Monday, March 17, 2025

Youths want Vedanta to take over KCM


Chililabombwe youths have staged a match past demanding the return of Vedanta Resources to take over Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) on the Copperbelt.

Handing over the petition to Mines and Minerals Development Minister Paul Kabuswe , Chishala Mwamba , who represented the youths, said since the liquidation of KCM, the levels of unemployment in both Chingola and Chililabombwe have increased.

Mr. Mwamba said Vedanta Resources should return so that youths can leave the streets and be employed by the mine.

He said Vedanta is willing to produce the three million tonnes of copper production in the next ten years which Government has targeted.

Mr. Mwamba further said the 20 percent salary increment by Vedanta which the firm intends to offer workers is also commendable.

He said this is why Government should give Vedanta resources a second chance to resume operations on the Copperbelt.

Mr. Mwamba said 90 percent of his members have agreed in the petition on return of Vedanta resources.

He said the matter should be handled with urgency.

Mines and Minerals Development Minister Paul Kabuswe said he will escalate the matter and forward the opetition to relevant authorities.

The Mines Minister said he does not hold the final decision on the Vedanta matter but that Government will decide on the issue of Vedanta resources is what will be followed.

Mr Kabuswe, who is also Chililabombwe Member of Parliament, said Government is committed to make sure that KCM and Mopani mines come back to life, and create more jobs.

He said the youths had all the trust and hope in the government to create more jobs for them.

The Minister also warned mines with a tendency of not improving the welfare of their employees.


  1. What is the use of replacing one bunch of thieves with another bunch of thieves??? And Paul Kabuswe has proven time and again he is the most useless mines minister the country has had in a long time!

  2. This is political power using the cadres or the youth that are the ones that want KCM to be run by Vedanta. Once again UPND is failing to state the intentions but trying to use the youth to justify giving back KCM to these crooks. These so-called youth have no idea how complex and what criminal acts have been performed in Vedanta. UPND please don’t use the youth………… ##- INDEPENDENT OBSERVER, if you are reading this today, you did mention about 3 months ago that soon or later the youths will be brainwashed by the politician to start supporting KCM that it should be given back to Indian crook. Your foresight was spot on as this is exactly what is happening now…..

  3. Why are people calling me a COW ?... Why is my tribe TONGA not spoken enough in Zambia like Bemba & Nyanja moby Why are people calling me a COW ?... Why is my tribe TONGA not spoken enough in Zambia like Bemba & Nyanja moby

    Ba Youth shut up. who is paying you to start this issue of asking for KCM to start running the mines again. . What makes you think KCM will give you jobs this time

  4. How many where they, five?? I think someone bought nshima for them. Yes, nshima with kapenta and impwa and they are ready to surrender our resources to self confessed plunderers. Ba mushanina bwali, who raised them? Shame, shame! They do not represent the thinking of the Zambian youth.

  5. Be weary of indians bearing gifts, be very weary………..

    Bribed by a pledge with out looking at the long term………the tragedy of Africa.

  6. Vedanta know theyre standing on higher ground and therefore capable of fomenting the necessary desperation among the vulnerable youth to their advantage

  7. Kabuswe former PF now Chililabombwe Upnd MP thinks we’re as dull as that rented group of youths. Tomorrow he’ll inform the nation that this what the people of Chililabombwe want.

  8. We want Vedanta Please. They were by far better than the cadre plunderers put there as liquidators

  9. We have seen a pattern where the UPND is implementing its policies through the abuse of youths. When the UPND don’t want somebody they’ll ask their cadres to petition, they want Tayali in Lukulu they’ll ask their cadres to report him in Lukulu, they want Iris Kaingu behind bars for undressing the SDA they’ll use cadres. And now they want Vedanta back they’re using cadres. This will backfire on their faces. Nipano tuli

  10. By the fireside, the 100 year old man said young people are adventurous and can do any…ing. He said looking around yourself ……… see a lot of parrot situation……they play” kabushi Kalila meee.

  11. Who has paid the youths to demonstrate?
    Ok we do understand that putting KCM
    Under liquidation was jumping from frying
    Pan into fire .But we have to move on now
    We can’t get back after after a divorce.

  12. Why should the youth want Vedanta than the miners who are directly involved? This is being foolish for them to call for wht the miners involved rejected ad Zambians must be serious on issues of national interest. This issue is a national issue which hs to be taken seriously ad with caution by the politicians ad the Zambians.
    Ad whn are we going to learn a lesson frm want we hv gone through, foreigners won’t build Zambia bt us Zambians. Let’s wake up

  13. #1.1 Muke , What do you mean by professional? If you say honest yes…a lawyer is a professional but will steal a client’s money. Any one who enters politics stops behaving professionally.

  14. Vedanta was brought by our patriotic Dr. Mahtani when Anglo American, whose group companies boards HH used to sit, abandoned KCM. Whether Vedanta is brought back or not donot allow Anglo American to rip the economy in league with privatization advisor HH and ZPA CEO Valentine Chitalu. No Indians, no Anglo Americans.

  15. @Mazoka: Vendatta was bought by Dr. Mahtani? are you genuinely Zambian bro? Or perhaps you just crossed over, as many do, there on the north?hahahhahahah

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