Saturday, March 15, 2025

Luapula minister worried with low number of CDF applicants


Luapula Province Minister, Derricky Chilundika, has bemoaned the low number of applicants for secondary schools boarding bursaries and the skills development in Chipili district.

Mr. Chilundika says it is disappointing that only 98 people have applied for secondary school boarding bursaries and 105 for skills development.

He observed that Chipili district needs a lot of empowerment among its people.

He reiterated that the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is meant for people and wondered who is going to use the money if beneficiaries are not encouraged to apply for sponsorship.

ZANIS reports that the Luapula Province Minister said this when he met Ward Development Committee members and selected government staff in Chipili district yesterday.

The Luapula Province Minister has since directed Chipili Council Secretary, Andrew Bwalya, and Ward Development Committee members to ensure that the CDF is publicised if more people are to access it.

And Chipili District Commissioner, Pennyproswendy Chipewa, called on the government to consider putting up a trades school in the area so that more youths can benefit from the skills development empowerment.

Ms. Chapewa observed that although youths in the district can access schools elsewhere, it would be more beneficial if they have a school within their locality.

Meanwhile, Chibalashi Ward Development Committee Secretary, Evelyn Bunda, attributed the low number of applicants to people’s lack of confidence in the CDF.

Ms. Bunda disclosed that people in the community do not believe that they can be funded because they have never received funds before.


  1. Why are you wondering? Fac….in go in the field and sensetize the people. So you want us to come and apply to boost your numbers?

  2. Meanwhile our youth in cities want free money at bus stations, bus stops and markets. Perhaps you should start shipping these characters to those places with low turnout and force them to do something sensible

  3. You can also use the CDF for developing cities Bwana. Its not for consumption only. Make road, improve clinic. Making roads does not mean patch road sir.

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