Saturday, March 15, 2025

People in the province are pleased with the UPND Government, Matambo tells HH


Copperbelt Province Minister Elisha Matambo told President Hakainde Hichilema that people in the province are pleased with the UPND Government.

When welcoming President Hichilema to the Copperbelt where he officiated at the National Agriculture Field Day in Munkumpu, Mpongwe District on Friday, Mr. Matambo said the people in the province are happy with the New Dawn government’s achievements in the first eight months in power.

He cited Constituency Development Fund increment, ongoing recruitment of civil servants and paying of retirees as some developments that have excited people on the Copperbelt.

Mr. Matambo claimed that just within eight months of being in power the UPND administration has achieved what some past governments failed to achieve in 10 or 27 years.

“The people of Copperbelt are very happy with the achievements you (President Hichilema) have made with your team just in eight months which others failed to do in 10 years, some failed to do in 27 years. Things like CDF ( Constituency Development Fund) increment from K1.6 M to K25.7 M. The good people of the Copperbelt are happy with that. The recruitment of teachers, 30, 000 which has never happened since independence. The people are very happy with that including the recruitment of health workers, 11, 000 health workers. People of Copperbelt are delighted too with your vision of re-uniting the country. Before and during the elections Your Excellence as you may know, this country including Copperbelt was divided in any direction you wanted to check including the Church,” Mr. Matambo said.

“Since you came in Your Excellence you are walking the talk by re-uniting the country starting with the cabinet for the first time which is ballanced. We can just compare you to the likes of the late president Kenneth Kaunda, may his soul rest in peace. The likes of the late president Levy Mwanawasa, may his soul rest in peace. Thank you Your Excellence for bringing the country together which was divided on tribal line and of course political lines. Your Excellence, the people of Copperbelt are also happy doing away with cadrelism. Copperbelt was Beirut, I think you can compare it to Beirut.
Every time wherever you went there were teargas, there were machetes, there were knives. Everything you can mention. No body was free to move on the Copperbelt. Thank you Your Excellence for bringing order to this country. People can move freely even here in the crowd we can check we will find maybe somebody putting on a T-shirt for PF or a Tshirt for UNIP. I think it’s now One Zambia One Nation truly, we are grateful Your Excellence.The people of Copperbelt are happy that you have also found money to pay the retirees. Some of them died because of depression on the Copperbelt because they were not paid their money,” he said.

Mr. Matambo said the fight against corruption has equally cheered the people of Copperbelt.

“The people of Copperbelt are also happy with the fight you have put up together with your team fighting corruption. As Copperbelt we stand side by side to always support you to bring those who looted the money for the people to book and it shouldn’t be taken like it’s a tribal fight we know that, that is the way they want to take it. We support the fight against corruption because that is what you promised the people of Zambia and you are walking the talk. Thank you Your Excellence, the Church on the Copperbelt are saying they grateful that you have given them space to worship. Freedom of expression is here, freedom of association is here, freedom of assembly is here. All the freedoms are here and the people of the Copperbelt are happy with that. They are also happy several councils Your Excellence used to go without grants without workers getting their salaries and so on,” Mr. Matambo said.

He added that the Black Mountain empowerment was benefiting people from all the ten districts of the Copperbelt including chiefs.

“The Copperbelt people and councils are happy that you are able within a short period of time despite inheriting a government which had almost dry coffers you are able to send equalisation fund the people of Copperbelt are happy. The people of the Copperbelt are equally happy Your Excellence with, actually they are surprised that you can go for eight months without getting a salary you have kept it for that orphan in Twapia, you have kept it for that orphan in Mpongwe, you have kept your salary for that orphan in Lufwanyama. We are happy and everybody is surprised that we can have such a president. I think you can clap for him (president). The youths on the Copperbelt you promised to give them the Black Mountain which you have given them. We are equally very happy that you walked the talk by giving them the Black Mountain. This time Black Mountain is not benefiting a clique of people, it’s benefiting all the districts around the Copperbelt Province,” he

Meanwhile, President Hichilema said the UPND Government will not let down the people of the Copperbelt.

President Hichilema said the UPND has formed government to serve the people.

Beside officiating at the National Agriculture Field Day, Mr. Hichilema also held a rally near Mpongwe Main Market.


  1. As if he can say anything different. He needs to say that to keep his job. The reality on the ground is very different. The pf structures are still intact and come 2026 hh will cry in t0nga.

  2. Matambo sto joking. The politics you are practicing are old politics.

    Tell your god how people are suffering under new doom government. People are pleased when they cannot even afford proper meals.

  3. Such bootlickers are what led to the dull Lazy Lungu boasting blindly that he will swear himself in after 21st August 2021 Presidential Elections!!

  4. Tarino a f00l spends its time talking about others when the problem is actually affecting them. Do you now see how f00Iish you are?


  6. An internet troll, as defined by Wikipedia, is
    “…a person who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog), with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others’ perception.”

    Put simply, an internet troll is someone who takes great pleasure in being an insufferable jerk online.
    The more people they tick off, the better. Trolls thrive on sarcasm and insults, and they’ve been around for as long as the internet has existed.
    Unfortunately, the trolls of today have escalated into a much more malicious force of hate than the original jokesters that were prevalent back in the ’90s.

  7. Mr President, please don’t believe what this Muncher is saying. People are hungry. How can they be happy on empty stomachs and empty pockets. Be careful Sir, Praise Singers will bring you down.

  8. I don’t think the president takes Matambo seriously. The president is much smarter than that.
    The Elisha Matambos of this world are a special breed of praise singers who don’t mean a word they say.

  9. Uyu Shetani wabufi ayi? Anyway he’s following the footsteps of BMW. Protests over the handling of the Black Mountain are averted almost every day by ba cops.

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