Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Zambia Airports Corporation slashes small aircraft parking fees


The Zambia Airports Corporation Limited (ZACL) has reduced parking fees for aircrafts of five tons and below, effective 1st June, 2022.

ZANIS reports that ZACL Communications and Brand Officer, Monde Yamalezi, said the parking fees have been revised from US$5.00 per hour to US$10.00 per day with the first six hours free.

Ms. Yamalezi said the reduction has been necessitated by the corporation’s quest to support growth of business for small, medium, and private aircraft operators that are operating at its airports.

She said in a statement that the move is also aimed at improving the country’s competitiveness in terms of airport fees both regionally and globally.

“Take notice that this reduction is applicable at all designated international and domestic airports, namely Kenneth Kaunda, Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula , Mfuwe ,Solwezi Airport. Kasama, Mbala (Samora Machel), Kasaba Bay, Mansa, South Downs, Chipata, among other airports,” she said.

Ms. Yamalezi stated the gazette notice effecting this change shall be circulated as soon as it is published.


  1. Look what we achieved under pf. Look at how practical and beautiful all the airports are in the country. What has hh done apart from enjoying our work whilst insulting us?

  2. Point of Correction: “Look at what we were overpriced for, all the Malls, Zesco upgrades, new mulungushi conference center and all Airports are assets of the Chinese gov for a specific number of years till there investments are pay back by way of fee collections, this includes the new national flag carrier(Zambia Airways which belongs to Ethiopean airways till the leased flights are paid for in full). On top of this, there is still a debt issue to which all of them Aiports corporation, Zesco, ZA,shoping malls are linked to-this beyond & besides all of them being owned by these foreigners holding them as colleteral becos this is the deal the PF made with these guys and you cant change that. Our Gov needs to pay all these foreigners all their moneys becos PF signed already.

  3. So what is Kaizer sulu yapping about, thats why the new dawn needs to wake up & start arresting these *****s like last year already. We cant be mocked by fools that sold our assets to the Chinese and then they still come here to open their dirty mouths.

  4. Step aside we are being mocked by the amateur HH who is the one that sold our mines and parastatals for peanuts and is now back to sell the little we have left. Just like him, you are a dog

  5. That step aside is HH’s cow herder posting from his farm where he gets free milk. As a sycophant he sees only where his next mabisi is coming from. He can’t say anything objectively

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