Friday, March 14, 2025

Government will soon reveal the constitutional amendment roadmap-Haimbe


Justice Minister Mulambo Haimbe has said that government will soon reveal the constitutional amendment roadmap after cabinet approval to ensure a speedy review of the constitution.

Mr. Haimbe told a local radio station Phoenix that the government is currently conducting consultations with stakeholders and receiving submissions on possible changes to the country’s supreme law.

The justice minister has since urged all stakeholders to continue with their submissions to ensure all concerns and lacunas in the constitution are adequately addressed.

Further, Mr Haimbe said that while government understands the urgency in amending the constitution, the process must be protected to ensure consensus.

Mr Haimbe said that the government is also seriously considering a one-off amendment of non-contentious clauses and that will require all key stakeholders to be involved in this undertaking.


  1. Haimbe is a private school boy who has no connection with the people he serves. It is clear that upnd suffers from a lack of sufficient competent members to choose from.

    I have met people from all walks of lives and partied with women from all races, but one thing I have learnt is that nothing can beat the sex with the woman you love.

  2. I support the current president but you don’t write a country’s constitution with input from various interest groups in the country. That is not the right way and would be harder to draft such a document as finger pointing will come when submissions omit certain suggestions . Look at how the United States wrote their constitution and why it has withstood the test of time. The president needs to appoint a team of unbiased, non political mix of patriotic people to draft a constitution in line with what was created in fashion like the United States. Once drafted, it can be floated around. Another way is to seek expertize of countries who have success and learn from them. We may not even have the people who have expertize in the field of constitutional law and we will be back with a new…

  3. ‘Pro bono framework’. A huge, scary phrase for some of us. One has to consult encyclopedia. From the start it’s clear only a few will access it. Keep it simple. If you said ‘free services’ people will be interested

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