Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Focus on progressive issues not trivial matters, Commerce Minister tells Journalists


Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Chipoka Mulenga says government is keen to work closely with the media. Mr. Mulenga said government does not want to work in isolation but work with the media as it embarks on the journey of rebuilding the country’s economy.

He said government will embrace and engage both public and the private media. Mr Mulenga said the new dawn government will work with all media houses without being selective of which ones to work with.

The minister said this today when he officiated at the Public Private Dialogue Forum Media engagement in Lusaka today.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mulenga has counselled journalists to focus on progressive issues not trivial matters saying the media should strive to report on issues that will promote national development and not divide the country.

Mr Mulenga expressed concern with some media houses who opt to report on trivial matters that have no bearing on the country’s development agenda.

He urged journalists to be agents of change by reporting objectively.

Mr. Mulenga further urged journalists to acquaint themselves with the developmental programmes that government is implementing stating that they will only provide checks and balances if they are fully aware of the development taking place in the country.

And Ministry of Information and Media, Kennedy Kalunga has challenged media houses to be ethical as they disseminate information to the public.

Mr Mulenga said the only way that fake news is going to be countered is when media houses report objectively and factual.

He noted that the media has a huge responsibility of ensuring that the public is well informed on important national matters.

“More so, in view of fake news which is on the rise. We need ethical journalism to counter fake news so that people are well informed and not misled and misinformed on important national matters.”

Mr Mulenga has since implored the media to place high premium on reporting economic and developmental issues that improve and impact the lives of the people.

And Public Private Dialogue Forum Director General, Andrew Chipwende said the media is key in bringing to light the successes and challenges being addressed by the creation of the PPD Forum.


  1. Only f00Iish negros are celebrating the queen’s jubilee. I hear the Zambian high commission there is wasting money celebrating this imperialist event. Mugabe and the greats are turning inntheir graves

    • Kaizer Ive been trying to upvote you on this statement but it doesn’t register. Only brainwashed Africans with inferiority complexes would pay attention to their colonial master’s celebrations. Life is about yourself not others

  2. Focus on commerce not information and broadcasting. Or is this your way of telling us the UPND govt has no confidence in Chushi?
    And please stop advising the messenger when you should be advising the source.
    It’s not for journalists but for you politicians to focus on progressive issues and not divide the country. The journalists just report the rubbish you give them.

  3. Zambian journalist are mediocre and a big disappointment for they are merely reporters incapable of analysis on pertinent national issues as to be of help in enlightening the general public. The minister is very right in imploring journalists not to dwell on trivia and senseless reporting! The so called uncouth checks and balances spearheaded by mostly politicians in the opposition is no intelligent way of challenging a party in government administration on implementation of a development agenda.

  4. Some politicians have a problem with the journalist because GRZ is not set on a proposed explanation system.

    Post independence GRZ thrived on state media reporting unsubstantiated facts.

  5. What he means is that journalists should not high light Government failures but report only the good things.

  6. The Minister of journalists is childish, so what do you expect? Journalists mirror what they see, just up the game

  7. Why don’t you focus on DELIVERY, because we’re getting tired of those EMPTY PROMISES


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