Friday, March 14, 2025

Changala opposed to calls for the abolishment of the Constitutional Court


Human rights defender Brebner Changala has opposed calls for the abolishment of the Constitutional Court as suggested by UPND youths in North-Western province.

UPND youths in North-Western province are calling for the abolishment of the constitutional court questioning the capacity of its judges whom they are accusing of being patriotic front sympathizers.

But in an interview, Mr Changala noted that what Zambia needs are judicial reforms that will also address concerns that people may have regarding the concourt.

Mr Changala has since advised the UPND supporters not to be emotional as their reasons do not justify calls to abolish the concourt, an organ of government which is important for the interpretation of the constitution.

He is further appealing to the ruling leadership not to allow its supporters to attack individual judges of the concourt, saying the party in power now has the mandate to correct the situation using legal means.


  1. We keep hearing UPND supporters saying the difference between PF and UPND is that theres no caderism in Zambia now. What does threatening Court Judges lives and pushing for the abolishment of a court in a democracy mean? Yes PF may have made mistakes just like MMD and UNIP did and they were removed from power. The fact that in Zambia we have been ruled by 4 different political parties is a sign that our democracy is far much better than what UPND supporters want to potray. How many times do we hear ruling parties refuse to concead defeat and civil wars break? Please let us learn to agree on certain issues. PF promised infrastructure and they did airports, schools and hospitals ofcourse not to the satsfaction of everyone. Its UPND’s time what will they do in 5 or 10 years?

  2. Not a single one of these judges qualified to take a seat on that bench if you look at the qualifying criteria for bench. So I oppose the quashing of the bench but I would rather those goons on that bench collectively quit now for qualifying Zambians to be appointed.

  3. Do not attack the courts and judgers. it is suicide this country will not be the same if you let cadres be the judges just because they are in power. let the rule of law be respected

  4. Once upon a time,people from afar country occupied a certain place. In that place they found the owners.These people from afar country wanted everything they found in this new place to be theirs.The people they found living in this new place knew their rights.These people from afar country often threatened the locals with punishment or eviction to achieve their desires.

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