Friday, March 14, 2025

PF cannot win polls – UPND


UPND spokesperson Charles Kakoma
UPND spokesperson Charles Kakoma

The United Party for National Development (UPND) says it is impossible for its former pact partner the Patriotic Front (PF) to win this year’s tripartite elections.

UPND spokesperson Charles Kakoma said in Lusaka on yesterday that the PF cannot win the poll, given the facts on the ground, which are stacked against the opposition party. He was reacting to PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba who said on March 16 that the PF was looking forward to winning the 2011 elections.

Mr Kakoma described PF’s hopes of having an outright victory in the 2011 elections as ‘delusional’.

“If they think they can win this time around, that is a delusion, dreaming and a serious error of judgement of events on the ground,” he said.

He said an ‘outright victory’ proclaimed by Mr Kabimba is practically impossible.

Mr Kakoma also dispelled Mr Kabimba’s allegations that UPND caused the failure of the pact and said it were people like him (Mr Kabimba) and his president Michael Sata who thought it was not necessary to unite and provide formidable opposition to the MMD.

Earlier, Mr Kabimba said UPND vice-president Richard Kapita said at a press briefing when he officially announced his party’s pullout from the pact that party members started campaigning for their president Hakainde Hichilema last year because they knew that the pact was not going to work.

“So, the reasons they have given about Mr Sata being a dictator are not genuine at all. UPND have been undermining the pact from last year, if not long before 2010, according to their own confession,” he said.

[pullquote]“They also said we in the UPND have no brains. Obviously, this was provocative and they wanted to annoy us. So, it is them who wanted the pact to die. Now that the Zambian people have descended on them, they are defending themselves and accusing us of killing the pact,” he said.[/pullquote]

Mr Kakoma said UPND was a serious and faithful pact partner and that it did all it could to ensure that the pact succeeded but the PF never took it seriously from the very beginning.

Mr Kakoma said last year, the PF wrote to UPND explaining the rules of engagement in the pact but started fielding candidates even where the working group had agreed to be represented by UPND members.

“For example, they followed us in Chilanga, Kafulafuta and others. They also advertised to field their candidates in all the constituencies and wards. This was an indication that they were not serious,” he said.

Mr Kakoma said it was clear that the PF did not have regard for UPND leaders and wondered how and why they could refer to Mr Hichilema as an “under-five” when he is a 48-year-old man with a wife and children.

“They also said we in the UPND have no brains. Obviously, this was provocative and they wanted to annoy us. So, it is them who wanted the pact to die. Now that the Zambian people have descended on them, they are defending themselves and accusing us of killing the pact,” he said.

Last week, the UPND announced it was pulling out of the pact, formed in June 2009, due to ‘irredeemable differences’.

UPND vice-president Richard Kapita said it had become clear that the pact would not work because the PF was disrespectful to the UPND which it regarded as a junior partner.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Zambian politics are a circus. I wonder who the opposition to MMD will be now that there is no PACT.

    Sata has tried before on his own but lamentably failed.. so did Hichilema.. Now What???

    Kaya mwee…
    Masuzyo mbweembweee namachelo.

  2. Mr Kakoma, while your participation in this year’s tripartite elections is welcome, be serious, UPND on its own cannot emerge victorious no matter what they do.

    You can even be allowed to rig the entire southern province, you still wont come close to winning the elections.

    The pact is over, now tell us how you will effectively spread your wings from the south to the rest of the country in order to win the elections

  3. ifwe nipali HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH chabe. go go forward. viva UPND viva HH. we will do all what it takes to campaign for such such young blood!

  4. UPND you are foolish you thought Sata was going to give the Presidency on the silver plate? mwaitaya. To hell with your trouble party if you keep on behaving like that you will never ever see state house

  5. Mr Kakoma obviuosly you dont go to school to fail, instead you go to school to successed, same thing in politics you form a party to win election and rule with amicable agenda. so if PF are determined to work out on their own, they will win elections if only they work hard equaully UPND can win if you work hard. Anyway UPND you undermined PF coz you wrongly percieved them as party with no agenda and called them all sorts of names as kaponya’s etc, but now you are paying the price of leaving the pact, coz UPND can not make to plot one period.

  6. PF leader Michael Sata says at no time has he advocated to legalise homosexuality in Zambia.

    And Sata stated that the smear campaign against him by the MMD government should be defeated at every cost.

    Reacting to the recent statement attributed to him on homosexuality, Sata yesterday stated that his humble statement to the delegation from Denmark was misunderstood with a view to instigate anger in Zambians against him and gain political mileage

  7. “I wish to correct the misconception over my position on homosexuality in Zambia, if elected President of the Republic of Zambia. It is a duty of every noble statesman to making himself clear on issues that cause anxiety in the nation. I, therefore, wish to state that the words being misquoted in their natural and ordinary meaning, the words meant and should be understood to mean that: 1. In Zambia, we have laws and that we are governed by the rule of law and not the rule of men,” Sata stated. “ 2. The laws in question are: (a) The Constitution of Zambia Chapter 1 of the Laws of Zambia (b) The Marriage Act Chapter 50 (c) The Penal Code Chapter 87 (d) The Criminal Procedure Code Chapter 88. The aforementioned Acts directly and without doubt adequately address the question of homosexuality…

  8. in Zambia, which should at all times be enforced by the relevant institutions to preserve the moral standards we have set for our nation.”

    Sata appealed to Zambians and the Church in particular not to be misled by the propaganda machinery of the MMD government, provoked by the fears of being removed through the ballot in this year’s tripartite elections.

    “Hence the desperation to tarnish my image based on blatant lies. And if the disciples of the MMD government claim that they are more Christian than others, then, they should practice what they preach, that is to say, conduct themselves in line with the principles of Zambia being a Christian nation. One of the fruits of a Christian as I understand, is not to tell lies, and the Bible is clear on that point and states that ‘thou…

  9. Be mindful that those who are propagating lies to anger the people of Zambia are sinning against God. I also understand that the Bible in the book of Matthew Chapter 7 and verse 1 and 2 states that ‘do not judge because by the same measure you will be judged also’,” Sata stated. “The perception created by the government tabloids whose publication for Monday and Tuesday the 14th and 15th of March 2011, whose headlines state as follows respectively: (a) ‘Sata finally takes true stand on homosexuality’. (b) ‘Church slams Sata’s gay rights stance’. (c) ‘Church to de-campaign ‘sinful Sata’. You can see that these are concocted and misleading statements by the MMD government in collaboration with its propaganda tools that is to say, The Times of Zambia, The Zambia Daily Mail and…

  10. Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC)”.

    Sata stated that the MMD government deliberately misdirected the country.

    “It is very clear to me that my humble statement to the delegation from Denmark was misunderstood with a view to instigate anger in the people of Zambia against me and gain mileage on the political scene. The reason being that the MMD and its propaganda machinery chose to deliberately misdirect the nation, motivated by the spirit of deception. This is extremely immoral against the position of Zambia being a Christian nation which should strongly be condemned and not condoned by every peace loving Zambian,” Sata stated. “I therefore, further wish to reiterate my position on homosexuality in Zambia as follows: 1.

  11. I am a Christian and I strongly believe in Zambia being a Christian nation as enshrined in the preamble of the constitution, the supreme law of the land. 2. I respect human rights under the bill of rights enshrined in the Constitution of Zambia, Chapter 1 of the Laws of Zambia. 3. I believe in the rule of the law and not in the rule of men.

    “4. I know and believe that we have adequate laws as I have stated earlier which address the position of Homosexuality in Zambia and that I am not the authority on the subject but the will of the people and the laws of this country. 5. We have an institution which makes laws and that is Parliament which has the mandate to make laws for this country. 6. At no time have I advocated to legalise Homosexuality in Zambia both in my personal capacity as…

  12. Sata stated that in his endeavour to serve Zambias as their President once elected, he would strive under oath to protect the Constitution as well as morals in the country based on Biblical standards.

    “I also wish to caution my fellow countrymen and women, the Church and indeed the youth that everything you read or hear about me should be taken with a pinch of salt because there is a serious campaign by the MMD government against me whom by virtue of offering myself as a formidable opposition and a threat to their continued stay in government view me as their number one enemy and will do anything to discredit my image.

  13. They are a spent force which has lost its relevance in governance in Zambia,” Sata stated.

    “I am also alive to the fact that the people of Zambia are tired to be ruled by a gang of thieves who have plunged this country to serious poverty levels and that the people of Zambia want change to which the Patriotic Front is the only alternative to change. I am also committed to work with anyone who has the interest of the people of Zambia at heart.”

  14. “Earlier, Mr Kabimba said UPND vice-president Richard Kapita said at a press briefing when he officially announced his party’s pullout from the pact that party members started campaigning for their president Hakainde Hichilema last year because they knew that the pact was not going to work”.
    UPND you cant walk before you craw, your pride over your leader HH and lack of discipline within your party as killed you from making it in this year’s elections.

  15. Mr Kakoma….PF is not in Government!!! just work hard to win elections yourself…Your attacks on PF are misguided…Maybe you were asked to distabilise the pact and promissed coverage in Government media who knows! co how come now you are able to make headlines in these papers???

  16. If anyone says anything in favor of RB/MMD today, I will come and find you wherever you are and kick you so hard between your legs you will start throwing up egg yolks.

    Zambia needs change and it will not be in MMD with RB, VJ, Dora, GBM, Liato – ok I need to stop, this line up makes me want to projectile puke

  17. Homosexuality: The writing is very clear on the walls that only Sata and I repeat Sata has the capacity to give RB a sleeples 9t! The gvnt machinery has targeted him to destroy his reputation. Times, Daily, Znbc are using Chanda Chimba III, Mumbi, Lifwekelo, Chifire and Chimumbwa 4 this agenda. Pipo of God, even if a person is bad, does it mean there is no trace of gud in him! Read btn the lines the agenda 4 these media and pipo. They ve neva ulter any gud about Sata and they will neva untill they achieve the agenda 4 the bilions of taxpayer money they are being paid.

    Winning: Kakoma, as much as I agree with u that pf cannot win the election, can upnd win? We all make mistakes. U ve both made mistakes in the pact in one way or another. Pipo ve still got hope that if u can both of u…

  18. bakakoma if pf cannot win..wat more you…………to tell u the truth u ar deep asleep wake up man…..PF is winning with a big difference……remember mmd and you wont have it easy in southern and westhern provinces against milupii, sata has gained a little bit popular as compared to 2008 in these provinces…..northwestern is more less like copperbelt now expect pf to be a big contender, copperbelt pf, luapula pf, northen pf, lusaka pf, central pf, eastern will give mmd a good run so where do u stand u underfive party?…..donchikubeba ati niba under five let them continue dreaming noku inyelawila. ASK CLIVE CHIRWA HOW HE CAME UP WITH THAT FORMULA OF SATA BEING PACT PRESIDENT AND 60%PF AND 40% UPND…..I GUESS NO WONDER IS PROF AND U AR KAKOMA


  20. Winning: Kakoma, as much as I agree with u that pf cannot win the election, can upnd win? We all make mistakes. U ve both made mistakes in the pact in one way or another. Pipo ve still got hope that if u can both of u hear the cry of the masses, swallow ur useless unfruitful pride u can still come together. If not u will be in opposition 4eva and eva amen an squabling 4 life. Mulifipuba, just sit and 4get cheating urselves to rule Zambia!

  21. UPND has pulled out of the pact,then WHY attack there former pact partners?Let them campain for its HH and party rather than attacking SATA and KABIMBA…to me HH/UPND had a hidden agenda in the failed PACT….Let them join forces with MMD if they so wish BUT people have already decide PF in power.This time around pipo WONT waste there VOTES in UPND as they will cum out No.3 again….SATA knows how to win peoples hearts when campaining,let UPND remain with its JOE KALUSA

  22. “PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda seeks to change the law so that he can qualify for gratuity before the required three years in office”. – Politicians just serve their own interests, they are selfish creatures whose primary interest is to fatten their pockets at the expense of the poor and the voiceless. More than a 1000 people in Libya and almost 100 in Tunisia were killed due to the same selfishness. Its for this reason that soon and very soon, they will all be wiped out, they will soon be no more. Trust in them at your own peril.

  23. PF is capable of winning this years elections, however it will need the vigilance of ordinary citizens to look out for rigging . The biggest challenge also lies in western province where despite the povery level , people continue to vote for mmd.we need to sensitise the people thru civic education like duff is doing .People do have a rights to food ,shelter and dignity as eshrined in the constitutiion and to demand that from govt is not wrong or tribal or malicious. The mmd is not doing that for the people .vote PF but donchi kubeba

  24. I like the little mind of Kakoma and one day MMD will celebrate for finishing UPND. However the issue at hand is can UPND CONCENTRATE on campagn and leave MCS alone. Why is MMD and UPND afraid of him. If you are so much uncomfortable with SATA why dont you marry each other and defeat him because UNPD on its own can never defeat SATA. Even MMD on their own can never defeat SATA and PF. This ranting by MMD/UPND pact is not doing you good. It shows your desperation. GET BUSY UPND. DONCHI KUBEBA

  25. Why has LT not carried out a sata clarrification on homo which MMD fabricated to make Zambians hate SATA? LT also another MMD vuvuzela JUST LIKE Times of Zambia, Daily mail, ZNBC and hungry MMD NGI like Chifire , Chanda Chimba, Mumbi etc.
    Kakoma should know that the only oposition that can unseat MMD is PF. MMD knows that that is why they will go to any extent to character assasinate SATA. UPND WAKE UP AND ACCEPT THIS FACT. It is only sata who is giving MMD headaches and not UPND.

  26. #24 u r just MMD no true oposition member will vote for MMD. If you think your HH can win vote for youe HH as for me my vote is for SATA period. God forbid that you vote for MMD. I beg u in the name of change for the sake of your suffering relatives.

  27. The waste thing that UPND has done is to bring the “pants and messy things” outside the matrimonial home (pact). They will soon discover that archives are waiting for them. This year UPND/HAKAINDE/KAKOMA are in for a rude shock. MMD has a good plan for Hakainde and UPND. Sorry guys SATA and the People can never be tricked again. Pabwatoooooooooooooooo

  28. John Phiri, Job well done for giving us SATA reaction and position on the matter which LT, ZNBC , daily mail and times will never do. Even if they chose not to you have already done it on their behalf

  29. All this pact talk has really become old news,if both parties were honest they will tell you that the pact died almost 6 months ago if not more.just the fact that no one was willing to give and take it was the winner takes it all.Do you think chirwa come up with that document from the blues without anyones knowledge?if so why has he not being disciplined.Kabimba also has said a lot and not disciplined .Do the two president have control over their parties or the top generals.Both parties have a lot to learn about the channel of communication in an organisation.People from grassroot level seem to have a lot to say and add to the confusion.Let them both go separate way and sell themselves to the people and stop finger pointing.Africa twasebana pafula

  30. John Phiri you are the man. God richly bless u man of God. How can people use a honest reply for political expedience. People that are not Real Christian will always lie. I am proud of u by brother JOHN

  31. John Phiri was pasting from the post website and you can all read for yourselves what the PF owned online post has written today

  32. About the media coverage…….like it or not whoever is in power the post will report negatively more or less right now sata is their darling,the moment he steps in state house that will be the end of it all.It will be satas turn if at all he gets their to abuse the state media to its fullest and HH will come soon.He is enjoying state media now because their enemy is a common one

    Please don’t respond to sata/pf supporters because at the level their anger has reached they can easily matchet anyone who does not support SATA/PF.
    SATA/PF can easily slip into something very serious “genocide”
    They have not accepted and managed adequately the result of SATA/PF letter to HH of having nothing to do with UPND.

  34. Ubupubafye bweka … how does the opposition concentrate on shooting eachother. You fools … concentrate on fightinging against the current government!!!

  35. Viva HH!! Abash! advocates of homosexuality.I heard the clip Sata said there are laws which RECOGNISE gays and Lesbians in Zambia it’s just a matter of implementin them.What implementation is he talkin about?Can he clarify? I know that if someone openly says there are a homosexual in Zamabia they would be arrested.So can he clarify what implentation he was talkin about,cause to me it sounds like he said our laws acknowledge homosexuality and all that remained was to implement that recognition, meaning gays and lesbians should be allowed to practice homosexulity once implementation takes place.He also talkd about warm relations with the Danish,it’s common knowledge that the Scandinavian donors advocate for gay rights.Let Mr.Sata must just admit that he made a “CARELESS” statement :-)

  36. #39 Genocide by who? What are you talking about? Lets me moderate in the use of term. Zambia has never been known to indulge into such way of life even when provoked to the neck. Please.. Please.. lets discussed freely with no misconceptions


    To: Patriotic Front (PF) President His Excellency Michael Chilufia Sata
    United Party For National Development (UPND) President His Excellency Hakainde Hichilema

    Cc: Mr W Kabimba (PF Secretary General); Dr G Scott (PF Vice President)
    Mr W Chibwe (UPND Secretary General); Mr R Kapita (UPND Vice President);

    Your Excellences,
    It is with great pleasure and admiration of your selfless service plus commitment to the total liberation of the Zambian people that I write to both of you with a proposal which will yield our victory come elections.

    Time has arrived to make difficult decisions on how we will put down all the instruments of the executive strategic plan for the forthcoming elections. The Zambian people really want change and we must…

  38. ‘so, the reasons they have given about Mr Sata being a dictator are not genuine at all’. Winter Kabimba has basically accepted that his president Micheal Sata is a dictator. We do not want a dictator, sir. Dont vote for a dictator.

  39. not betray their trust, whence portray in their spirit our obligation to delivering that positive change.

    In the genesis, I would like to give you the real picture as painted on the landscape of our beloved country as follows:


    During my visit to Zambia, I was so pleased to hear from common citizens that many or the majority of Zambians are now geared for real change of government. To them, the ONLY hope of achieving this dream is to see the PACT (PF-UPND) succeed.

    Indeed, Zambian after Zambian on the streets, bars, middle class clubs and upper class venues of congregation echoed the words “HOPE IS IN THE PACT”.

  40. A clip by Chanda Chimba fellow zambian and the media used are not trusted. Read between the lines and present the whole document uncensored

  41. Iwe John Phiri, that is just damage control by Sata. We HEARD the interview for OURSELVES. Nothing will change our mind after what we heard. Remember the interview was supposed to be off camera and as such MCS thought no one was listening apart from his immediate audience and funders. The man is too desperate and am afraid this is his end.

  42. Has anyone else read the response in The Post newspaper from Winter to UPNDs letter of 14th March addressed to Winter? The guy, Winter, doesn’y have it. I wonder how PF governement, God forbid, would function with people like him!

  43. Indeed PF is a party of Kaponyas!They have a propensity to insult just like their old ugly old fashioned leader!Just look at their blog names and their slogans.
    Surely how can a Political Party that is really serious pick the vernacular or mispronunciation of illeterate street urchins i.e”donchi kubeba”,whatever it means,and make it their Party slogan?

  44. True true,that old thug can not win Presidential elections witha couple of kaponya’s begging in the cities.

  45. # 35 Kashiman

    The simple purpose of John Phiri pasting that article is simply to derail your stupid party’s ill motive of a smear campaign against the opposition. I was also wondering why all of a sudden MMD is full of recycled UNIP Caders.

  46. @#31,33,47 Lundazi Zealot; I know you disappointed with the words from MCS from the CDs and as usual using the Post you are busy with Public Relations. The contents of that CD were aired in Denmark by those Danish reporters. It is very clear what Sata is saying there and no twisting of words shall chagne that. I understand you are disappointed and are in denial. The truth is the Cobra can sell his morals just to get to state house. If he gets to state house, it means we will merely be ruled by an advocate of the devil. There no need to be in denial, just open your eyes and see the evil in your candidate. I believe the power of God shall conquer these satanic activities. Number 46, those people you saw don’t determine the outcome of a zambian elections. Even themselves know that.

  47. #41 At least Clive Chirwa waz bold enough to spell out reality to HH and thoze around him who live in a fool’z paradise.
    Shouldn’t this Kakoma and the UPND be working on how to dislodge RB and the MMD from power, instead of worrying about the PF?

  48. Kakoma is just reminding PF zealot Kabimba that PF may be popular in parts of Northern, parts of C/B and parts of Lusaka provinces but the situation on the ground in other parts of Zambia is different. Good advise to any wise man but an insult to those who chose to bury their head in the sand.

  49. Ba decentcheat,

    dont cheat yourself that this is the end of Ba Sata. what ever tactics you try to bring on PF President, thats when he become more popular. Wait for the elections to come and see for your self. we are tired of you MMD people and your stupidity. What we want is CHANGE MY dear. How many times have you tried to bring down Ba Sata but all in vein. Lesa tafwaya ulufyengo, you wait and watch what will happen. It will be history.

  50. kakoma why are attacking your collegue it shows how stingy your party is bafi ka…………mba you too wont make it with your under pitcoat hh.

  51. Kakoma, if i were you i wouldn’t be spending the little time at hand trying to talk bad about how bad PF was in bed, but rather tell the people what you intend to do for them going forward. Remember that elections are a job interview on large scale, the electorate are your interviewer and you guys are the job applicants, thus how you articulate and present yourselves is very important. Remember MMD has already started giving us a taste of what is yet to come should they lose these elections, this is evidenced by the fact that they have dissolved the councils in Lusaka and have replaced diligent people with thugs that are busy loitering and tormenting people in town and on bus stations.

  52. I think UPND is the way to go. My own relative Sata and Kabimba have betrayed me. Jokes too much. I seriously contemplate on HH and the UPND. As of now it makes sense. On the other hand there is a challenge for my new party to employ more foot soldiers. I shall vote for HH and the UPND.


  54. ba interllectuals whether you like it or not we the kaponyas are the majority so we wont vote for you because if your insults mwanya na pwetetettetetetetetetteetetetet naka hakainyenawila ka under five ka hichinena kanu.

  55. @ 60 nainewine naibwelamo. Pa mudala circus sana. nalaya fye kuli uyu wine HH and UPND. watch what lubinda has said.!!! this guy was instrumental and crucial to penetrate Western province. Now he is going back to UPND. With my first class Masters i think i can only fit and be respected there. Let me honest with myself.

  56. UPND are not serious, since the PACT is no more, why should they focus on PF’s strategic towards this elections, What is your position sir Mr Kakoma,are you yourselves wining elections ? PF has started gaining grounds, to me you are not serious, dont worst your energe on PF, u have MMD .From your speach you are already rulling yourselves out…

  57. #John Phiri and your friends who like copying articles from other news outlets and posting on this blog – could you stop it!. people know what to expect when visiting THIS site. no propaganda is needed here. Let those sites generate their own traffic –

  58. Mr. Kakoma, even PF believe they are not winning these elections. This is why they have already started singing the rigging song which is now sounding like a broken record. They (PF) and their NGOs have already playing full blast the rigging song because they know there is no way they are winning these elections especially if you consider the success the RB administration has scored in building schools, hospitals, health centers, roads, railways…etc.

    Mr. Sata thought he could ride to state house on the back of UPND but he has been given a very big shock. He has no agenda for this nation and that is why he cannot articulate his economic plan for the nation besides this 90 day economic miracle rhetoric and “more money in your pockets” without an explanation on how. PF is history.

  59. Good morining Zambia. Don’t be misled, HH is the man for the hour, as the state of affairs stands, he stands a better chance of winning this poll. I have been on ground and i heard what many pipo are saying. Just be open minded, see clearly, be patriotic. Be honest to yourself and to your children’s children. The solution lies in UPND

  60. At least there will be no confusion after the mmd is declared the winner becoz upnd and pf both expect just that!!

  61. Which ground black man’s child. I am sure there is no base on this ground you are talking about. HH has just lost his chance of a life time to market UPND country wide. Every one knows his party is Southern Province based

  62. PF will wake up to a rude shock when it discovers that the whole lusaka province is now UPND. They will regrate having worked with the mighty UPND. remember lusaka is dice………!

  63. Why is Hon Charles Kakoma talking about. This question was posed to him on several occassions together with Cap. Cosmos Moono, Richard Kapita that the pact was unworkable but they insisted that its gona work. There was alot of dishonest at the top. The top brass preoccupied itself by outdoing each other for Presidency. Its good the whole evil scheme has come to an end. You cant win a match alone. Its team work. Both HH and King Cobra and their henchmen were pulling in different directions. Its gud the pact has collapsed otherwise these guys if they formed govt would have spend most their time puling each other down at the expense of serving the Zambians who were going to put them in power.A devil yuo know is better than a dev il you dont know. VOTE FOR RB & MMD as punishment for cheating…

  64. John Phiri, why not just paste the link to your propaganda? That way you won’t bore us with that crap because only those who want to read it will click on it. Come off it muppet!

  65. # 71

    Its only pipo like you bongo that thinks “inside the box”, your tactics are long gone, HH is now a national-international figure. Come on, don’t cheat yourself which everyone? Wait and see, time is the best teacher. Zambia’s future lies in HH

  66. UPND is your election strategy to attack one MCS/PF?? You guys are joking!!!

    PF&MCS are not in Govt – wake up!!! Stop sleep walking!!

    Go to the masses & convince them otherwise, don’t just seek to obtain cheap headlines like chifire et al!!!

  67. Politics is about dessimination. You have to give information to the people o hw u will develop the country. How you will run govt. Its also image building for the Party. You have to clarify whenever there is misinformation. What Kakoma was saying was to clarify and react to what Kabimba said when he accepted the UPND pull out. I think its in order that the madslinging Kabimba is answered and matters put back on his forehead that the people of Zambia including his father(Kabimba Snr) know that the PACT could not work because of him and his master SATA. They can not listen or respect others. They are quiet dishonest in many respect. Anyway those of us who know the cobra well know that he cannot change…..he is a liar and highly inconsistent.

  68. We the UPND members are on the ground here in Northern Province laying the foundation on which to build this province. 46 years down the line we still have gravel roads, few high schools, few colleges, few fully equiped hospitals. It is demeaning to repeat the same mistakes we made before by voting in greedy MMD. The Northern Province has cabinet ministers in name of Simbao, Namugala, Mutati but still very under developed. Enough country men. Most of you bloggers especially who talk highly of PF. It has failed us twapapata, twachula pafula. 2011 is for real change not bantala misoka, abafililwe. UPND GO FORWARD. We are behind you

  69. # 71
    think before you talk.okay. # 75 is write ,put more sense in # 71,he doese not understand Zambia politics.HH we love you.please leave the PF alone and concentrate on compiagns,let not these others disturb you,they just want to waist your time commenting on useless are our redeemer.our only hope.

  70. #67 Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth,

    You are a blood Liar!!!!

    Zambians will have the last laugh on that day, you will pay us our government money you are abusing through the misuse of governmnt machinery.

  71. I agree with Banakulu #78 Northern Province is very under developed the VP had three tyre bursts when he went fpr campaigns in Mporokoso. The road is damn bad. A distance of 179 KM takes 4 hours through Lunte constituence for Mutatati. Mporokoso Kaputa road is worse 8 hours. Elyo muletubepa ati pabwato, Nosense they have failed before and we know them. Bloggers look into the future and not immediate satisfaction and then suffer for long. Uwimisha salk e umfwa ukufina. We need real change this time open our eyes and see UPND delivering.

  72. Viva MMD … what an easy game this was. Our heartfelt condolences ba opposition. One small move was enough to have the two of your killed. :d

    Wow …it’s working. Just take advantage of the noisy chaps in your opponents; and they’ll be there stoning one another. Continue: “UPND PF it telling you ati you are tribalists … PF ati you are a kaponya party … ZWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Meanwhile; MMD continues!!!

  73. Most of these bloggers are in the city enjoying when people like banakulu are langushing in abject poverty. They don’t even know what tomorrow will bring in Kaputa, Mporokoso, Chilubi, Luwingu ….. the list goes on. Ilukeni bane twapapata twakwata fye Zambia imo epela.

  74. 57 @ Malaika Angel, I am level headed i look at situations as they truly appaer and form my own opinion. Am non partisan and my take is that because of the advocacy for gay rights that Sata is putting up, he has just pressed his nuclear button in politics. remember the damage is already done and there is already a major fallout. I know there is a huge propaganda plot by the MMD against him but look my good man (or woman) the guy said that “there are laws that recognize gays and all we needed was to implement them” and WE HEARD THE RECORDING!! i mean lets cut the crap the guy is going down. No surprises come election day!

  75. old men without brains you ar all fools just wait and see the out come mmd wining again still in opposition talking talking till u die,sorry guys the only way was the packed now u failed us bushit all

  76. Sata is finnished to sau the least. I know this is sour grapes especially to those very loyal blind follwoers of his. Anyway he has never struck me as a leader. We need level-headed men like HH in this time and error. Its HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH all the way, and God will grant us our request.

  77. It is pure idiocy to assert that Sata can win an election; for instance how many provinces will he derive his vote from? if some of the blogger here knew how poverty stricken this country was, then they would come to their senses and realise that HH is the only credible leader to drive this country forward: that is at the moment. Besides, Mr Sata is too old to plan for any future; he is clearly in the evening of his relevance. Viva HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  78. Kakoma Rubbish, UPND cannot also not win even though we know that PF cannot also win. So, its RB chabe.

  79. Ladies and Gentlemen,

    If you put half the energy you do in this forum to do something about making Zambia a better place for the next generation, our country wouldn’t need these leaders.

    Remember, you are the ones that shape Zambia’s history, and the current crop of leaders represents you Zambians in general.

    So, get up from your place of mourning and groaning, whether you are sitting in ash and covered in sackcloth, or are sitting in a penthouse in the middle of a country that does not belong to you, or your siblings, make the choice, come back to Zed and do something about it, instead of wasting other peoples time!!!!!

    I still don’t believe how much you can talk and do nothing!

  80. Sata now talking biblical untruths.

    The snake will always be a snake that you can’t trust.


  81. PF will win these elections, whether you like it or not. People of Zambia are tired of MMD
    and let me tell you so UPND you CAN NOT WIN , HH WILL NEVER RULE THIS NATION
    full stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  82. The demise of the PACT has me in tears, it was the best thing to happen since Nkumbula meregd with UNIP The UPND idea was: go into the Pact, ignite and insert the Graduate clause in the Constitution. Sata had ‘no’ degree, HH had. Wait for nature to take its effect, it was possible Sata would die before the next five years. In all these issues who stood to benefit? The constitution failed to specify what type of degree one had to have, so Sata got one on internet, and did not die until the looming elections. So should HH play second fiddle, where would this leave Kapita, Hachipuka, Hapunda, and Joe Kalusha? what about Scott, Kabimba and the rest? as a strategy use Kalusa the CBU Hall attendant to persistently insult Sata, he could easily be sacrificed. Sad wasn’t it?

  83. VIVA RB, Sata will never be president of this country. Young men and women let us be proud of ourselves and vote for young leaders. Why should we always be ruled by old recycled politicians like Sata. Let us vote for HH, if he wont win this year, we can prepare him for 2016. Don’t be cheated, Sata wont bring any development to this country.

  84. Kafupi # 93..Which people of Zambia are you referring to? Speak for yourself…most of us don’t want the Cobra because of his inconsistency nature, we won’t give him a chance because he’ll just spoil our country.

  85. But UPND never cease to amaze me. Why always attacking PF? Why cant you concentrate on campaigning for your party so you win 2011 elections? Your enermy is MMD and its the one you should fght against. Is this confirming that now UPND is in Pact with MMD ? Mr. Kakoma be real man, just face reality, you guys in UPND are proud for nothing….you thought Sata would give you the presidency on a gold plate….world over a smaller party takes the vice, but you UPND sidetracked this fact and instead treated PF as unlearned and as such Kaponyas. Have you seen how foolish you are looking now…you dont know what to do next coz you are underfives in the Zambian political arena.

    Just face reality, stop wasting yo energy fighting PF and Sata but instead sell yourselves to the electorate. Nosense.

  86. Like I said,NO PACT NO VOTE. Me and my family we are now thinking of voting for M.M.D so that we can show the selfish politicians that we have the power to decide. I am U.P.N.D but I thinking we are going to M.M.D. with my family.

    If the pact decides to agree the you have my vote.

  87. Like I said,NO PACT NO VOTE. Me and my family we are now thinking of voting for M.M.D so that we can show the selfish politicians that we have the power to decide. I am U.P.N.D but I thinking we are going to M.M.D. with my family.

    If the pact decides to agree then you have my vote.

  88. VIVA Sata! RB and HH will not be president of this country. The world is not for young people only not for old people only. Its for both! And both should participate in its politics!

  89. On ““So, the reasons they have given about Mr Sata being a dictator are not genuine at all. UPND have been undermining the pact from last year, if not long before 2010, according to their own confession,” he [PF’s Wynter KABIMBA] said” it is very sad to read nonsense from Wynter and PF because from inception the defunct PF-UPND PACT’s MOU or other PACT sources indicated that either serpent Sata MC or president HH was going to be 2011 PACT presidential candidate and each of the two parties PF and UPND was free to continue campaigning for its self and its leader since the two had not been joine as one political party.

    I thus find it sad that a trained lawyer is exhibiting such gross ignorance on UPND’s PACT former rights.

    Be blest all and vote 4 HH and UPND to form GRZ…

  90. You People, havent you noticed that HH has gone undergroung in Rural areas campaigning. I bet you will never hear him comment directly against PF. He will let those direct comments come from his vuvuzela Kakoma. Nafwebo ba PF lets ignore UPND and concetrate on door to door campaigns. Come voting day, PF will be #1 followed by UPND on 2 then on #3 there will be MMD. If I was RB I would just allow the 50+1% close in the constitution so that PF and UPND battle it out in the Semis.

  91. ba kakoma time is not on your side.watever u are going to say about pf now it will not hold any water.forget about pact or is time to go out and start compaigning for your president.remember that is it is just 6 months from now before the elections.waste no time on attacking those in opposition. let the bullot judge the most popular amongst the all lot of u. remember people want change no matter where it comes from it has to be change.

  92. DONCHI KUBEBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  93. VIVA UPND…We are game this time around..we are on the ground, continue with your PF and donot insult us. Watch while we work for Zambia. It is not a lie, people’s perception has greatly changed and are going for the young leader, mature and wise…HH for president. Falizoho..Pakwanja..Ajanza..Pakuboko……viva young blood for Zambia.

  94. Bearing in mind the the slim difference between RB and Sata in the last elections, it’s very possible that PF can win on their own. Why do I say this? MMD’s popularity has dwindled in Western province and PF will surprise many in North-Western-they may not win these two provinces but they will get more votes than they did in the last election. Besides, people are just fed up with the MMD and would rather put their votes on the main opposition party rather than waste it on UPND or any other tutemba parties. PF must just make sure that elections are not rigged-the call 4 PVT is one good idea which can send the MMD to their way out. So comrade Kakoma should not yet celebrate that PF can not emerge victorious with the break down of the Pact because UPND are the major looser as things stand

  95. The Post will not say anything wrong against Sata and PF. There may be something Mmembe has been promised if PF won the elections. Fortunately, PF will not win this year’s election going by the people’s observations and what is being shared in the political scenes. Don’t say you were not told. HH will carry the day, MMD and PF will be amazed. Watch our steps!

  96. Is UPND in govt with RB? where do they want to go now, people will sympathyse with the true opposition and vote out MMD, the only true opposition is PF because it has stood its ground and that is true leadership in opposition

  97. Politics is not static…people’s thinking is not will be shocked to see how Sata will lose even to Milupi. Wait and see….We are watching! Well, it is conforting to know that Sata will never be president of Zambia. Why should he anyway with all the sad stories he inflicted on our people in the past…No, we have not forgotten,…the man still feels he can take government in his hand..God forbid,.. Not Sata. We have better people in Zambia who respect human life…you can not have a criminal for the president..No Zambia..No!

  98. Am not as educated as our upnd friends but when I look at the little statistics I know of previous elections which were only 3 years ago upnd needs about 500,000 votes in addition to 300,000 + the had to win this time around. around 100,000 will make pf win .my worry is the I don’t think upnd can get those 500,000 votes unless they tell me that they are fighting to be number 2 .so bwana hh/upnd please be humble and reconcile with pf.HH even the next coming elections will be difficult for hh especially if you don’t get the government test.nervas mumba is now getting that experience and will come and give you a good ran.please be humble and stop over rating your self with your age and education,remember how many voters are educated in zambia

  99. HH is a better candidate of all. Give him the support and you will be amazed to see and witness how much the young man will do for this country. Be careful with PF because they have acrued alot of debts from many organisations in and outside Zambia. We may spend half our yearly national budget to pay back the credit if this PF thing came to power. Be careful Zambia or sell yourselves to worse people than the thieves..Chiluba and his minions.

  100. Ba Prince Charles Kakoma, you are kidding yourself that UPND can win the coming General elections. My advice to HH is that he should try to stand as MP like BY did in the last election so that he can have a chance of making laws in the next parliament.

    As presidential candidate, he has no chance overall in the nation. Be honest Charles. HH has just missed a chance of becoming a future President through the pact.

  101. I’ve listened to all the comments and it’s good to note that there is great ardency in the air, i mean every where. What Rupia needs to do now is announce the election date so that we start hearing from these so called leaders manifestos. At the moment there is no one who is making sense, all we hearing is he said she said they said utter rubbish. Any way going forward, a big congratulations to MMD for spending K25 billion tax payers money on dismantling the pact, the people of Zambia are watching and shall pass their verdict accordingly. I don’t understand why you (RBB) don’t want to announce the election date? Your colleague (Zuma) here did it a long time, are still putting in place dribbling tactics?

  102. Samson Phiri # 109, well, it is not our problem that you are not as educated as the fellows in the UPND and maybe this is why your analysis is quite primitive. Tell me, what Government experience are you talking about? What government experience did Kaunda have in 1964 when he became Zambia’s first president at the age of 40? HH is 48 years old with very good economic, social and political background of Zambia…..What are you talking about? Go to school please and learn to analyse things better.

  103. Wow, another politician with a knee-jerk announcement, go figure….Thank god we have such “leaders”…Go back to sleep Kakoma, you look sleepy and we’ll wake you up after the next elections! Why talk about PF or Sata for that matter?, for christs sake! You started with “we will not support PF in Mporokoso, because they did not support you in Luena”! Dont be constantly crying like spoiled brats! Its each one for himself and zambia for us all. I guess you are still bitter! Well, get the hung off it and wish for the best, because with PF, UPND stood a far greater chance! But knowing your regionalism/tribal tendencies you backed out and narrowed your chances even further. Brace yourselves for the coming earth quake and the accopanying Tsunami!

  104. Zebron Sakala # 115, it is people like you who are regional in their minds, the UPND has the support of all Zambians, what I mean is that, the UPND is representative of Zambia as it has all the tribes, cultures, norms and values of Zambia respected regardless of which province one comes from. That is why you have Kakoma from North Western, Chibwe – General Secretary from Northern, Tembo from Eastern, Sitali from Western Kabimba Lusaka – Soli land and many more that we can not just go on because it is the whole Zambia. So keep quiet you chimpanze, which forest do you come from?


    COMPACT Disks (CDs) containing a 42-minute clip of the interview between Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata and some journalists from Denmark have been released and selling hot to allow the Zambian people make their own judgments and opinions.

    Mr Sata’s interview with Danish journalists, Thomas Duus and Lene Winther quotes Mr Sata as saying the Zambian laws protect gays and lesbians and that the laws must be implemented.

    Section 155 of the Penal Code of Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia, however, prohibits the existence of homosexuality (sex between same sex) and bestiality, which is sex between a human being and an animal. riginal interview lasted one hour.


    The action by Mr Sata to work closely with a private Gays tabloid paper to promote barbaric activities such as homosexuality in the country is pathetic because this could destroy the Christian values the country stood for.

  107. 114 – thanks for your feedback and reminding me on Dr Kaunda, this just tells you that education along will not make you a good leader. Leadership is made up of some many ingredients .my little education is even better than that of Dr Kaunda but look at what he did for this country, how many people he educated and presided over sure you are aware that mmd has more educated and even with so much corporate experience than HH,but look at the way are managing our riches. Politics is about numbers and you can only judge your performance in the next election by looking and capitalizing on your failures in the previous election.


  109. #122 you are very right !!! I follow our politics with great passion and my analysis of this year”s election without the pact, the race is between RB and Sata and MMD will be known in its strength after their national conference.All in all UPND has lost alot from the PACT break away, so Sata stands a good chance to challenge HE.

  110. Intead of concetrating on MMD, you start taliking about PF. Are you afraid that PF will win and you’ll regret falling out of the pact? How dull! Concetrate on MMD please otherwise talk about your own way forward.

  111. Yes, I agree that UPND cannot make it to Plot One now. But the truth is, neither can PF make it to PLot One now. If PF can make it to Plot One, why is Sata pleading with UPND? Finally, whatever happens whether UPND and PF go back together in bed, it is too late: RB has won the election. Indecision and dullness among Sata and HH has cost the Pact the victory that had started showing on the horizons but has since sunk back. All this confusion about the Pact has made people start asking questions whether HH and Sata can be trusted to run a country that is developing at this rate without risking being taken 50 years backwards with your squabbles and tribalism. Keep the Pact to yourselves. I have lost total confidence in the two leaders and I knwo that rural areas with most voters are for RB.

  112. WHERE CAN I GET THE SATA GAY CD? CAN SOMEONE HELP ME? His satanic deeds have caught up with him. Did you see that SATAnic symbol of a serpent in SATAn’s office?

  113. why do you people wonder about these things?
    Wait time is coming mind you this democracy and people do what they think is good for themselves.
    sorry to you people who store from people pockets ´´politicians´´ coz you knoow very well that you never vote then guys like Sata.

  114. Iwe kakoma there is no time for this yapping you are doing; just get to work campaigning for your HH. PF are on the ground and doing what they know best: campaigning. What is your basis for declaring that PF can not win? Between now and the elections, there is still some 4-6 months and this is a lot of time to change any political tide if you are serious about your political career. But just yapping and whinning about PF-this-PF-that will not help you in anyway. In fact it is working to the advantage of PF becoz voters can see thru your silly schemes. Simply put, UPND you are wasting your time yapping so loudly; just get to work and target your number one ‘enemy’, MMD. Or is it that you are now bed fellows with MMD?

  115. Kakoma tell us about that audit job we hear HH has been given by MMD to audit the mines in exchange with breaking up the pact


  117. What is buffon talking about? Look, in the event that PF and UPND go separate ways the likely scenerio is that PF will still carry Lusaka, CB, Luapula, Northern and a significant part of Central. UPND and Magande will share Southern and North-Western. Milupi will take it all in Western. MMD will get eastern and a part of Central. So, when you do your math, who wins?? If UPND and PF form a pact, UPND will just be enjoying a free ride becoz they will not bring much votes with them (just one and a half province if not less). PF alone potentially has the ability to route MMD in this year’s elections!

  118. I think change for the sake of change wont do. i mean, look at the composition of these political parties. they are all full of RECYCLED politicians dating back to pre-independence days. They are still in govt, and others still want to vie for the ultimate post in the land. I feel times have changed with technology and economics.when are the young zambians going to have chance to govern if these old heads are still in govt and other old heads want to rule and still want to be around the scene for some time? As young zambians, we have no unity of purpose. these old hags have brainwashed us into thinkng they are the saviours! what i think is that destiny is in our hands as young pipo. we can galvanise ouselves and lead this country but look 2 the old heads for guidance and wisdom.My opinion.

  119. RB is a gentleman!
    MCS is a gentleman!
    HH is a gentleman!

    the way I see it ONLY ONE of the above statements is true…pamwaiche bane cos you can’t teach an old dog new tricks

  120. Politics in Zambia is the easy way of making money. Working for people is A very very difficult job becuase their needs are many and diverse. How do you explain the fact that people are almost killing each other to take up this very difficult challenge? Look at the people in the political arena, their back ground, what they have done in their lives before and what they are doing now. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE????

    Read between the lines and WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!


  122. 121- Dr kaunda was surrounded by educated and wise people like kapwepwe, mudenda ,wina to mention but a few not the kaponyas like nsanda , kabwili mumbi phiri,GBM mention but a few that surround mr sata, that’s why Dr kaunda performed well. gay rights in Zambia is on cd and i know what i heard no man change me on that. thank you

  123. I feel pity for HH.Please HH do not disappoint us.Kindly reconcile with PF.All that we know is You taking up the position of Vice President and Sata President.After Sata serves for term you take over.But the way things are now, You (HH) will be in oblivion politically.Sata and PF are popular than MMD and UPND combined.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  124. Voting for PF is tantamount to choosing the worst part of Hell. Any well reasoning Zambian will not vote for PF. Sata’s political carear is now on auto pilot. This year will be his end. I think gays and lesbians will gladly vote for him. But intelligent and wise people know who to vote for. Viva RB, 2011 and beyond.
    Moreover, even if Sata and HH formed a pact they will not get to Plot 1, for Sata will never be president of Zambia. It has already been decided.

  125. #43, It is dangerous to try nand fight the truth.I still maintain my statement going by the continiuos use of tribalism against the Tongas.I am aware and thre are other tribes who have been called PRIMITIVE tribes by SATA (ask N/Western province they will confirm).Again Late Hon. Emmanuel Kasonde m.h.s.r.i.p.was de-campaigned by SATA/MMD on tribal ground for standing on NATIONA PARTY which was then being led by AKASHAMBATWA on ground that KASONDE was going to sell the Bembas to LOZIs.Please research first.
    The blood shed going on in Middle East where citizens are being incited agains each and what happened in Rwanda did not happen accidently .It has long history driven by BOOD THIRSTY, POWER HUNGRY,CITIZENS WHO THINK they are helping SATA to win by branding tribal tag against HH perpetual

  126. #78 Banakulu, i sincerely agree with you. 1) SATA when he was in MMD campaigned in Northen and Luapula against Late Mazoka m.h.s.r.i.p.on tribal lines.2) SATA when he was campaigning for PF he campaigned on tribal lines DECEIVING Northeners AND Luapulas that Late Mwanawasa m.h.s.r.i.p. was fighting Bembas and not corruption SATA hates CHILUBA after abusing CHILUBA’S nanme to get votes.3) SATA with his campaigners again has started campaigning in Northen and Luapula against HH on tribal lines.

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