but a heavy afternoon downpour slowed down the turnout, by making it difficult for people to reach polling stations.. The heavy rains went on late into the evening and disrupted the movement of ballot boxes to the collation centre.) I HOPE MMD WONT BLAME THE RAIN AND PETITION THE RESULT

  14. Congrats…but NOT the Presidency of Zambia. We cannot give it to PF! Just scruitnize the shadow cabinet then you will agree with my concerns. I do not mind PF winning some of the 150 Parliamentary seat but I do with the presidency because of our rotten constitution. We risk ending up like Libya…We need powerful institutions before we can put into office a dictator and we won’t mind whether we have a good or bad man/woman in office coz the institutions will guide them.

  15. This is a strong tribal area , full of people who can’t vote for a foreigner. MMD will still carry the day in the general elections. Some people can’t rule this country, that’s a fact. Good day.

  16. To all those who hate Sata, I encourage you to forgive him of the wrongs he has done to you and give him the chance. I mean the man is loved by many as can be seen from the results. I agree with #9, Democracy is about the majority.
    Let us keep on praying for this Man so that God can give him wisdom to lead this great country, we are crying for a leader and if God wants Sata to lead us,who are we to say no.
    Well done PF and MMD for the peaceful elections.This is what we need becoz we are one irrespective of our political affiliation.Politicians should not be allowed to divide this nation. One Zambia, One Nation…

  17. This should not excite PF because the margin is too slim and open to manipulation during tripatite elections. MMD are playing games to make you think everything will be well but when it comes to the tripatite elections , they will move into gear no. 6 and rig. JUST WAIT AND SEE

  18. # 26Kagwizi – This was an MMD seat remember. Margin does not matter what is important is that MMD has lost its seat to an opposition party whether UPND or PF.

  19. Congrats PF, with all that money taken to mporokoso by MMD people have said NO. This victory does not belong to PF alone but the UPND/PF pact and above all ZAMBIANS.

    The pact has been grabing seats from the MMD with MMD failing to grab any but loose what they have eg Solwezi,Chilanga,Mufumbwe and now Mporokoso. Can a well meaning Zambian deny that PF/UPND if contested the forth coming elections as one will pull through whether VJ and KAFUPI like it or not?

    VIVA pact viva…….DONCH KUBEBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. A win is a win whether with one vote. This is the MMD seat and losing is painful. #26 jealous down, Mporokoso we salute you for being wise and broad in chosing your MP. MMD sorry this is not Mpulungu where you had to produced ballot boxes through ZAF, DC from Mbala and Mpulungu. This year is the year for redemption

  21. To all those who hate Sata, I encourage you to forgive him of the wrongs he has done to you and give him a chance. I mean the man is loved by many as can be seen from the results. I agree with #9, Democracy is about the majority.
    Let us keep on praying for this Man so that God can give him wisdom to lead this great country, we are crying for a leader and if God wants Sata to lead us,who are we to say no.
    Well done PF and MMD for the peaceful elections.This is what we need becoz we are one irrespective of our political affiliation.Politicians should not be allowed to divide this nation. One Zambia, One Nation…

  22. #21, you are too lazy to think. The same PF man who is winning today contested the 2006 elections with Mwanawasa at the helm. If the area was only caring after its own, the result would have still favoured PF even then. Come on guys. #7 you need an erection more than an election result.

  23. At #7, I can see you are back. you are the same ***** who was calling himself “nyele mukamwa” some time ago. What is you obsetion with white people? I bet the same wife of urs laughs at you for thinking she’s superior because she is white. People here are just laughing at your *****city. You must have very low esteem for u to think like that. Hahahahahah fool

  24. # 20 The same bad constitution has been put in place by MMD and the only person who can deal with the ruthless and corrupt MMD is SATA. This is a bitter fact that SATA haters should know. Ask yourself a simple question why the man is so popular in Luasaka and CB. It is vital that bloggers are objective than just being emotional. I agree with #24 let the people say what they want and vote for who they want during elections.

  25. number 35 bring your ear closer. let me tell u a secret. its the sex and lack of drama. try it for yourself. and thier skin is smoother

  26. #33 Why is it that all by elections involving UPND have been marred by violence. The so called Kaponyas have had no violence, Mporokoso,Milanzi, etc. Infact HH nearly caused a riot at Chilanga while the uncouth Sata inspite of his rogueness has been comparatively pea

  27. i think without going far this has already shown that SATA is going to win the general elections, i also think so , i appeal to all Zambian people to give chance to this man called SATA , this man really want to help Zambian live good and great life like ASIAN countries very smart , good development , but what can let us Zambian with our small country not to develop our country , eg not even a single air plane to fly internationally and the RB is busy flying every where he wants to , coming back just think of increasing the price of fuel , no no no no we need change just like we all need this man of action so called SATA , if there’s any 1 hates SATA mmm i don’t know what kind of life you want, please brief me how far is the election in mporokoso viva pf /upnd , pf pf pf pf pf pf…

  28. Politics is a game of number.I remember one MMD guy saying people who attend SATA’s rallies go to listern to his jokes,atleast his jokes have brought an MP on his side.Warning to REBELS,dont cling to power using courts,lets see how popular you are becoz MMD wont even adopt you.people want change no matter how much money you dish out,grading roads in the nite,giving cash loans hasnt paid.sori kuya bebele

  29. Well done PF for grabbing the seat from MMD. However, both PF and MMD with their current level of cadres are not good for Zambia. Had it been a Tonga or Lozi winning in their areas it would have been tribalism, but since it is a Bemba, its democracy. VIVA HH for Republican President.

  30. #7 blak or white humans are same i hope you ve not yet vitiligod your skin white to blend with the “superio race”. What color is 0bamas wife. But lookin at the time you bloged you are in an Afrikan Komboni

  31. The former MP has won! Congratulations but it will be a tough race for the presidential. Just ignore people who are have got nothing to contribute on the theme. Sometimes it is hard! I love and enjoy my black lady. Love is not about colour, race etc. By the way most white people do not bath.

  32. No. 38 I cant imagine my self marrying a white woman they smell a lot and that smell makes me uncomfortable. Its good that you enjoy the smell.

  33. Congrats PF, i have observed that in all bye elections in which PF have participated have being peaceful & all elections in which UPND have taken part have being violent. Which PARTY is civil and peaceful?

  34. Congrats!! on the lead but lets wait and see, remember counting stops at 10:00Hrs. Any way a big thank you to the Zambian people for being the biggest winners them selves. They have demonstrated maturity and unity once again.

  35. Know what people who have access to the media or internet think when they speak they represent the suffering masses in rural areas nope! The poor masses speak through the ballot just like it has been in Mporokoso.Its the numbers which count not the hatred some bloggers show on LT. if the PF HAS WON ITS THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE WATCH OUT 2011 GUYS

  36. Looking at the result margins i think Bembas are less tribal. If the elections were in Monze it would have been UPND 3,000, PF 60, MMD 200. What does the margin entail.

    I thank Bembas for the efforts they are making to remove tribalism from this country as can be seen from the narrow margins.

  37. if, as predicted, PF takes this seat we can only say congratulations to the PF. its also a warning to the MMD and Banda in particular, not to always take people for granted. We are watching what you are doing: your association with known crooks like Chiluba and Dora Siliya, your apparent none committal to fight corruption

  38. iyi ni donchi kubeba….wapya muzi….beleive it or not PF is carrying this yrs election….all useless mmd cadres on this blog including their boss they were saying will see who is popular in mporokoso…Pipo SATA is the most popular in this constituence ….remember this was an mmd seat… out bambuli uko tuleisa……donchi kubeba ati kuyabebele this yr……chanda chimba will sort u!! behave with those tuma i d i o tic prgms of yos….time is ticking against u.

  39. # 50 Chanda Chimba III says

    You know i agree with you a hundred percent on this one, the majority of these arm chair critics in diaspora wont even make it to Zambia come the big day. For this one big reason am not taking their rantings serious. Very few will prove that they have put all logistics in place to go and vote come the big day. their rantings are a dime a dozen.

  40. Chiluba needs a pacemaker to effectively use local and international tricks for RB. Don’t think VJ is impressed that Chiluba thought he had more tricks than him.

  41. one in the kitty but let PF not grow big headed about working with UPND because of this win, Iam PF but if we lose our pact partners them we lose everything and I wont even use my vote. what we need is outright victory and that can only be attained through the pact. To Kabomba, I say tone down. SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  42. PF has rigged the elections!, Ha, ha, ha! Nway congrats, but PF will not win the general elections; that’s a bitter pill you will have to swallow. The Serpent will never get into State House.

  43. Honestly i thought a vicory for MMD was going to be disastrous to PF, now congrats to the PF guys it shows they had men on the ground and that money from MMd will not change people’s mind…lets get ready for change guys its sweeping in Zambia!

  44. Congrats PF but to win the presidential election you still need to partner with UPND otherwise 4get.

  45. Remember,, it is nothern province where sata is comming from,, What is the result where both UPND and PF contested together…?

  46. Congrats PF.

    #58, The blasphemous Maestro hhhhh has been banned from ever posting on Zambian watchdog…………..Lol

  47. I expected the PF to carry the day. MMD & RB campaigned for Maynard Misipa. Denouncing him by Head of State in State media it was a sure way of making him more known by the nation. A simple warning to PF this win in Mporokoso should not excite PF to think that on its own they gona knock out RB and MMD. Thats a far fetched dream the MMD will carry the day. The press adverts being placed in the “Post” concerning correspondence between Clive Chirwa, Chibwe and Kabimba shows how some selfish pipo in the PACT are. In fact they are playing in the devil’s hands. Who has been funding those adverts. There is something Kokayi in the heads of those claiming to represent the interests of the voters. Why HH and Sata zee yet they are supposed to come out in the open and clear the air and we decide…

  48. #36 Zebron Sakala

    I hope u are the Zebron Sakala I know as a Teacher. Whats there for the UPND to learn?? Analyse things critically. With me I would say congrats to the PF, but they must learn something from this because if they can be winning with such margins in their strong holds what more in areas like North Western, Southern and Western provinces if they decide to go it alone??

  49. If FTJ/RB/VJ/Mumbi were God then Sata would never rule…but knowing my God who is sovereign and incorruptable he may give chance to Sata. After all leadership comes from Him.

  50. Enjoy the victory. But read carefully through the lines. PF/UPND PACT has failed to beat the MMD with atleast a 1,000 votes in all the seats that they have grabbed from MMD. What about in places like Eastern province, which has almost the same number of voters as Lusaka at 840,000) where RB shall triumph. Wont the East cancel out all the gains of the PACT? Mporokoso is a bemba area and as such a PF stronghold. We expect them to win with a landslide. PF should beat the MMD completely there. Less than half the voters cast their votes, so it is possible it can swing if atleast 75% votes. Emjoy for now.

  51. FALIZOHO, Please leave us Zambians alone. You are rotten in your head. Change is here and NOW 2011!! It seems you have eyes that dont see and ears that dont hear. Viva the PACT Viva President Sata… 2011 Thank God! I submit that even the hardest UPND sympathisers have now made up their minds to rally behind SATA for President… Thank you for coming to terms with reality. PACT addict.

  52. hei ba times why so late announcing the results? we all knows that PF has won , guys thanks so much to all those who gives vote to PF we need that in general election 4 sure Zambia will change, post has announced already SATA we want you now , if i was RB i would have give up and say tomorrow general elections will take place than like this because where ever you are , you have seen that people don’t like you , may be people from chipata because they never been to school and they don’t kown reasons why all 8 provinces supporting SATA now , people from chitapa please wake up , pf pf pf pf pf we are still with you

  53. The better PARTY has won the elections full stop. The rulling party must go back and analyse what has gone wrong to lose nearly all seats for bye elections. Its unhealthy for them. For the PACT remain focussed because you are giving them a good run for their money.

  54. Congrats PF! Except the narrow gap between PF and MMD is worrying considering that this district is PF`s strong hold. The opposition should just work together otherwise it will be the same old story.

  55. # 38

    You are the real Kaponya Futseki!! with your Russian prostitutes prostitutes you pick up from Red light district brothels. you a big disgrace not to us but to mother, Father and your entire family. continue licking Russian fea ce on that bi tch’s ass good for you.

  56. Consultant chiluba!!????

    Fellow blogers, please don’t buy into cheap chair-nalism propagandas from LT, ZNBC and MTV…. the reality on the ground speak volumes, the Pact won’t ‘disband’.
    Like Obama says, ”Not now, not when we are too close” to plot 1.

  57. Congrats Maynard Misapa of Pi yeFu (PF) on winning the Mporokoso MP by-election. This result is just like the Luena by-election that Charles Milupi retained and Pi yeFu must not get overexcited. As a matter of fact, if UPND was not committed to the failed PACT, MMD would have probably retained the seat — as Misapa has retained his seat.

    Congrats to MMD and UPND also for winning some respective by-elections in Mbala and Siavonga. I still need to know what transpired in the Mutaba Ward of Masaiti, Copperbelt Province, where PF and UPND competed against each other.

    As a matter of fact, this is an indicator that MPs in Luapula Province will win their seats back if the Supreme Court throws out their appeal not to be expelled by Pi yeFU.

    Be blest and vote 4 HH and UPND to form GRZ…

  58. Today we are in trouble from the PF. We shall be fed on a menu of bloated egos. The margin is too narrow and it is too early to celebrate for the big one is coming soon. Anyway congrats and plse give the nation your agenda for Zambia’s development if by fate PF forms government, albeit a long shot. The utopia 90 days formuly will not sell to the Zedians.

  59. 75= which 9 province are you talking about, are in Zambia or diaspora please be realistic, what we want is pact, then the game will be over,but without the pact, awe kwena nishi capwa. You have seen that ware pf and UPND have participated the results are not good. we have a long way to go. VIVA PACT

  60. This is sad news for PF. In 2008 PF got 4000 votes and MMD got 1400 in Mporokoso. That was almost 4 to 1 in ratio. Now with 2800 to 2200 this means Mporokoso is no longer a stronghold of PF. This means the 38% Sata got in 2008 is diminishing whilst the 40% is growing for Rupiah.

    Things are bad for PF because the same happened in Chifubu.

  61. No. 90 This was a parlimentary election held by MMD and not a presidential election. Just accept defeat. Your president was boasting yesterday ati the popular party will wine now that PF has won you want to start moving the goal post.

  62. Hello!
    Can some one help me know what this man called JJJ BANDA is?And who is Mwangi?
    To tell them the truth! We are in a time of change now.You need to get this into your mind,and no one will stop the.The wind overing is Zambia is the wind of change,yet with full of peace.
    God bless Zambia!!!

  63. SATA will only go to state house with the support of HH. Both sata and hh are regional. Putting the pact together is more important than this victory for pf

  64. Mwingi for yo information Mporokoso has never being a PF seat. A win means the seat has being taken away from MMD.

  65. No mention of the winner in Times nor in the Daily Mail! Its called censorship or well known as mis-information, disinformation or re-information in the Soviet era! They would even brush out people (who they had discredited) in pictures. Even though they go to bed (print) at 24 hours every nigh, not even a mention of who was leading!

  66. The days are very much numbered for (Mobile Machines Developers) MMD. Let us all unite and try out SATA for a noble cause. Congrats PF. Keep the winning ways.

  67. Yes white people smell.l know this guy is married to a fat white old lady.lm talking through experience coz l was with a white person they don’t bath and there skin stinks ,and very sticky.l can imagine this guy l thinks he stinks to.pls bu fontini to much.l love black me n but not u.l think u ugly.

  68. Well, am abit confused in this blogging why and when PF wins it is all the over places. It is the first time PF won a seat which was occupied by MMD..!! This outcome does not mean other area are suprior than others areas. When they win in area where PF is popular,, mayeee….There rotten is already a president,,,!!! zambia is very big country, I still believe if the PF/UPND do not come together, MMD will win these elections. Just wait…you have to mark my words. When you look PF in areas like western, Southern and North-western province, will be getting very few votes while MMD will be very near to PF in Luapula, Northern, Luapula and copperbelt provinces. Well time sata will be down by only 200 votes… The way things are happening PF and UPND PACT is dead one..!!!.

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