Sunday, March 16, 2025

Luangwa awaits CDF funding for identified projects


Feira Constituency Member of Parliament (MP) Emmanuel Tembo says his constituency has identified a number of projects in various communities awaiting actualisation through the Community Development Fund (CDF).

Mr Tembo expresses confidence that through the increased CDF funding to the tune of K 25.7 million, the constituency has outlined some projects which once approved will change the livelihoods of the people of Feira for the better.

The law maker in an interview expressed concern at the deplorable state of infrastructure and road network he said was retarding development in the area.

‘’The constituency has a number of challenges such as poor road network, through the CDF we are going to construct roads, build classroom blocks and a mortuary at a named clinic,’’ said Mr. Tembo.

Stressing that these are areas that need to be addressed using the CDF,the lawmaker further observed that there is a need for capacity building and training for most of the cooperative members who will be recipients of the CDF.

‘’We have noticed that these people need to be trained by business consultants on how to handle a business and manage their finances once they are given the CDF so that they are able to make profit out of the funds,’’ observed Mr. Tembo.

Meanwhile , the lawmaker has called for local investment in mining and agriculture in the area he said has a lot of precious stones which he adds local miners can take advantage of and invest for the economic growth of the country.

Mr Tembo in an interview expressed optimism that local miners have the full potential, capacity to invest and control the mines which Zambia is blessed with.

Mr. Tembo observed that the Town has the potential for local farmers to invest in fish farming as well as tourism because the area has a lot of natural resources for income generation for the local people.

‘’Instead of waiting for foreigner investors to come and create jobs for us, we as Zambians can create our own jobs by way of investing in various sectors such as agriculture, mining and tourism particularly in Luangwa district,’’ he said.


  1. The notion of waiting for CDF to come then you engage finance consultants should be done away with,train the beneficiaries now so that by the time the money is availed, people will have been trained in advance for their projects.Money has time value you must make the most of its use in the quickest possible time unlike waiting to train when the money comes.

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