Friday, March 14, 2025

Unreliable energy supplies to affect COMESA region development


COMESA Assistant General, Kipyego Cheluget says without adequate, reliable and affordable energy supplies, it is unlikely that desired social-economic transformation will be attained in the COMESA region.

Dr Cheluget has charged that in order to avert that, member States must therefore capitalize on regional integration which is one of the strong options that will facilitate countries to generate adequate economic growth, which in turn contribute to poverty reduction and wealth creation.

Speaking during the official opening of the session of the 8th meeting of the Programme Technical Steering Committee (PTSC) of the Project on enhancement of a sustainable energy market in Eastern Africa, Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Region in Livingstone, Dr Cheluget said that energy was an enabler for economic development.

He said that trade in energy is just as critical and beneficial as trade in goods and other services.

The COMESA assistant secretary general said that energy trade allows all nations to benefit from comparative and competitive advantages and from the advantages of the economies of scale and scope.

“It is, therefore, critical for is to promote the development of our regional infrastructure projects such as energy. In this regard the power sector should be open for the private sector investment and ownership,” he said.

He said that the region is beginning to see significant improvements in the generation capacity in line with the expected coming on stream of major power generation projects in many countries of Eastern Africa-Southern Africa Indian Ocean region.

Dr Cheluget said that the main challenge for many Eastern Africa-Southern Africa-Indian Ocean countries is that generation capacity is not enough to cover bthe nations own needs and allow bfor cross border trade.

“Even though there are plans underway to improve bthe transmission capacity across borders, there is not yet enough capacity to secure an unimpeded trade across the countries and regions.

And Regional Association of Energy Regulators for Eastern and Southern Africa Chief Executive Officer Mohamedian Serif Elnasr said that the Eastern Africa- Southern Africa and Indian Ocean energy situation still shows how much work needs to be done to improve the situation.

Dr Elnasr said the improving the energy situation will ensure energy becomes a key enabler and game changer to doing business and increase the productivity of the industries.


  1. Meanwhile the failed boz governor who we fired decides to leave the monetary policy unchanged. He will wait until things go terribly bad before acting. He will be fired again

  2. With a Zesco management that has got NO energy expertise and only concentrates on buying Toyota Landcruisers, plus a minister of energy that excels in INDECISIVENESS, we’re not going to get anywhere. Lake Kariba levels are more than 20% lower than last year, but nobody thinks about the upcoming LOADSHEDDING

  3. I fail to follow Kalyalya’s pronouncement. We have acknowledged that the war in Ukrain is negatively affecting the global economy. For that reason the inflation of most economies in the world is going up and up and affecting food cost. Look at UK, USA, german, France, Asian countries and others. They are all reporting high inflation. BUT here the governor tells us inflation is going down and food prices are holding. How Mr. Kalyalya? The JCTR has told us the food basket index has gone up! Sir where are you getting your figures? Please inflation is up……DO NOT MASSAGE IT!!

  4. We have energy experts that only exist on paper. We have continued to pour large amounts of money into hydro power generation even in the face of adverse effects of climate change. The people that initiated hydro power generation plants in Rhodesia in the 50s are now dead but we’ve failed to think outside their scope. We’re waiting for the EU or the British to come and set up a nuclear power plant and then complain that they’re reaping us. What can we do? Our grand parents were artists that spent time painting rocks at Kifubwa in Solwezi. Our leaders can’t listen to us no matter how sensible our proposals. Let’s just continue to beg till Christ brings us salvation. After all we are a Christian nation

  5. It’s not always the energy experts to blame but the mentality of the citizenry. For those who can afford, when erecting a house, include solar energy as a source of your lighting up that house and heating when necessary then use gas for your cooking instead of charcoal. This will serve two purposes, reducing the amount of electric power demand and saving our trees.

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