Konkola Copper Mines Plc (KCM) Provisional Liquidator Celine Nair has said the mining firm is seeking to improve production regardless of the ongoing court cases.
Ms Nair said the current liquidation process cannot be in perpetuity. She said KCM prioritises local jobs in search of new investors.
Ms. Nair was speaking when meeting Chingola District Commissioner Raphael Chimupi, Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe and Chingola Town Clerk Namukolo Kalufyanya separately.
“We are looking at various options to improve production at KCM. The current liquidation process cannot be in perpetuity, and while there are ongoing matters in court, the mine is focusing on ways to raise production,” Ms Nair said in a media release by KCM General Manager Corporate Affairs Shapi Shachinda.
“We will ensure that whatever happens at KCM will benefit the employees, business partners, communities and other stakeholders,” she added.

“Konkola Copper Mines Plc (KCM) Provisional Liquidator Ms Celine Nair, has reinforced that employment sustainability and a spread of business opportunities to locals will be the priority as the government seeks new investors to run the asset. Since assuming the role of Administrator General and Official Receiver of the Republic of Zambia and consequently Provisional Liquidator of KCM, she has focused on reassuring employees that their welfare will be central in any future decision on KCM’s operation. She said that His Excellency the President of Zambia, Mr Hakainde Hichilema and his Government were working towards finding a permanent solution to the ongoing liquidation process,” read the statement.
“Ms Nair has had engagements with suppliers and contractors as well as officials from Atlas Mara Bank and the Trade Development Bank (TDB) in the Company’s pursuit to restore confidence and expand business with KCM partners. She assured the bankers that KCM was ready to do business in a credible way that guarantees sustainable partnerships aimed at fostering Company growth and business benefits to all stakeholders. Ms. Nair has spent time visiting the underground at Konkola Deep Mine to understand the intricacies of pumping out water at one of the world’s wettest mines, which pumps out around 360,000 cubic metres (360 million litres) of water every day, which is enough to fill 144 Olympic size swimming pools.”
“She guaranteed KCM’s continued spending on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes, which are underpinned on four pillars, namely education, health, sustainable livelihoods and sports. Nair praised Nchanga Rangers Football Club for winning promotion to the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) Super Division and urged Konkola Blades Football Club to bounce back to the Super Division in the 2022/2023 football season.
“These football Clubs always bring joy to miners and their families as well as communities and the nation. We will continue to provide support to the Clubs. Even in difficult times, KCM will not forget the communities in which it operates and support will be directed at various CSR programmes that the mine has been financing,” Ms Nair concluded.
According to the KCM Corporate Office, KCM is one of Zambia’s largest integrated copper producers with operations in four locations, namely Chililabombwe where the Company operates underground mines with three shafts, No. 1 Shaft, No. 3 Shaft, No. 4 Shaft and a Concentrator; and Chingola where KCM has open-pit mines, an underground mine, a direct to blister copper smelter, three concentrators, a tailings leach plant and refractory ores stockpiles.
KCM is the second-largest employer in the country, after the government, with a total of 12,550 permanent employees and contractor workers.

Games leaders play. BOOOOOOOOMB!!!!!!!!
I am just confused with this role of the Liquidator …I think this termilogy is being misapplied if she is talking about improving productivity then she is an adminstrator. In simple terms, liquidation brings about the end of a company by selling – or liquidating – its assets before dissolving it entirely. Administration on the other hand, is typically utilised when there is a chance of saving a business which is currently experiencing high levels of financial or operational distress.
The good thing with appointing women to such roles is that the corrupt cant say to them …hey do you want me to show you this new bar so we have one two castle beers.
But she can also sell the whole mine to any a kawayawaya who has a big deck @Tarino Orange, when what the mines needs, is reliability and not passersby’s. Hence i wont term the Liquidator as a he or she, we just need to bring back sanity at this mine,its been too much drama for too long.
Bringing in foreigners to manage our resources. That is the only thing inferiority complex suffering hh is good at
I thought the court action was stopped. Can someone remember what someone said after coming back from RSA?
Can she tell Zambians how much
Has been looted from the mines
And how much income is generated from this mine?
@Kaizar Zulu – It is easy to sound smart when you’re not well-researched. Celine Nair is Zambian.