Saturday, March 15, 2025

Bowman Lusambo is being persecuted-Ndola Catholic Priest


The Catholic Church in Kabushi on the Copperbelt has urged area Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo not to despair but treat the “persecution” by the Law Enforcement Agencies as a passing phase.

Ndola’s Holy Cross Catholic Church Priest Rev. Fr. Kelvin Bwalya has since encouraged Mr. Lusambo to continue speaking for the people on developmental issues.

He described Mr. Lusambo as a blessing to the people of Kabushi Constituency as evidenced by his works in the area.

“Through the works you have done, a lot of people in this Constituency have testified that “Bowman Muntu, Mwaume pabaume,” he said.

“Your election as Member of Parliament brought joy to the people of Kabushi Constituency. It was a resounding victory, and if you were to ask the people whom they voted for they would just reply, Bulldozer!!”

Fr Bwalya was speaking on Sunday when Mr. Lusambo in the company of Ward Councillors attended Mass at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Ndola.

He has however expressed concern that the constituents may be deprived of Mr. Lusambo’s leadership each time he will be attending court issues.

“We are just worried that what you are going through, may derail development for the people of Kabushi. The area might lag behind in terms of development because your time will be taken up by all what is transpiring,” he said.

And Mr. Lusambo has called for unity and trust in the Lord.

The Kabushi lawmaker said there is nothing too big or difficult for God.

“Do not worry if you see me arrested here and there, only God knows why this is happening,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lusambo has promised to ensure that the Constituency Development Fund(CDF) is prudently utilised.

He said there will be no space for people trying to derail development in his Constituency.

Mr. Lusambo said he will continue working with the Church and the community in ensuring that all deveoplelmt projects are effectively undertaken in Kabushi.


  1. Father forgive them, for they not know what they are doing. They will pay for this persecution. It is only an African who can persecute a fellow African and yet they are scared to go after the whlte man who robbed our continent of its resourced. Actually hh is even siding with his imperialist masters.

  2. Its true Bowman Lusambo may have done some low development in Kabushi constituency of Ndola given that he was Copperbelt minister at some stage. Suffering of the people in Kabushi is evident today. Kabushi clinic is incomplete, people have to trek to Ndola Central Hospital. Funds to complete the Kabushi clinic was stolen by Stardy Mwale – Bowman Lusambo was aware of it. Bowman Lusambo distributed fuel money to all taxi operators in Ndola while poverty around his constituency could be noted everywhere. Nothing to talk about development in Kabushi constituency. Lusambo uses people of Ndola, Kabushi in particular, for his personal political expediency. Meanwhile, recovery of stolen assets from Lusambo will continue to benefit all Zambians.

  3. For Mr Kaiser Zulu shouldn’t masquerade on this forum as on high moral ground when frequently being dragged to courts of law for civil and criminal offences. So we remind you to pay $13,000 you owe Mr Stephen Mulembeta Samuteba. Mr Kaiser Zulu promised to pay this money within 30 days from 24th March 2022. Free advice to Mr Zulu is that should pay by selling those personalised made shoes, watches and suits from Dubai. Mr Zulu should avoid being summoned by ACC and begin to complain as persecution. This is a debt Kaiser Zulu needs to pay like Mr Bowman Lusambo both boated of being rich and ridiculed the ordinary poor Zambians.

  4. Ba Katolika nabo. Mr Lusambo a blessing?? When he blessed only his pocket? Perhaps he shared some with the church?

  5. I wish these ‘priests’ would also counsel him on his conduct with the woman he has children with….

  6. Comeuppance never fails it’s turn on any who behave nastily. But, everyone deserves forgiveness, even he, who – himself, slapped and harassed other people!

    # plant a tree please.

  7. There was a priest who was made to publicly apologize for supporting rigging. Will this one be made to apologize as well?

  8. This Catholic priest can not claim to speak for the church when what he is saying is clearly at odds with church doctrine. See how this priest will feel the wrath of the church for dragging its name into the mud!

  9. Obviously you are a fake “father”, who allows his name to be used and drugged in the mad so easily. Lusambo is in survival mode and ready to use and drug useless “fathers” like you with him. I would not allow someone sinking drown me but wait when he is stable then start from there.

  10. Bowman Lusambo has probably bribed the cathodic priest in kabushi . Here is a self confessed thief that i would dearly love to kick!!!

  11. So now this catholic priest is now involving himself with the courts of law??? Stick to your parish, nobody asked you to open your mouth! And Stup!d KZ, why don’t you pay that 13,000 dollars that you owe, before you continue with those ugly lies here!

  12. He would never have made it without sin, holy water his face in the basin.. can’t blame the priest the church is corrupted by a false doctrine.


  14. What do you expect from his church…you can only wonder how much he donated to this shameless Father’s coffers…it is the oldest trick in the book even the mafia use when you are iun between a rock and a hard place get the church in your pocket. I just read somewhere that a chap in Zambia was sentenced to 8 months in prison for stealing his father’s puppy…meanwhile big thieves like Bowman have the church in his pocket greasing them with his stolen taxpayers money.

  15. Muna tell that f00I to come collect money that he is not owed if he is man enough. You come with him so that I scatter your faces with some very dirty slaps!

  16. Lusambo is the Adolf Hitler of Zambia….such stupid so called priests must be ashamed… they kept quite while lusambo was murdering innocent Zambians when PF ruled cos they used to get brown envelopes fr looted money.

  17. This time all thieves will piss their pants! I’m still surprised why Kainyokolile Zulu has still not been arrested for shooting people when PF was in power. He is also the king-pin behind gassing, him and that Ka stinking Tombolilo Emmanuel Mwamba who throttled FTJ to death.

  18. Kainyokolile Zulu is also the one who wanted to shoot Kavindele’s two sons and the Aircrew Club in full view of the revellers. So why is that menacing thug to society still outside? Chimbwili too must be caged for his tribal bigotry of trying to turn Zambia into a Bembastan!

  19. Clearly this is a corrupt, inept and evil priest who never learnt anything from the seminary. I am Catholic and I know that priests are trained to stand with the poor and vulnerable in Society all the time, this one has chosen to side with a well known thug, criminal and self confessed corrupt individual. The thug who told the world that he has been stealing for the future and laughed at the KK’s family for not stealing from Zambians, the fool who told us that K2 million was pocket money he spends over weekends, that the price of his wife’s perfume is equivalent to monthly rentals for some of us, how morally bankrupt can this priest get? I hope the Catholic church will punish this thuggish looking priest. In Zambia the church is very corrupt and hypocritical.

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