Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Mutati calls for resumption of post bus services


Minister of Science and Technology, Felix Mutati has implored the Zambia Postal Services ( ZAMPOST) to win back public confidence by initiating a number of income-generating ventures.

Mr. Mutati has also directed the corporation to resume operations of the post bus services he says still remains the people’s choice in the country.

Mr. Mutati said this in Ndola today during the official launch of E-Zampost and Zampost money, products introduced by the corporation.

“ There is an urgent need for Zampost to embrace smart partnerships by designing a business model that will help to generate revenue, “ said the minister.

Zampost should also strive to be the centre for all government services by creating a one stop convenient place where all public services will be accessed.

Mr. Mutati said as government remains committed to supporting the corporation, management must ensure that the institution gets back to being a reliable partner for delivery of government social services

“A refreshing morning where we are witnessing change and Zampost is a trusted brand. Zampost should save every Zambian including those in rural parts of the country,” he said.

And ZAMPOST Post Master General Brighton Ngoma said the corporation is changing the way it conducts business.

Mr. Ng’oma said the launch of the two products is part the transformation agenda the corporation has embarked on.

Mr. Ngoma added the e-commerce Zampost platform is world class standard that will allow citizens conduct business in a conducive.

He disclosed that like other mobile money operators, the corporation will soon be doting its booths across the country.


  1. Zampost can be the no.1 courier company if they can just improve and expand services. I went to send a document to SA and asked about their EMS and was bluntly told EMS is only for local parcels not international. That was K270 loss for them which I paid to DHL.

  2. When I was growing up Post Bus was synonymous with punctuality and reliability…it was also 30% cheaper. I always wanted to catch it when going to boarding school but always went out on select weekdays from Lusaka and going back to Lusaka….you had no chance of getting on it as it was always fully booked. It was big news when the Post bus arrived not only did it bring mail, it brought cash as well to the cash strapped Post offices and of course the latest copies of the Post Newspaper.
    The only way Post Bus can be a success if it run as an independent subsidiary company of the Post Office focused offering the best to passengers whilst delivering Postal services to rural Post offices.

  3. Living in the nostalgia of some perceived illusion of past glory, just like the f00Iish British who think they can be great again. Failure everywhere. They have no new plans so they now trying old things that failed. Flkamba

  4. E-Zampost and Zampost money, this is not new ask McPherson
    This was launched by the same Zampost during the PF regime honestly, so am not sure what is being launched
    And in any case is not possible for systems to be implemented without, these expensive money consuming and time wasting gatherings, all those in attendance staff of Zampost none productive, they are all out of their offices attending the launch

  5. Introducing mobile money products in a market where your competitors are ten years ahead doesn’t sound like a smart idea, unless you are introducing a novel product with features that your competitors don’t have.
    We are all aware that Zampost is cash strapped, unable to pay its retirees. Add that to the inherent bereaucracies that are ever present in parastatals. I personally don’t see them running a successful so called Zampost mobile money. They will be sitting in procurement meetings while their booths don’t have cash to payout to their customers. It’s just the same failures that they encountered with swift cash.
    If you don’t have competitive advantage in this modern world, you can’t run a successful business.

  6. Duplicating already existing services ain’t going to work. More mobile money booths, without operators or money, will fail for sure. And bus services? There are already too many competing companies operating half empty buses. And electronic services? In a country where 85% of the population don’t have access to 4G or 3G services? How is that going to work?

  7. Post bus services are revivable! With good services and polite crew, Postbus, could win its customers back, just as UBZ has.

    Establishing booths, in my opinion, will only add to the thousands of other booths littered around the country. They are not only an ugly sight, but unhealthy and unsafe for the sellers. Consider yourself working from such an office!
    Zampost could do better humane structures, which could offer various services, intended to have a civilizing effect on people

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