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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Provisional KCM Liquidator Pleages to Support Blades and Nchanga


Konkola Copper Mines Plc (KCM) Provisional Liquidator Celine Nair has pledged the mining firm’s commitment to continue supporting Nchanga Rangers and Konkola Blades.

Nair has further saluted Nchanga for winning promotion back to the FAZ Super Division.

She said football clubs always bring joy to miners and their families.

Nair was speaking when meeting Chingola District Commissioner Raphael Chimupi, Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe and Chingola Town Clerk Namukolo Kalufyanya separately.

“These football Clubs always bring joy to miners and their families as well as communities and the nation. We will continue to provide support to the Clubs,” Nair said in a media statement released by KCM General Manager Corporate Affairs Shapi Shachinda.

“Even in difficult times, KCM will not forget the communities in which it operates and support will be directed at various CSR programmes that the mine has been financing,” Nair said.

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