Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Former Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo cleared by the Magistrate’s court


The Chinsali Magistrate’s court in Muchinga Province has set free former Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo and his five co accused persons while a prima facie has been established on his sibling Andrew Kampyongo.

And the Shiwang’ndu law maker Stephen Kampyongo praised the judiciary through the subordinate court for dispensing the matter in a professional manner.

This is in a matter in which Mr Kampyongo and six others are jointly charged with one count of endangering the safety of an aircraft contrary to section 8 of the civil Aviation Act number 445 of the laws of Zambia.

In making his ruling, Chinsali magistrate court Principal Resident Magistrate Julius Malata said the State failed to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the accused are guilty of the offense leveled against them.

Magistrate Malama said it is the duty of the prosecution to provide sufficient evidence that implicates the six accused as perpetuators.

He added that the state only managed to produce evidence which implicates Andrew Kampyongo who is said to have been the driver of the Land Cruiser vehicle that was used to commit the alleged offence.

“The evidence produced by the State is only harked on the Land Cruiser therefore, does not implicate the other five accused persons,” said Magistrate Malata.

He said visitation of the crime scene after six years of the incidence by the arresting officer Peter Mundenda who was 12th state witness and failure to bring to court their key witness ( unnamed ) who is a pilot of the aircraft involved, made the state to produce insufficient evidence.

Magistrate Malata said due to insufficient evidence by the stat, the court has set free Mr Kampyongo and five other accused persons.

Speaking soon after he was set, the Shiwang’ndu law maker Stephen Kampyongo praised the judiciary through the subordinate court for dispensing the matter in a professional manner.

Mr Kampyongo said he is elated that the matter has been put to rest which gives him more time to work in his constituency.

” The matter was depriving people my constituency of many services under my responsibilities ,now that it’s over, it’s time to work and continue offering checks and balances to the ruling party,” Mr Kampyongo.

Mr Kampyongo has described the judiciary process involving his case as interesting.

He has since advised the current Inspector General of police to ensure that officers under his charge conduct themselves in a professional manner not influenced by politicians.

And the defense team George Chisanga and Leon Limba have expressed delight with the outcome of the case.

ZANIS reports that in an interview after the ruling, Defence counsel Chisanga said although Andrew Kampyongo has been put on defense after the Court established a prima facie against him, the defense is confident of a positive outcome.

Counsel Chisanga said five witnesses will be called to the witness stand in favour of the defence.

“We are happy as defense team as we are ready to commence the defense of our client who has been found with a case to answer, ” said Counsel Chisanga.

And Magistrate Malata has since set 7 July, 2022 for defence in the case of Andrew Kampyongo.


  1. Some of the State witnesses should’ve been in the accused dock but because they defected to UPND they were witnesses and that’s what collapsed the case. Facts still remain that there was a threat to the lives of the former 1st Lady, Felix Mutati and others but the case has been thrown into jeopardy due to political interference.

  2. Political prosecutions will always fail. Our support team is strong. Why do you think they are scared of coming after me? You cannot defeat wisdom and hardwork. Before you know it, it will be elections again and upnd would have achieved nothing. Get to work upnd and fulfil your promises

  3. Surely this case was weak …Arresting Officer was also also state witness, if you are going to bring a big fish like this former Katondo St boy you need to be fully prepared. He has had all that time since he was driven to Muchinga to locate all those witnesses and give them brown envelopes…waht is the State going to offer them.
    There are much more serious crimes Kampyongo has commited stop wasting time on these trivial cases.

  4. # 3 Deja Vu – Every Zambian who recalls the incident where lives were threatened by Stephen Kampyongo’s thuggery and his associates to bring down an air craft know it, that it was a crime. To you its amateurish – incredible shock on your level of intelligence, small wonder, thieves draw your sympathy.

  5. #5 Muna…I bet where you are you must be making a living out of illigalities… can’t you see that your system acted amateurish in this case. You just see Deja Vu there you go pooping rubbish without even understanding.

  6. A strange mode of governance has evolved in Zambia. Imagine IG Kajoba acting on data of incompetent Police officer Mudenda and failure to bring to court a pilot of the aircraft involved in the Shiwangandu saga 6 years ago. International observers are speculating that UPND had no governance agenda, but pregnant with a PERSECUTION agenda of political opponents. Hence appointments of weird Ministers, CEOs of Police, ACC & DEC. HH is unable to protect a Valley Tonga Minister of Education from attacks by a Plateau Tonga Minister involving recruitment of Teachers. Statements issued by beautiful female Ministers and behaviour of female Officers at ACC and DEC is typical of BAR-MAIDS graduates mentality. But beautiful faces are mere tissue landscapes that will soon transform into deep furrows as…

  7. Statements issued by beautiful female Ministers and the behaviour of pretty female Officers at ACC and DEC is typical of BAR-MAIDS graduates mentality. But these beautiful faces are transient tissue landscapes that will soon transform into frightening deep furrows as age catches on them. We pity the fate of their husbands or boy-friends.

  8. This is only the beginning for kapoyongo………

    His court days are only beginning…………

    As home affairs minister , he presided over very brutal times of zambias history…….

    Wait untill lungus PIG is dragged out of his hole……..

  9. The conduct by the midget and his hired guns was preposterous and was done without regard to the duty of care we owe to our neighbours..just how did the impartial courts see it fit not to wire these bunch of maniacs trained and armed by PF???


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