Sunday, March 16, 2025

Corruption Fight……it’s now or never


By Nevers Sekwila Mumba President, MMD

Allegations of political persecution have been raised against the new government mostly by those who served in the last administration. They argue that the fight against corruption is targeted at them and that the process is unjust.

MMD begs to differ with this view. The current process of bringing corruption suspects to justice cannot be compared to the brutality experienced by MMD leaders at the hands of the PF in 2011. We believe our colleagues are being treated with kids gloves, but these “gloves” are the law.

It is for this reason that many Zambians feel like the fight against corruption may be failing because suspects are being handled within the framework of the law which respects the rights of the accused and proposes that they have their day in court. This understandably takes time.

We however are confident that, in the next few weeks and months, we are about to witness the crumbling of all that has been built on lies, deceit and corruption. The rule of law is the only weapon we have to restore the broken down order in the nation. We need to collectively resolve to end corruption in Zambia.

We urge the investigative wings not to be deterred by any threat in ensuring that they bring every suspect to account. We have an opportunity as a nation to instil the spirit of order and justice in the nation. This is a window we cannot miss.

This must never turn into a political witch hunt but an honest pursuit for criminals that have stolen from the Zambian people. If we succeed in this operation, a strong message will be sent to those who are currently serving in the New Dawn government and those who will serve in future administrations.

The lesson must be clear. You steal, you go to jail, regardless of your status. We must insist on zero tolerance to corruption. We must defeat this cancer. The corrupt, those who protect the corrupt and those who enable the corrupt must all be brought to justice.

We however urge all institutions of government charged with the responsibility to fight corruption to do so with unprecedented speed. Justice must not the delayed.

Zambians are thirsty for justice. They have seen arrests but they want to see convictions and imprisonments for those who have abused the limited resources of the country. For those who are innocent, they must be publicly acquitted.

The confidence of Zambians in the New Dawn administration depends on how effectively the fight against corruption shall be executed. The hearts of Zambians are thumping with anxiety to see the outcome of this noble crusade against corruption.


  1. ,cage Bowman Lusambo. Given lubinda has made the downfall official with those useless appointments. Bally is busy fixing meanwhile.

  2. That includes you. You are lucky you have sided with the Upnd otherwise you were also going to be picked up…. don’t forget that Sata was going to put you in jail… unfortunately or fortunately he went away. Lungu didn’t follow up on those cases. That appointment is taking too long to come I can see?

  3. Nervers seems to suggest that corruption only occurred under the PF. There’s still corruption and the only problem is that those who are with the New Deal aren’t being subjected to investigations. That’s the reason we’re saying that the fight is targeted at Bally’s political opponents. I wish to remind you that your case wasn’t concluded so I urge the ACC to revisit it

  4. Mr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba, well written masterpiece !
    Indeed, Zambians are yeaning to see the results. The point is that, the fight against corruption is NOT a UPND call, it is a call by Zambians.
    I mean all Zambians can see, feel and smell corruption. And every Zambian is calling for the eradication of this cancer. Zambians were aware that PF was not fighting corruption, hence Zambians entrusted UPND as a vehicle to remove PF as well as use UPND to bring the culprites to justice. Therefore, UPND should work hard to fulfill what was entrusted on them. Those who are suspected should NOT cry foul, it’s NOT UPND implicating them BUT it’s the ZAMBIANS. There is nothing like political persecution, because it’s NOT UPND cause. Don’t take it personal, return what belongs to ZAMBIANS.

  5. @Ayatollah
    The fact that the investigative wings has not confiscated or detained anyone in new dawn GRZ doesn’t mean those cases are not being investigated. Just as there are still many many old cases that still have not been investigated, we understand financial-related cases are complicated and require skilled resources, and also take time to investigate. Let the investigative wings determine their priority, again, it’s NOT UPND who wants the quilty to be locked up, but it’s you and me, the Zambians. And if you have evidence against any of UPND, you have the duty to report to ACC. A mere photograph is NOT a proof of corruption.

  6. This fight will fail because it only targets PF members. As long as the president openly protect corrupt people in his team such as the Foreign Affairs Minister and those involved in fertilizer deals, the fight will remain as good lost.

  7. Mnyelile, you will all be prosecuted to the furtherest extent of the law. You stole from the people of this country with such daring impunity you baboons. If you thought this day will never come just wait and see, by the time we are done with you, you will all be leaking your stinking wounds in Chimbokaila.

  8. Ayatollah at 3 and John at 6. You are spot on! Corruption currently is looking like a witch hunt which excludes UPND and those affiliated to the same. You give good examples of suspicious activities within the UPND cicrlces and the lax of the LEA to make even a single announcement about the same. Additionally, the witch hunt seems to be based on the infamous proceeds of crime Act, they simply arrest anyone on mere suspicion when you have wealth. whats sparing the current government officials from being arrested on the same Act?

  9. Nevers Mumba was jailed for the corrupt deeds.

    He was just pardoned. Pastor ex con shut your trap

  10. Ex con Mumba,
    You were jailed for corruption only u got pardon fool.

    You need to go back and finish your sentence

  11. Aba nabo, bamona ati ka appointment kachelwa.
    Everyone knows that the current fight against corruption is targeted at PF. Otherwise, we would have seen jangulo, chushi kasanda’s husband summoned by ACC over the fertilizer deal.
    So boss ba Nevers koseni fye, there is a long queue waiting for appointments.

  12. Let the ACC to revist the order cases including the MMD regime then will know that you are fighting corruption if not it a fight against the PF

  13. Definition of Corruption in ZAMBIA is very obscure…. you are a supplier and you bribe buyers and contract Officers in order to be given orders… it’s not Corruption. Why? Because you are not a minister. You are a recruitment Officer and you ” sell” jobs… it’s not Corruption…why? Because you are not minister. Charity begins at home.

  14. Political corruption has taken centre stage. Primarily money is power and if your opponents are moneyed, they will topple you. Fight them when in a way that appeals to masses. Corruption fight. Our ministers are not corrupt because they don’t threaten my hold on power.
    Sekwila does not see himself corrupt or having stolen from GRZ while in Canada, but as a victim of circumstance. That’s why he is championing the now or never corruption fight today.

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