Saturday, March 15, 2025

GEARS welcomes ECZ’s decision for continuous voter registration


GEARS executive Director, MacDonald Chipenzi, says his organisation welcomes the Electoral Commission of Zambia ( ECZ)’s decision for continuous voter registration.

Mr Chipenzi says the ECZ decision is long overdue hoping that the exercise will finally come to fruition this time in point.

He particularly points out that his organisation is however concerned that this is not the first time for the ECZ to make such pronouncements.

ZANIS reports that the GEARS Executive Director in an interview has urged the Commission to honour its announcement and commence the exercise as soon as possible.

Mr Chipenzi, also urged the ECZ to carry out sensitisation exercises on forth coming continuous voter registration to ensure increased participation of all eligible voters.

“ The Commission should ensure that the exercise is extended to all the 116 districts across the country in the due course, “ he said.

Yesterday, the ECZ announced that it will commence the continuous voter registration in July , 2022 in all ten provinces.

And the GEARS executive Director MacDonald Chipenzi has payed Kudos to the new dawn government for embracing good governance tenets in the nation.

Mr Chipenzi says compared to the previous regime which ruled with “ an iron fist “ the new dawn administration has allowed the freedom of expression among other good governance issues.

He says Zambians are now free to exercise their freedom of speech, of association and that the rule of law is now being exercised in the nation.

ZANIS reports that the Gears Executive Director said this in an interview today adding that his organisation is particularly happy that the fight against Corruption by the new dawn administration has continued gaining momentum.

“ We as Gears are proud with the steps taken by the new dawn government in fighting corruption, All those suspected to have looted public resources should be brought to book and be able to account for their wrong doing, “ he said.

The Anti-Corruption Commission ( ACC ) and other security wings has recently arrested key figures such as former minister of Tourism and Arts Ronald Chitotela allegedly for possessing property suspected to be of proceeds of crime.


  1. Former Tourism ministre Ronald Chitotela is a thief (stolen wild animals of GRZ) and abused his position as minister to deal in corrupt practice of using government contractors to build his personal houses. “Ni tiye nayo”, until all assets dubiously acquired are recovered by Zambians. PF thieves!!!!!

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