Friday, September 20, 2024

PF threatens to ‘sort out’ Chanda Chimba III


PF vice president Guy Scott

The Patriotic Front (PF) has threatened to ‘sort out’ Chanda Chimba III over his television programme “Stand Up for Zambia” which is aired on the national broadcaster ZNBC.

And PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba has condemned the recent acts of violence among MMD and PF cadres in Lusaka.

PF vice president Guy Scot said the party is saddened by Mr. Chimba’s continued attacks on its party president Michael Sata which he said is meant to discredit him.

Mr. Scot said at a press conference in Lusaka today that was also attended by party cadres and leaders that the party will sort out Mr. Chimba for his attacks.

He has, however, expressed displeasure with the courts entering a nolle prosequi against two Chinese managers at Collum Coal Mine in Sinazongwe who allegedly shot at some mine workers last year.
Mr. Scot argued that it was not right that the case was discontinued for lack of evidence when the workers were purely shot at and injured.

And PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba has condemned the violence by his cadres saying that the party does not condone any form of violence from its members.

He said the party wants to be a peaceful political party which will attract and accommodate everyone with positive ideas.

Mr. Kabimba has meanwhile stated that his party will fight back against any attacks from the MMD.

“If PF members are provoked by the MMD cadres as was the case in the Kamwala incident they have the right to defend themselves against such thuggery and we have sufficient numbers to execute such a campaign successfully,” he said.

He has also stated that the party will implicate government and the MMD over any harm that will befall its president following reports of planned of abductions.

Mr. Kabimba has also condemned hate speeches by some organization against its leader Michael Sata.

He said there is need to stop this act as it has resulted in fights in other countries.

[pullquote]“If PF members are provoked by the MMD cadres as was the case in the Kamwala incident they have the right to defend themselves against such thuggery and we have sufficient numbers to execute such a campaign successfully,” he said.[/pullquote]

Meanwhile, Former UNIP Secretary General Reverend Alfred Banda has announced his resignation from the former ruling party to join the PF.

Rev. Banda who resigned from UNIP and was heading a UNIP revival forum announced his resignation together with MMD Kabwata constituency Secretary Emmanuel Chanda at the press briefing in Lusaka today.

He said he decided to resign because he feels the PF is the only progressive political party.



  1. .
    The truth hurts. How does PF sort out Chanda Chimba when all what he is doing, is retrieving Post Archives on Sata. If at all, PF need to go and sort our Fred “False Prophet” M’membe

  2. Chanda chiimba is a let down to the media.I dont support the issue of violence at all,MMD have caused alot of injuries to many lives while culprits walk freely without any arrests.UPND beat up a former member who joined MMD then RB commands police to arrest the UPND cardres.Why does’nt he act when MMD beats opposition supporters?This year people want change and the will of the people shall previl.GOD stopped this MMD BILL to pass thru in parliament,let it be clear that TIME HAS COME FOR CHANGE.

  3. Mr. William Banda and Mr. Sata are one and the same. They are no different. They both thrive on violence and seem to be the perfect answer to each other. Here you have Mr. Sata through his personal to holder political party threatening violence on Mr. Chanda Chimba III for simply telling the truth. This intimidation is against press freedom and is wrong.

    Mr. Chanda Chimba III does not tell lies. He is not attacking Mr. Sata but is simply telling the truth. There is not a single lie Mr. Chimba III has told lest he would find himself in court for defamation of character. Mr. Chimba III is simply reporting the facts and one blogger H.H. Sata once stated that PF hates to hear the truth. This is why whenever he blogs, he always challenges PF with the truth.

  4. chanda chimba deserves to be sorted out…..why shud he be desscrediting and insulting an old man like sata?
    chipuba sana uyu umwaiche…..he thinks mmd will be there in september….dream on

  5. Do not sort out Chanda..just help him access ARVs..the poor fellow is HIV positive he may die..otherwise only uselles people will listen to his feaces stniking propaganda.Chikala u shud let the people c who you are, y do u hide your HIV infected face????for me de day I wll meet you that is when you will die.I wil decapitate u because the virus is taking long to kill you. Wa banoko amanyame mucinyo stanyoko.


  7. Chanda Chimba is just bringing out what was written by the post against Sata, so instead insult the post and not Chanda Chimba as he is innocent, he is just making use of the archives as a source of reference to open our eyes on the manipulation we face from these so called experienced recycled politicians. What Chimba is saying is that we should not forget who this thug is, yes someone who is naive can say he is a bad person by stating the truth, but the young man is real. These politicians want us to forget their past so that they can keep manipulating us, under my foot. Sata will always be a thug who bought matches and pungas to give cadres to use on inocent people in Chawama. If you say Sata is inocent, then Mwanga is also inocent and a good person for Zambia. Real political expert

  8. Charity begins at home, to put someone as presidential candidate such a one should have traceable record of success from home and anywhere the person has worked and even organisations he/she has run. Sata has failed 4 women meaning he divorced 4 and the one he is with is the fifth, if it was just one I could have said he just made a mistake with the first one, but 4 is too much, his the regime with Chiluba where he was number 3 and chief advisor was the most corrupt one which he supported to the end and even pushed for it’s third term so that Zambians could continue suffering. Chanda Chimba is right to bring out the true picture of what this man is made of, so that in case make a mistake of voting him in, we do not blame anyone but ourselves. Recycled politicians who have no…

  9. Sata is a “Shameless Liar” as Fred M’membe described him. We have access to all the Post Archives the fact that they have taken them out from the Post Archives Site. Here is an extract that Fred M’membe printed on his Editorial on 01.Nov.2007

    SATA CAUGHT IN A WEB OF LIES – By Post Editor || Thur November 01, 2007

    We did not expect Michael Sata to be ashamed of his questionable dealings with Taiwan, especially the dubious manner in which he asked for US $50,000 because the old man has no shame.

    Sata exaggerates his worthiness when the man is just a shameless liar. He says he is faster and more intelligent than President Levy Mwanawasa’s government which we are sympathising with. This cannot be anywhere near the truth.


  10. .
    cont.. from 11#

    What is correct and true is that Sata is faster in creating stories and telling lies. But he forgets that lies have got very short legs to stand on . Their lifespan is as short as that of dew. In no time, they crumble. As it is, Sata’s lies are crumbling in his face and he wants to divert attention from that. But we will not give him the space. We will ensure that he is exposed for what he is – a seasoned liar.

  11. Chanda Chimba III is just as as Fred M’membe. These two are self appointed political assassins who have no shame at all & will attach any politician they dislike with impunity. What has HH done to M’membe to deserve such scathing attacks by the post? We all used to enjoy reading the post because it used to be a fair paper but today all we see in the paper is propaganda for Sata & unfair attacks on HH. We wouldn’t mind if attacks went against the Govt. Because we see many injustices pepetrated by them but not on an innocent opposition leader. Mmembe should know that HH will always have support & lots of it no matter how much they want to tarnish his name.

  12. We have to wake up as Zambians to realise that the same people cannot be cheating us for their own benefit even if they have failed us in previous administrations. These defections we are seing are for people who cannot live their own lives, but whose survival depend on politics to earn a living.

  13. Chanda Chimba is very useless we cant even waste time on him. We know is on MMD payroll so nothing he says changes people’s mind infact the more he speacks against Sata the more i tend to love PF and The Post. Why should he paint RB as an angel when People have died in Mongu, Mazabuka and recently a 7 year old in LSK. And RB has never said anything!!!!!!!!!!! VIVA PF

  14. why today sort out Chanda. PF presodo was on record that Chanda was marely campaigning for him.As such he (MCS) does not care.
    Today you want him sorted out!!!!!!! PF be real

  15. #6, that is a big Bemba insult. All insults from PF are actually Bemba insults. What is it about PF that we are all failing to see? If there are progressive people in PF, I challenge you to state your position on this type of language.
    Meantime, I look forward to the next episode of “Stand Up for Zambia” by Chanda Chimba III. I would not miss it for all the politics or threats in Zambia. Many Zambians are now wiser than before. Long Live Chanda Chimba The Great!

  16. JOJO #16, I agree with you. We must not waste our time on a person who does’nt even know his own identity. MCS was right, lets not be violent over one ‘little fallen grain’

  17. #8 i dont see yo political expertise in yo analysis. this guy is biased ar u telling us sata is the bad person in zambian politics? chiluba the most evil politician why is he not criticised…look at politician who died under his regime….look at the wife he has…look at $8milllion in zamtrop……..where is the money they got from the sale of mines…….mmd cadres behavior has this dog reported on such? he may be attacking sata but in the end its us pipo who ar geting hurt and he shud not forget that he lives with these same pipo.

    2. H.H SATA

    Guys, please keep hammering these chaps. We appreciate your views and progressive analysis.

    INDEPENDENT OBSERVER can you please keep posting your extracts every day. Lets see how these Kaponyas will defend this shameless lair called Satana. Actually, I remember reading your extracts on 11 & 12 in the post around that time in 2007.

    When the Post tell lies about RB he never answers back, but when Chimba quotes the Post .. Imwe BaKaponya you cry foul play with insults.

  19. I dont support violence, but if you listen to what RB has allowed this short guy to vomit about a man as old as his father one Michael Sata you wouldnt be happy. Is it right for one to send his child to insult a neighbour that one has differed with? RB must use civilised and mature ways of beating Sata in 2011, but going by the way he is acting includiding using the jaded William Banda, I am forced to believe that the man is devoid of progressive ideas.

  20. #19 DONCHI KUBEBA, is that your idea of a good man? sata was the chief advisor to chiluba when all those vices that you mentioned were taking place (1991 -2001), including the third term bid, you should direct your questions to him. He probably has the answers that you seek. As for the rest of us, we don’t have the answers, all we know is what the Post has written about chiluba and sata. What do you suggest, we discard the past Post stories and believe the new ones because they favour sata? What if mmembe has been taking us all for a ride?

  21. #17 H.H Sata- MMD KABOVA, worse than Kaponya. If you support William Banda, then you are just a blind bigot who has no mind of his own. One thing you must know is that without Bembas whom you insult daily, Zambia would not have gotten its independence. My grand father told me that when there was a National Miners Strike by black workers , you Lozis and Ngonis continued to report for work. You only stopped after one Lozi chap called Spencer was killed by picketers. So stop barking just because RB is feeding you directly.

  22. Read the PF Manisfesto!!!


  23. “He has, however, expressed displeasure with the courts entering a nolle prosequi against two Chinese managers at Collum Coal Mine in Sinazongwe who allegedly shot at some mine workers last year.
    Mr. Scot argued that it was not right that the case was discontinued for lack of evidence when the workers were purely shot at and injured.”
    When PF comes into power, there will be no need for DPP and courts. State House will be Executive, Legislature and Judiciary. Sata will be accuser, Judge and executor all in one. Welcome to Clint Eastwood’s ‘WILD WEST!’

  24. For two years now we have been telling you PF cadres that the culture of insults and personal attacks that Mr Sata and the Post had introduced in their hungry pursuit of power would come back to haunt them. As we warned you, that culture has now been adopted, successfully adapted, perfected and is being used against you. Expect more, the stories are as many as the number of episodes that the Post has published since mmembe took over. The chickens have come home to roost. Chilakalipa.

  25. Good-Times, I agree with you.

    PF want to have it both ways all the time. Most PF bloggers are addicted to insults. Sometimes it sounds like they are competing. – Well, moving forward, we shall match them with facts about Sata and the Post. – How I wish LT could extract more comments from the Post on Sata, just as 11 & 12 has done. Because, whenever we say these things about Sata, PF Bloggers are quick tojust rubbish them as propaganda.

    PF what do you say to the Post fragment on 11 & 12 by Independent Observer?

  26. This calling about Sata being a SHAMELESS LIAR came from the Post in 2007. I don’t suppose anyone from PF will respond.

  27. #24 Deja Vu, you know my stand on Mr William Banda and Mr Sata. I have posted a blog today proposing that both PF and MMD discard these men from their parties. You have not answered.
    As for the rest of your blog on bembas, ngonis and lozis, I am glad that we have successfully provoked you to come out of your hiding place and expose yourself. I will let other readers judge your blog.

  28. Just a comment on the Post supporting SATA. It actually fact it is not. If you read between the lines, you notice that, the POST has always attacked anyone who supports the thieves- Chiluba and his tandem of thieves period.On this one they have been very very consistent. SATA and PF had once aligned themselves to Chiluba. If you look at the POST archives, you will notice the attacks on SATA started, the same time chiluba aligned himself with the PF. Now it is the MMD who have aligned themselves with Chiluba and thus the attacks.

  29. Who is broke, Chanda Chimba III or Panji Kaunda? At least Panji is not eating the scraps dropping off the MMD table. Bashi Mundaula Kaunda, you have recaptured our revolutionary spirit. We are behind the People’s PACT.

  30. No. 33 Mwale No Elections says:The issue about Chanda Chimba is this: If one keeps insulting the same neighbor, the other neighbors will wonder who is wrong. Mark my words.They will soon realize it is the ***** parading himself as faultless who is the problem. They will gang against him and dispose of him and the neighborhood will be quite again.

  31. #32, you kidding? The current wave of Post attacks against MMD began as soon as RB was nominated as MMD Presidential candidate in 2008 in preference to Magande and his attempted fraud that he was Levy’s preferred heir, remember the shameless insults on his person, innocent wife and family? Chiluba came into the picture looooonnnnnggggg after all this started, after RB had decided that it was time for Zambia to heal itself and start a new page. Please don’t try to wash the Post, we were not born today, that lot is dirty to the core.

  32. All Zambians out there,
    this year we are changing the government from the MMD to PF at the polls.

    There is no going back or staying the same.

    Viva Zambia!

    As for the MMD the message is: ’25 MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. 26 This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. 27 TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. 28 PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.’ (Daniel 5:25-28)

    The rule in the hands of the MMD is not going to the Medes and Persians, but to the Zambians this year as the Zambians vote the PF.

  33. PF is unstoppable.. This is a party forming government in the next few months. I can feel it. Chanda Chimbwa will end up campaigning for Sata..

  34. #35, wrong again. You can only be right if you assume that the neighbours are short on thinking capacity, but those must be a tiny minority.

    #37, you were that optimistic when Pact was formed. You cannot change your thinking (which is simple)but you want to change government (which is far more complex).

  35. On “And PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba has condemned the recent acts of violence among MMD and PF cadres in Lusaka… vice president Guy Scot said the party is saddened by Mr. Chimba’s continued attacks on its party president Michael Sata which he said is meant to discredit him” I am glad that PF’s Wynter Kabimba has resurfaced after Given Lubinda has been representing PF in may discussions although he was stripped of the position of PF Spokesperson by PF leader MC Sata that has now been given to PF Sec Gen Wynter Kabimba.

    As for Guy Scott’s rants on CC3, I hope PF will sort out Chanda Chiimba III through producing backed truths in the POST Fudge (PF) magazine from PF’s Sata MC and POST’s M’membe.

    If its sorting out his life, God will punish PF seriously.


  36. HH Sata I think you are a very useless person.We Bembas did not chose to be clever than you morons.
    its Genetics baba.

  37. No.42, I think we should debate issue. No personal attacks. HH Sata could be right but he is wrong. I think RB & Tandiwe were attacked purely on moral ground. RB did not set a good example marriage wise.

  38. We must not distort facts. A Bemba did not lead the pathway to Independence. Let us all be reminded that KK is TUMBUKA. His father just settled in Lubwa Mission in northern province where he KK was born after they came from Malawi where the Tumbuka tribe is also large.

    Tumbuka’s are from Eastern Province mainly (Chama, Malambo & Lundadzi) and part of Isoka East now called Mafinga in Northern Province. Besides, freedom to independence was a fought by all Zambians.

    So far Zambia has been ruled by two sons from Eastern, one Luapula and one from Central Provinces. The next time it could be a Lozi, Tonga and Kaonde and so on. We are all Zambians.

  39. #42, Why do Bemba do poorly at elections then? 47 years no bemba in state house and none in sight despite the numbers and ‘cleverness’……

  40. .

    RB married Thandiwe at the age of 32. She is turning 40 years this year. She was not an under age girl. At 33 she was a grown up woman to make a decision.

  41. #46 FTJ is congolese, closest tribe in Zed would be Ushi NOT bemba. And Sata is not bemba either.Any other one you thought was Bemba? lol

  42. Forgot this tribe blah blah. No one choses to be Lozi,Tonga, Bemba etc. Read your history and tell me if ethnic divisions have ever developed a country. Here I mean worldwide.

  43. No. 44 check your facts before writing Dr.Kenneth Kaunda is not Tumbuka as you have put it but his father was Tonga from Malawi who settled in Northern province so that makes him Tonga.

  44. #49,Thats mature, I salute you. I was responding to 42 who seems to put his tribe ahead of others despite the shocking lack of evidence……..

  45. I just hope the PF don’t mean they’re physically going to sort out CC3, after all they’re capable of doing that as evidenced by history.
    OTOH, CC3 is only recycling stories from the Post written by Fred Mmembe. I think it’s important that we don’t forget the threat posed by MCS to the citizenry.
    MCS is the worst thugtator in the political spectrum of Zambia hence the danger of having him as president. CC3, keep on reminding us.

  46. You can forgive the UPND guys for not having any influence on our political scene. they over rated themselves now time has caught up with them. Everyday insulting Mmembe, Catholics, Father Bwalya. Radio sky FM is full of insults by UPND guys. A sangwapo party.

  47. #51 Remember I am hard core PF but want to believe one needs to debate issues with level headedness (sp).If a person is right on an issue then he is right irrespective of tribe political affiliation etc.

  48. As we draw nearer to the polls attacks and propaganda from self proclaimed dogs against PF and H.E Mr MC Sata will intensify even more but make no mistake we’re prepared for it. Our eyes are focused on the prize – sending MMD into oblivion

  49. I agree with 44. – I thought I should join on this one

    KK’s son, Kabarangi Kaunda was in the same class at Kamwala Secondary School with myself. We asked him about his tribe, he said to have been Tumbuka and his grand mother to the father was Tumbuka as well. He also said that apart from English the Kaunda’s spoke Tumbuka at home.

    PANJI is a pure tumbuka name
    WEZI is a pure tumbuka name
    MASUDZO is a pure tumbuka
    NYIRENDA was KK mothers maiden name, if I am not mistaken ( which is a tumbuka surname name)

    When KK was interviewed by, the Late Charles Mando on ZNBC TV in the early 80’s and they asked him about his tribe he said that he was Tumbuka.

  50. Guy scott should concentrate on strategic planning right now. We should not waste time on the likes of CC III. He is distracting us from the core business of liberating the country from the jaws of those who don’t want to protect its own people. We need numbers and we should not just politic but politic good. We are the largest opposition political party right now.

  51. abena zed dont fight, KK is tumbuka. if anyone is still doubting go and ask panji his son. my wife’s father worked at shambalakaila farm in chansali, kaunda’s elder brother farm. he told me that they are tumbuka from malawi.

  52. Firstly,i thnk chanda chiimba’s program is so malicious.His vivid assertnz of sata & mmembe being satanists is strange.Does that suggest Rupiah or HH r angels?Or is he himself Holy,or may evry1 non pf is,chanda suggests so even though ‘sata goes to church’does it mean catholics r satanists?Or mayb they cnt identfy 1!

  53. Make no mistake the homosexuals have vowed to wage a war and they are determined to win. This group includes priests, bishops, political leaders and news editors. Zambians must be ware of this group and must fight back to defeat it. Chanda Chimba is doing his part, but i fear for his life. Infact he must open an account so that all well meaning Zambians who want to support his efforts can contribute. If Gay Scot is grieved he should surely know that there are courts of law in this country where he can easily get an injuction.

  54. Secondly most bloggers like hh sata & indepndnt obrsvr are tribalists,1 major reason zambia will never develop,such people r retrogressive 2 society!!2 think responsibility,intellect & leadership hinges on tribe is an absurd hypothesis which cant be proven!!Just look at the worlds largest economy,america,do they ever consider tribe in elections??Shame!!Africa is poor physically but more in the mind!Shame!!Im a bemba but a hate 2 say it because im more proud 2b a ZAMBIAN!!

  55. Independence Observer @ #44, Amen, we are all Zambians. We all concerned Zambians should learn to pray for God anointed Leadership. According to the bible when Isreal wanted a King, God always raised prophets and priests to anoint Kings, Judges or Leaders over their Nation. Let the wise discern what the Spirit has to say.

  56. Guy Scott, there is an out break of swine fever in the country. You are better placed to give advise or expertise , especially that you once delt with it.Other than threatening CCIII. Wz shall deport you if you play. Stranded briton

  57. #62 Nakulu you are wise. We need a God driven leader to put it in other words. Look at the church’s position on the forth coming elections and you basically see that is about bread and butter issues.

  58. Why are Libyans ,ivorians ,egyptians up in arms .Is it not because leaders are stingy and force things on the pipo.If picking up arms this time for chnage ,i will be one of the first.I was on the copperbelt this december and couldnt believe the potholes.We want change,I know ON THE COPPERBLET NO ONE WANT THIS MONGOLIAN LEADER,

  59. dont talk about God fearing leaders coz there is none,Like Judas Iscariot they ar betrayers,Like a missionarie with a Bible in his hands,a gun by the waist side,and a bottle of wine behind his waist belt so was Chiluba,he made the entire nation weep during Gabon air crash,During the Nkumbulas when they were campaing,he said i am like Moses coming to save you from the wrath of Egyptians.I didnt know he was worse than Pharaoh.Ships in wolfs clothings thats what many are.

  60. PF you just want to gain political mileage on the deaths of people of Mongu, Mazabuka and a 7 year old shot dead by DEC, we know your gimmick, I wish you can condemn the hacking of people which Sata’s cadres did, where Sata was even the one who bought the matchetes and pangas.

  61. PF are a dying breed for sure. When they say nonsense about RB and his government everything is OK. When some copies and pastes from their own paper ‘The post’ about sata and his kaponyas, its government propaganda. This blind loyalty is alarming. I feel so relieved that MCS will never rule this country. Next on dunderheads like #65 who believe that Zambia can fall into the barbaric upheavals like the ones in Libya, Algeria etc. Moslem leaders are tyrants of the worst order. U do not even find tuma toilet newspapers like the post there. Here u are even free to insult the president ba kolw.e imwe and u want to take yo peace for granted. Lastly who would want to kidnap Satana. He will just disappear from the political stage after his hundreth loss which u kaponyas will attribute to…

  62. PF are busy trying to politicise the deaths of a few ‘lucky’ people who are fortunate enough to be captured by the whistleblowing media. People are dieing in thousands right here in Zambia in more violent circumstances. Lets capitalise on issues affecting the nation and what we can do about it. No one Nyama Soya is winning again.PF is gone after this defeat. UPND yena, worse.

  63. Pee yeFu (PF) must avoid wasting time on CC3 but get concerned that the UPND-APC rally in Kanyama was successful and it has shown that Mr 2011 APC-UPND PACT presidential candidate HH is ready to form GRZ Administration.

    Mr 2011 launched his 2011 Real Change Campaign by asking Zambians to be united. Mr 2011 who kept resounding the Zambia, Forward message as well as “One Zambia, One Nation, One people, One Nation” slogan of Dr KK’s UNIP promised that he will take care of all those failure politicians who have been recycling themselves since 1964 when we got Independence from Britain. He promised Police Officer, Teachers and Health workers a minimum of K5 million per month as salary once he is elected President of Zambia and forms GRZ Administration.

    Be blest all…

  64. but is chanda chimba telling lies? no he is not because sata would have sued him and so would have the Post. he is only mining from the rich library of post articles on sata since 1991. even during the third term sata was at the forefront fighting innocent zambians

  65. For my fellow Lozis and Tongas to vote for Sata, I would say their memories are too short, as they suffered most from the neglect they faced in the Sata/Chiluba regime where their animals died of foot and mouth disease without concern from the top leadership to provide medicine. The people of the Copperbelt also should be ashamed to support a man whose regime made them suffer by selling the mines to investors who later abandoned them and they lost jobs. Honesly hoe can you be so blind to again to support a person who was number 3 in this regime and even a chief advisor to the selling of mines. If he was inocent the way Mwanawasa was he was going to resign from the corrupt regime and this time around we could have believed him, instead he was pushing for third term for us to suffer more.

  66. exactly thats why those of us in north-eastern zambia will never and have never voted for the buffoon. in fact in 2001 mazoka got more votes in nakonde, mbala and isoka than sata. we do not forget the untimely death of ronald penza and the insults sata made about penza. ronald would have made a far much better leader than this useless buffoon

  67. .

    61 Concerned

    I have defended all tribes in most of my blogs in the two years. Unless if you have just started reading LT recently.

    We are all Zambians. Anyone tribe can produce a president. No tribe is above the other. Therefore, your assertion accusing me to a tribal-list have no underpinning. Can you read the last line on my comment @ 44 # ?

  68. All past newspapers can easily be accessed at UNZA Special Collections,Public Libraries,etc etc.Who ever is arguing what CC3 is reviewing to Zedians should simply walk to the mentioned Public Institutions and request for any copy of the said newspaper.

    CC3 is brave,a true patriot.

    Zedians need to be fully aware of the characters they are putting into government during this years elections.

    Truth pains.

  69. Chanda Chimba, keep telling us the truth about this man, dig more in the post archives so that we can be informed about this man’s past. Who can believe this man who brought privatisation with his master Chiluba without even thinking of the welfare of zambian people. Sata and Chiluba made sure they never appointed any Tonga or Lozi as vice president in their administration, which was full of tribalism, then today he can claim to be for all tribes in Zambia. In 1006 he promised to release all Bembas who have stolen tax payers money serving prison sentences, anyway on this one we understand because he belonged to this same regime, as they were comiting all the attrocities together, though he never use to sign as a political expert who new the consequences. This man should be ashamed.

  70. All those who are supporting Sata are the ones who enjoyed in the mismanagement of Sata/Chiluba regime and want to continue seing Zambia suffer, because no scene person would support this man after all what we were reduced to by their regime with Chiluba. He managed to eliminate everyone who seemed to be strong contender to take over from Chiluba, but we thank God Mwanawasa survived the danger. Sata is loosing elections now as a punishment for his deeds, and am sure he is again loosing in the coming polls.

  71. Those who use to read the post from 2002 to 2005 on profiles where they featured Mwanawasa’s profile would know the truth about who wanted to kill him. When Levy came from South Africa after his recovery he was ex-communicated as number 2 by Chiluba, as all communication and vice president work was done by Sata, and this led more to his resignation later. So as Zambians we need to wake up as to who we are about to put as a president, the man is dangerous indeed.

  72. Wynter Kabimba must be warned not to sound civilized by preaching peace, or else his days are numbered. Decency is not part of PF culture. PF enjoys violence and insults, as evidenced by the insults floated by PF bloggers on this website. Sata and Guy Scott are the 2 investors from Tanzania and Scotland who formed PF Co. Ltd (or PF Plc) to a earn a tax-free dubious living from un-informed donors . This is the reason why the educated intellectuals such as Dr. Machungwa and former Kasama Central MP (Chishimba?) were never allowed a leadership role in PF. Hon. Lubinda must keep a low profile to await for the dissolution of Parliament and get his well-earned GRATUITY. No dividents for Kambimba and Lubinda to accrue from PF’s foreign-earned profits.

  73. The same man when Levy became president of Zambia, he said Zambia cannot be ruled by someone who is from a small tribe like Lenje, and today he is talking of tribal balancing, my foot. Sata can lie to those who were born yesterday but not to some of us who have been around on earth for sometime. Wake up Zambians to realise that you will make the biggest mistake to vote in Sata, realise that usually the wider path is always dangerous, but the thin one leads to glory.

  74. Blame the post which use to inform us about this man’s deed and not Chimba as he is just retrieving from the post archives to inform those who do not know who Sata is and what he is made of.

  75. Guy scot was Minister of agriculture in the Sata/Chiluba regime and am not surprised for his support for the man he worked for in this most corrupt regime. They were both MMD members of the Sata/Chiluba regime and now they want to gang up to bring the sufferings we went through from 1991 to 2001, under my food.

  76. #61, I don’t condone tribalism, it is backward. That is why I am concerned about the agenda of the PF leadership. If you have observed the PF carefully, you will notice that it was deliberately formed to appeal to the bemba vote (this does not necessarily mean that all bembas agree or that they are tribalists). I happened to have interacted with some of its members when they were strategising for 2006 elections, and I have never been so frightened for my country. Here on the Copperbelt this tribal inclination is masked by the metropolitan nature of the area and the widespread use of bemba.

  77. contd from 84, When PF thought they had won the 2006 elections they dropped their guard carelessly and we had a glimpse of their line up of cabinet and heads of various institutions. Look at the ‘amapinda’ language and the cheer leaders, the ‘lekeni Sata ateke’ slogans, the bemba insults – they are not without meaning. PF is led by a core of bemba who call the shots, but they made the fatal mistake of assuming that all bembas would support them, and ended up with a tribal minority because the majority are too modern for that kind of primitivity. contd

  78. contd from 85, The Pact with the UPND was solely meant to mask PF’s tribal outlook and give it a false national outlook and nothing else, and so it failed. I am half bemba-Luwingu myself from mum, but I do not believe that any modern party should base its strength on tribe, let alone strive for power on that basis, hence my attacks on PF. It has no national agenda at all, just the pride and misguided belief that a bemba must not be ‘tekad’ by another tribe. It is a pity that in this time and age we should be talking like this, but we have to recognize and fight this scourge wherever it rears its ugly head. Such people must not rule others.

  79. #86 you ar an id.i.o.t. you have chosen to cast mud on us bembas to be like hh who is tribal…tongas themselves they said it that upnd is for tongas and chased sakwiba. upndz tribalism can be seen from the way they get votes, only won pesidential elections from southern….have u seen that u ar a foooooooooooooool. u jst said the opposite, hh wanted to clean his tribal remarks…..up to now he has not responded to panjis tribal remarks…………..

  80. the truth pain,those are direct quotes from the old man,moreover,him satan and guy scotty to me hav bin mu MMD even supporting wrong bill which at 1 tym catch up with them,ZED nid really change.

  81. #23 i hope u kno that chilu was president who used to make decisions. waste yo time if u want saying negative things abt Sata the fact is MMD is goin and pf taking over…………viva pf

  82. Independent observer,your post on kk NOT being bemba seemed 2 me like a discrediting attack on bembas which i found offensive,but if u insist on not being a tribalist try & leave out tribe,alltogether in your contributions.Hh sata,well said,like i’ve said b4 u offer intelligient arguments but the moment u isolate a tribe 4 a trend in behaviour,it loses value & iam forced 2 think with emotions.


  84. #89 Those people may have said it but HH himself is not a tribalist, as he was the one who gave that seat to Sakwiba Sikota to stand in Livingstone as himself could not stand because he was busy with his projects and businesses, hence I would say Saki should be the last person to say Tongas are tribalists. The same Saki was almost punished in 2006 by people of Livingstone for calling them tribalists when he is representing them. Livingstone is a town where anyone is free to mingle and even stand as MP. Whatever Saki can say he does not represent us Lozis who still love HH, because as far as we know Saki does not represent Lozis as whatever good he can do remains in Southern province of Livingstone, as boundaries between provinces will never change. Anyway, that was Saki’s opinion.

  85. Some people have found political mileage by dividing Tonga and Lozis but this time around they will not succeed as we are tired of escorting others to state house when we are also capable of doing it. HH and Milupi will soon join hands no matter what you say, because us Lozis feel they are the best. We will not listen to Saki as his political career is dead and he even does not represent us in anyway. We have hope in Milupi because despite being a Copperbelt resident he came to stand in his native land to listen to our sufferings. Viva HH and Milupi.

  86. People want to use Bemba like Sata, Chiluba and all the people from Luapula for their benefit even though they are not Bembas themselves.

  87. .
    Concerned 91#

    Assumption is one of the biggest destroyers of humanity. You must get the correct bearing before shooting

    Hypothetically, what would you say if suppose I was Bemba? Why is it always assumed that anyone that criticizes Sata then he is not Bemba but tribal. You must remember that there are a lot of Bemba’s that disagree and dislike Sata.

    If you pay attention to all the comments on this subject, you will find the clues as to why I said KK is not Bemba.

    Therefore, I ask you to read : #24 Déjà vu’s comments.

    I quote! “ One thing you must know is that without Bemba’s whom you insult daily, Zambia would not have gotten its independence “


  88. .
    cont from 96#

    KK spent time in Jail, fighting the due process. KK was the one that went negotiation the pathway to independence when he went to the UK and he is not Bemba. Again I refer to #24 Déjà vu’s comments

  89. You say people of of Luapula are not Bemba, the fact that they are Bemba speaking means they are enough Bembas to some of us. If a Mbunda stands as presidential candidate we say he is Lozi as he speaks and learns Lozi in school, just the same as Tokaleyas, Ilas, Gobas, Lenjes etc they speak Tonga so we say they are all Tongas. Sata is Bemba and has even a large Bemba following.

  90. I am Zambian so is everyone, that is the most important thing. The minute we start judging people by the surnames, their tribes and so on – We will take the Zambia to its lowest point in its history as a nation.

  91. I don’t understand how a normal peace Zambian can support acts of violence. We know which parties are violent and it’s high time all peace loving Zambians spoke up with one voice. Watch the news and decide Zambians whether you would like our country to go the Ivory Coast way.
    Remember violence breeds violence.

  92. I don’t understand how a normal peace loving Zambian can support acts of violence. We know which parties are violent and it’s high time all peace loving Zambians spoke up with one voice. Watch the news and decide Zambians whether you would like our country to go the Ivory Coast way.
    Remember violence breeds violence.

  93. .

    101# Bruno

    I am not Bemba.

    As mentioned I am Zambian and appreciate all people from the North, South, East and West and Central. That’s how I look at Zambia. I still believe in the slogan . One Zambia One Nation.

    In other words Zambia is for all Zambians and we can have a President from any tribe of Zambia.

  94. No 89 you are the one who is an i.d.i.o.t.Show me, how Eastern province has (is)been voting(RB).What about Northern province(Sata).During Mwanawasa how did Central province vote?
    So the Bembas and their cousins are not tribalistic,how Ironic.
    Tongas by the way are very tolerant and peaceful people.We are able to speak bemba,Lozi,Nyanja in tongaland.Nomba what about Tonga or Lozi being spoken in Kasama ,Chipata or Mansa.


  95. Umo akaikulika muli ba PF when the results will be announced. Get this…. Sata will never be president of Zambia as long as he and his supporters keep insulting other tribes. And those paid defections in Western province, what a joke.I can assure you PF will get the least results in Western, North-western, Southern, and the rural areas of Central province.It is common knowledge that Sata owes a lot of money, and wants to mortgage zambia to settle his debts. bye bye polio.

  96. PF wants to sort out Chanda CHiimba III….How funny. what about the Post?shoud HH also hire PF kaponyaz to sort out m’membe since UPND doesnt have any to take care of the negative reporting the party has been receiving.grow up.

  97. No violence please, not even talk please.
    We want our children to attend school, we want to go to our places of work with free mind and with confidence that while we are away, our children, our old parents and daughters and sons and kids back home are safe.

    When elephants fight it is the grass that suffers.

    Political positions are to serve us and not to rule at any cost. We need leaders who keep their cool, set a role model by condemning vioence and talk of violence, the ones who will let the position go, if he/she gets a little inkling that it will result in violence, unnecessary bloodshed. We want to keep Zambia an oasis of peace and tranquility. We might be poor but we have future, we have togetherness and love and care for our neighbours.
    One Zambia, one nation.

  98. PF supporters when your POST vuvuzela smears RB or HH, nothing is said. Now MC is being exposed you cry and threaten people. Miyanda for president. UPND and MMD you clowns have split the votes, MMD is winning with no rigging period.

  99. I am a bemba, I am a tonga, I am lenje, I am a lozi, I am ……………………. I am all BUT not a Zambian.
    What a proud nation!
    What a proud citizens!

    Shame on all those who value their tribe more than Mother Zambia. We are all muntus, we can accept a muzungu or a mwene to be our boss at office, our employer, our business partner but we cannot accept that a person from another province can rule us, can be our President. What a backward, clannish people we are. I am ashamed to call myself a Zambian. I am a bemba, tonga or whatever but not a Zambian. Britain please come back and rule us, so that it shall give us an excuse to unite one more time and fight against a common enemy. Zimbabwe, Angola please attack us so that our nationalist feelings come back and we forget our tribe and…

  100. ..and unite one more time. Sorry all our freedom fighters, you wasted your blood for us thankless pipos. Your vision to have a prosperous Zambia…We need barotseland, we need tongaland, we need bembaland, we want divorces from our spouses as they are from different tribes, we want to leave our children on the streets as they are the byproduct of union of a bemba and a tonga, or of a lozi and lenje, or of…….

    Keep it up fellow tribemen, soon we will have broken families and churches built for tribesmen, where no person from a different tribe will be able to attend. we will have our own jesus, who will also be lozi Jesus, Tonga Jesus, and even our Lords will be based on our tribes.

    47 years of independence and we have gone back 47 years.

  101. They talk of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. as failed or failing states, I think Zambia qualifies to be on top of that list. Keep talking of violence and as they say, you get what you ask for.

    Stop the nonsense NOW. You fool bembas, tongas, lozis, lenjes, kaundes, chewes…………..All the tribes are shit, crepes, big bullshit. Only good thing we have is Mother Zambia, rest all is bullshit, it includes all tribes and their chiefs and kings and queens. Abolish the House of Chiefs and also the recognition for any fiefdoms. We need elected representatives at municipal, state and federal level. Let us change our constitution to make Zambia a federal state…. and get away with tribalistic leaders. Anybody who marries within his/her tribe shall be disqualified from govt/political…

  102. Ba LT Mukapunzileko Journalism first of all. In one story you have Chanda Chimba, PF fighting MMD, Chinese people being acquitted for shooting workers etc Come on get an editor with a Diploma in Journalism. He will tell you how to present your stories Ala!!

  103. Nkuwa is silly. Get educated. The people of Luapula dont speak Bemba. They speak different dialects including Aushi, Lala, Ng’umbo, Luba etc. To a lazy or an uneducated person certain languages sound the same. You have to get acquainted to the languages to understand them. When I who is from Eastern Province first heard Lamba, I thought it sounded like Bemba. Even when I heard Kaonde it sounded like Bemba. But Lambas and Kaondes have their own kingdoms unattached to Bembas. Just as Luapula Chiefs are not in any way part of the Bemba Kingdom. Sata is Bisa He is not from Luapula but from Mpika. However its only normal that neighbouring languages exchange everything including dialect to understand each other. That happens everywhere be it Europe, Africa Asia etc.

  104. Chanda Chimba marely speaks the truth about the Cobra,and sorting him for what? vivaa Chanda Chimba.

  105. SATAn has been exposed by Chanda Chimba III. Leave this young man alone! He is bringing the true picture of Sata. Go, go Chanda, continue exposing the evils of this old serpent, he is the same old liar. Did you see that cobra model in his office? Thats the serpent spirit, please Zambians “read between the lines”.

  106. The Fact is PF is lead by a very imperfect person and not fit for presidency althou he is the only fit ***** for the change we want. I implore PF to sue Chand Chimba 111, simple and not sorting him out. The Change we want Dear Zambian has a Big Price to Pay, it is much high than having HH for Presidency. iGnore Chimba now u will remember soon.


  108. Whats wrong with informing Zambians about the mans character,man is just bringing out articles from the archives


  110. Wynter Kambimba and Guy Scot concetrate on winning for members to PF. Those threatening to abuduct Sata for whaever rreason are just wasting their time cos those are last kicks of a dying horse. As for Chanda Chimba III and his attacks on Sata.What else do you expect Chimba III the guy is doing what he is in order to survive. He is just making money out of MMD and RB otherwise change is coming and it cannot be reversed. Planning to sort out the Chimba III is just waste of time and soon than later he will be called to account for his attacks on PF and Sata. PF should avoid making Chimba III big fromthe blues.

  111. Ka Chanda waba ichimba!!.. foolish boy, i don’t even know why you wst time doing what you do, are the mmd giving you some money? The people who talk about Mr Sata and the things that he used to do are fools, reason being, in life people change and i think what Mr Sata was, 10 yrs ago is not what he is today.. in life we should respect people and know that people change. and if you look at Ka Chanda’s same tuma TV shows, you will see that Sata is a strong Man and Leader and he is a man of Actions, what we need in Zambia today is a leader that will act and stand by his words. yes in life every one as a gud and bad side, why can,t you show Sata’s gud side? you are jst fooling your selves if you think people will vote 4 you mmd.. you are gone we don’t want you Seriously speaking we…

  112. Zambians will vote for whoever they want.whether u like or not the mojority will triumph.let chanda chimba continue with his programme but the people will have the finall say.

  113. PF is feeling the weight of a rock from Chanda Chiimba III,when post are busy writting bad things on HH did you hear any rubbish to condem it????that program is educating us the voters and i wish it continues coz Sata was just tying his own foot when he was with Chiluba,if PF thugs do subscribe to Sata even tho he is wrong,sorry some of us who are sharp in thinking we will not bow down before your master,if PF wants to sort out Chanda then even their leader should be sorted out,my bible says you shall know them by thier fruits,meaning people like Sata in thier character dont expect an angel to come down and tell you Sata means no good to people.lets be wise enough!!!VIVA UPND

  114. Ba chimba3, a JOB welldone.I wish you God’s blessings and a long life.No weapon formed against thee shall prosper.Though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, fear no evil.

  115. this is sad to read in this day and age that some people believe to be favour by genetics. I understand this field too well and this is far from being true. Most of these things are on record about ba Sata. PF be smart than Chimba by not responding but assuring the rest of us that you do not support Sata based on his tribe but wht he can deliver. People change, give us his new position and he should be of a position of apologizing where he went wrong so we can move on. Chimba may be correct but i do not agree with some of his Language towards Mr Sata. PF supporters be modelate with your style of reacting, you need even other tribes if Sata is to win. Post news paper is equal to Chanda Chimba III for UPND supporters. But we are not over reacting…..

  116. no 73 why do people always think in terms of tribes? this depicts how myopic some people think. do you think God created a certain tribe to behave in some way. listen and listen very well to me. i am lozi myself but here are facts you cannot change. bembas are in 5 provinces in zambia namely copperbelt, luapula, northern, central and parts of eastern. are you telling me that you have never met a bad tonga and a good tonga or a good bemba and a bad one? come on its time you started to move away from this type of thinking its a cancer that has made many a people lose focus of what they intent to do. kalaluka how many lozi finance ministers have had from independence? what did you get from them? chiluba was president what did the people of luapula get from him? levy constructed them a bridge

  117. this year MMD is going out of western and we are ushering in SATA. its not about his tribe NO its about giving power to the people. we want windfall tax re-introduced, we want the tax regime to be reviewed so that the tax is user friendly and more compliant for businesses. we want the VAT refund to be reviewed because as it is people are claiming fake refunds without any sales.

  118. 122 i agree with you,as for the rest of all well meaning Zambians,we know what we need and that is change for the better.Let us forcus on this liberating prize and vote for someone who has got the muscle to unsettle this cancer called MMD.We have being taken for granted long enough and now is the time to change that,forget CC III,tribes and all other minions and parasites who are surviving on making fool of themselves and usher in change.One Zambia One Nation.

  119. 113, all the people you have mentioned from Luapula, when you ask them what they are they say: Bemba. What you are saying is true but its a fact that people want to be identified under the “Bemba Umbrella”. During Chiluba’s reign they were all “Bembas”.

  120. Chanda Chimba is is rat behaving like a cocroach forget about the nionsense he presentes at znbc.He is paid by RB to destrory the image of our beloved president Mr. Micheal Chilufya Sata.VIVA PF FOR CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  121. ZAMBIANS, take serious keen interst in MMEMBE and his POST reporting.It reports as it suites or pleases MMEMBE. Why condemn SATA and then turn around to feel bitter about CHIMBA for only making Zambians read history fro the paper which digs deeper.AFTER MMEMBE/POST dug deeper they found that SATA is a liar and publicly told ZAMBIANS just that.CHIMBA is simply pointing to the pages of the paper that digs deeper.My name is THE TRUTH PAINS.If you hate the truth you turn into a hater,killer,propangandist and start looking for blood of those you hate .MMEMBE,SATA,PF AND POST THEY HAVE HATED HH to scaring degree for telling ZAMBIANS that SATA HAS DITCHED pact. And they have hated CHIMBA for reminding Zambians.


  123. Aba welewele pa ZED ,Iyo Nsamba Chimba,mutunta bunga Chifine,Mumbi,Lifwekelo fwenku fwenku na shimbi mbulwa mano.
    This clearly shows us that the only credible,full of proper integrity,well meaning Zambian seeking for the higher office in our Land is no other than Big SATA,reason simple and common sense,uwamano kuti amona fye nobuwelewele aleka,out of all these so called presidential candidates bonse eyes on SATA,NOMBA TWAUMFWA NA MA ABUDACTINS ayo,why cimutunta mutunta ili aleisa konse ako waiba kupoka.

  124. I feel sorry for those who were born yesterday and they have no idea of this man called of Mr. Sata. From 1991 to 2001, Mr. Sata was a terror to the Zambian people. He was part of the thieves who sold our mines and companies for a song.He participated in looting out the life our country. This man is evil, desceptive and sometimes i think that he uses charms to deceive people because no nomal person who understands modern politics can support the outlook of hell. If you vote for Mr. Sata, it is your own peril.

  125. Chanda Chimba is not a political party but a journalist who should not personalise issues on polical players. HE IS A DISGRACE TO HIS FAMILY AND THE COUNTRY AS A WHOLE.

    Because of poverty in his family, he has disgraced himself compagining for RB. AKACHIMONA MU september.

  126. Chanda Chimbwi III is a pure MMD cadre, unless those who don’t know or follow his stupid programmes. If he is not why is it that his so called Stand up shit programme is always taggeted for one person (SATA) ???? No. 138 I fully agree with U, This Chanda Chimbwi III is a full Time disgrace to him self, his family and the nation at large. :-\”

  127. Viva UPND! Us in UPND know what is obtaining on the ground as witnessed by the gigantic rally in Kanyama compound yesterday. We dont care about any attacks from the whatsoever post Newspaper. Let the *****s contiue fighting through their biased and uncivilised newspapers as we take over the grassroots. 2011 is for real change and i can assure that fools are bound to be caught napping. The pact between Milupi and HH will win it all. Viva hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  128. Abash oldwies. This is our chance as youths. Why sould we listen to the same pre-historic freedom fighters all the time. Their time is up. Bushe finshi ba milisha kanshi? VIVA HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  129. What most of you bloggers are failing to appreciate is that in any democracy voters need to be informed of the candidates that are asking for their votes. If that involves digging up information in the archives so be it and that’s exactly what CC3 is doing. Sata would have dragged him to the courts already if his assertions were untrue. Even in the most developed democracies of the west this happens….however, in most of these instances the politicians are able to stand by the statements they make, in the case of Mr. Sata, he changes positions very frequently that it’s impossible for him to defend any of his utterances and consequently resorts to threats as way of silencing opponents. Mr. Sata has not done or said anything to show a change in his position on the issues CC3 raises.

  130. Poverty breeds untutored opportunists who can do anything for survival.I think SATA hs proved a leader of great character and hs changed greatly the last five yrs.He reconciled with our late president,stopped smoking,renewed his marriage vows.dwelling on on past history wont do.Thats why this nation kips on going backwards and not forward.VIVA PF

  131. I do not see a difference between MMD and PF as Sata was MMD and MMD was Sata who left just 10 years ago to form another branch MMD extended family of PF. I wonder what Sata usually means when he says we want to remove MMD or change government, because as far as am concerned MMD of Sata and Chiluba is coming in the name of PF of Sata. If it was a different presidential candidate in pf not Sata, we could have said it is another party, as this same pf leader just left when he was not picked as predidential candidate due to Chiluba’s realisation that he was a bad advisor who caused him to make those huge mistakes. Zambians, if you hated the third term, then be reminded that it is coming with force in the name of Sata being the one who championed it. Not even at gun point can I believe…

  132. #143 Old habits die hard, actually they grow as you get old. Remember we are accountable to our actions, thats why we should aim to live clean lives as our deeds come to haunt us in furture. Even in Christianity, God can forgive you but you still have to go and serve a prison sentence as consequences of your actions. Sata did all that reformation as a benefit to him and not to all zambians especially in terms of smoking which was not good for his health. In business we use past trends to predict the future, hence Sata’s past is so important so that we make informed decisions for our future. Actually, Nana voting for Sata will mean going 30 years backwards because the man is not energetic to run up and down managing the nation, therefore, he just needs to be taken care of as he rests.

  133. That just shows that the only opposition party wich can threaten ruling party is PF no wonder Chanda talks nonsense aginst PF but the more he talks the more popular MC becomes.If indeed those things happened chanda where were you all that time? only to wake when PF came to campaign in your area and heard the powerful campaign from MC.Chanda you are just a shit man who does no wat to do no wonder bana kupoka caldina yankongole.Pabwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaato.

  134. I think in Zambia we have to get back to our cultural roots of taking care of the aged, the old are not taken care of no wonder they want to work even at old age when they are suppose to be resting peacefully. Life is in stages, the same as companies there is time to develop, grow, maturity, and decline, so as for bashikulu Sata he is on the stage of decline which need enough rest. We do not want a leader who can go to state house for just resting.

  135. Ba Sata you can have enough rest in your own home than State house because we are not going to allow you to when we need a service which we are paying for. Statehouse is for work and not resting, hence we need energetic people to carry that job in the name of HH who is in his active stage. As a zambian I need a job to take care of myself and My parents who are old to carry certain tasks as they worked for me when I was young, so I would not allow an old fellow resting in statehouse instead of creating an atmosphere for me to make money to support my resting parents to enjoy the fruits of their labour.

  136. Honestly, how can you dream of ruling the country at the age of 74, where were you when you were energetic to carry the task. Watch this man he is the Gaddafi of Zambia who just wants to die in power so that he can have a state funeral.

  137. I have read and analysed nost of the comments and i can only say that 99% of peple who are hated are succesfull people.Look at the most disliked company on earth is Manchester United of which i also hated and you know that after the comments and analysis by BBC ,i agreed with the analysers that i disliked Manchester United because its the most successful foot team on earth and there is nothing i can do about it.So my fellow zambians you can not dislike a small party headed by Magande because its not popular..jelous jelous jelous jelous

  138. Every person has got skeletons in cupboard! Dont rejoice at what CCiii is showing on TV anyone can do such documentories about any politician in Zambia or indeed anywhere in the world today!We have all made mistakes in life before and we have corrected them!Why keep harping on what he did years ago?Jesus said let who ever has not done what this woman has done cast the first stone!We all know the outcome

  139. #52 It’s not about disliking the party here, but the party leader. People who hate manichester united do not hate the leader Ferguson no but just the club for no reason. In the case of PF, everyone likes the party and not the leader as he has commited so many atrocities in the past which we cannot erase from our heads, to remove such facts from our heads would mean we are acting irresponsible and have no heart for the nation. These are not allegations about Sata but facts, so to ignore them will mean suicide.

  140. #153 That applies to private life not public life. If you want to assume presidency you need to be beyond reproach.

  141. No 146.I wish all of us would put our comments and observations in the manner you ve done though i still feel a leader who puts people,s interest first is the best.Explains why indians in Tanzania are treated no better than Tanzanians and compete on the same platform like everyone else.When they cross into Zambia they become rich over-night and stay in their own secluded areas.The rate at which Tanzanians are developing their country is amazing.Take a ride on TAZARA and visit DAR.Something is terribly wrong.

  142. If these leader do not act as role models, even a criminal would wake up one day to be presidential candidates just in the name of whatever attrocities I commit I will be forgiven. Forgiveness is there but you suffer the consequences of your actions. People in life should learn to live clean lives. Even in the Bible King David commited adultery with someone’s wife Bethsheba and the lady conceived which was a consequence of his actions and no matter how david prayed and fated for the child to survive, the child died which was another consequences. Life is just like that you suffer the consequences of your actions.

  143. Development of any nation does not take place cos its an election year you go round showing pipo on ZNBC unfinished shud be a continuous thing NOT a ploy to win elections.Am told in areas old hospital beds hd to be shifted overnight to the so called newly constructed hospital resulting in patients sleeping on the floor.What a shame!

  144. #156 Which people’s interest can Sata put, which he did not in their regime with Chiluba where he was number 3 and chief advisor, that he can pretend to now when he needs our votes. These experiences politicians can manipulate us. Sata and Chiluba are the ones who sold all Zambian companies without putting any policies to protect us citizens from abuse by investors, then today he can claim to turn things around when he is the one who created the situation for injustice. The fact is if he was not happy with Chiluba’s rule why did he even advocate for the third term for us to continue suffering. Sorry I will never believe Sata in anyway in whatever he claims, no wonder this time around we do not want experts in politics because they have greatly failed us.

  145. # No wonder we want to do away with these experienced politicians because they are there to manipulate us, there main goal is to see us reduced to zero so that they can continue to triuph on our poverty. This is now time to decide our fate as Zambians, no recycled politician would have room in 2011. We will listen to them but the booth will have the ansewr to their fate, mark my words.

  146. whilst i agree that every person has a right to write whatever they feel like writing, i am compelled to say that clearly CC3 is biased in his reporting. CC3 is pro-MMD and thats the stance he has taken. But let me tell him one thing whatever he has said we ALREADY know and have DECIDED we will still GO AHEAD and VOTE SATA. CC3 when that day comes, i’ll go into the polling booth and ASK LOUDLY ‘PLIZ SHOW ME WHERE SATA IS?’ come that day SATA will be president and i know there is serious voters card buying right now by your self confessed riggers or engineers (who have never the inside of the class at enginnering level)

  147. The debate about Sata / CC3n has been interesting.To those saying Sata was No3 in Chiluba regime i would like to ask this, was he the ultimate decision maker? why hasnt Chiluba come out in the open and told us that Sata used to make decisions for him.

  148. As i registered voter i must be realistic one thing is for certain i cannot vote for the MMD. so then who do i vote for is it HH, Milupi or Chipimo jnr i know that these wont bring a change of Govt so i have now until election time to either vote for Sata or not vote at all. If i dont vote we might end up experiencing life as it was in the UNIP era the writing is on the wall. Maybe i can take a risk and vote for PF/Sata and hope that one or two things might change especially if he will enact laws that will favour Zambians and not Infestors.

  149. after the demise of the PF/UPND we are seeing the revival of tribal regional politics which is really bad for our beloved nation. We are one and we are Zambians. PF

  150. Based on the comments so far posted on the blog, if the elections were to be held tomorrow, PF will win by 80%, MMD 15%, UPND 3% and 2% spoiled. The sampling already done using the PVT methodology has shown that PF is favoured to win this years election no matter what tricks the enemies of Sata will try, people on the ground are already resolved, its too late for RB. HH is an unde five. Remember even my MMD violence tactics have just even made Sata veryyyyyyyyyyyyy popular.
    As for #56, why is the Kaunda family rallying behind PF and Sata in these elections? They are just honest people who mean well and God will always speak through such people. Ba Chanda Chimba ni ba Hynae always scavenging around but even bones are not there from MMD too bad for that animal called Chanda Chimbwi…..

  151. Bottom line is the PF shud respect CC3 right to spew the filth that he is.that is freedom of speech for.they have recourse to the courts of law if they they think he has gone over the top.I wonder just how much access Sata and Pf have at ZNBC to rebutt the allegations.

    And could pipo please stop comparing the post bias and cc3/znbc bias.The post is a private entity beholden to its owner,mmembe.he could print any crap he wanted,its his paper.Now znbc belongs to all,sata and hh and magande et al.they have the responsibility to be impartial.theirs is not to balance the perceived post bias!

    and all those predicting an HH victory as opposed to a pf or mmd one,could you help me with a plausible scenario.I hav crunched figures all over the place and just cant see it happening.

  152. Some people count themselves twice, even when it is clear. Sata may be the next head of state. But mark my words this will be the end of this nation. If Chiluba was that wrong, by the end of Sata rule I am sure Chiluba’s rule will be graded as being one of the best. Vote for people with great ideas. i have not seen anything suggestive of Change in Sata with regards to his past, not that we should use this as a weapon, but he himself should clear his name that is if he thinks there is need.

  153. Why are you criticizing Chanda Chimba? It is I, the mighty editor of The Past newspaper, that initially said all those filthy things about Cycle Mata. And by the way, they are all true!!! Ha! ha! ha! Shhhh, I dont want many people to hear

  154. #165 He was part and parcel of that group, I think you are the only person who doesn’t know that Sata was Chiluba’s right hand man in their regime. In bad regimes thats where you identify men of integrity, by seing them resigning from corruption. Mwanawas did, he resigned from the MMD (Sata/Chiluba) regime, but instead for Sata what we saw was him supporting the same most corrupt regime, and to add salt to an injury he even wanted the regime to have a third term by breaking our constitution pushing for the third term. This man has no integrity and even what he says is just noise as a political expert to manipulate us again the way they did with Chiluba. Sata should not be brought closer to power, unless we want to regret.

  155. Why should PF sort out Chanda Chimba III, when this lad is merely reproducing articles stored in archives of The Post. The PF Plc M/Directors, Sata and Scott, hurt history is well documented by The Post. Scott is a skinhead (white terrorist) wearing a wig. PF plan to exterminate Chanda Chimba in the style Sata’s gansters silenced Ronald Penza and John Tembo when Sata was Chiluba’s spokesman. Fine Lawyers (Ngenda & Shamwana) perished mysteriously. Mwanawasa’s fatal accident is still a mystery – and Sata acted as an expert to explain dynamics of car accidents. Lucky ones (Mazoka, Ben Mwila, Generals Miyanda & Tembo) escaped alive. These are historical facts well documented by The Post.

  156. #166, so you don’t know that Sata was part of the UNIP era and that his manifesto wants to take you back there. Oh sorry you must be an underfive.

  157. So…..intolerance is raising it’s urgly head this early? It is about sorting each other?…each time the Government changes, someone must be sorted out? So where is the sanity we preach? where is the difference we claim we want to make?….So I can conclude…it is all the same, if not worse!

  158. # 19 if ever Chiluba did what you are saying, he did it with YOUR SATA. Sata was number 3 and he advised Chiluba to do what you are complaining about NOW. Please be objective and realistic in your criticism.Your comments must be for the good of the country and NOT Sata alone.

  159. Kabimba is a lawyer and he knows suing chanda Chimba for criminal libel is the only way of fixing him but he knows that it will be more damaging to PF because most of them things Chimba talks about Sata is true and will be proved in court. Period .Chanda Chimba is merely assisting people that don’t know Mr Sata to know him better infact if they where really serious they could use him to raise the profile of Mr Sata by successfully suing him .SUE THE CHAP KABIMBA IF YOU’VE GOT THE BALLS!!!

  160. 67 Chomba don’t think this it your site and dot think your are more intelligent then any other Zambian, how can you say PF wants to gain political millage when innocent people are been killed like animals ? what have you been given for you to become so heartless ? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE FAMILIES FOR THE DECEASED ARE GOING THROUGH? think before you talk put yourself in those families shoes am really hurt and disappoint with you May God deliver you

  161. # 24 you are spreading your insults to Lozis and Ngonis. So whoever is not Bemba is stupid or foolish. Only Bembas are capable of bringing good things. This exposes how Bembas think about other tribes. No wonder they support Sata, just because he is a Bemba, even if he has questionable past.

  162. PF stop behaving like mad people. YOU ARE GOING NO WHERE. We are going to vote for the UPND and we will vote to kill this time around. You think you are so special; wait we will teach a big lesson this time around. Stupid thinking always at the expense of developmental issues. We can’t be ruled by a colonial constable.

  163. By the way, as you wait for the Real Madrid-Tottenham game tune in to ZNBC at 20:00 Hours and watch a review of Mmembes past editorial comments on the politics of our country in the POST’s archives. They are quite educative and will keep you talking the whole week. Don’t miss please napapata. . ..

  164. Zambia seems to be going nowhere. How can a party that claims to be peaceful vent so much anger on a citizen who is not manufacturing anything, but simply digging out past articles in the papers to support his arguments? How else is Chanda Chimba expected to put across his points if not by quorting from the papers, and statements made by these inividuals? Ok, let us assume Chanda Chimba has gone too far…is it fit for a whole party to want to sort him out? Are we then any different from what we seem to be complaining about? Is freedom selective? What kind of a society are you hoping to build?

  165. Sometimes I sit and wonder. I remember the time of the third term debate, if you all remember, who hounded almost all of the MMD founding members out of the party? Who started this desease of expulsions? Who would interject and pass a comment while the president was holding a press conference, right when the president was speaking? On numerous occassions we heard how Chiluba was being victimised, how Chiluba had not stolen anything! I think there is so much in the archives that we need to go back to so that we do not argue from the stomach, but from the head, just like one of my lecturers at the University would say.

  166. Chanda Chimba111. Whats in it for YOU ? MONEY ,No work for it ! Its insulting to sink so low as to say the least. Who gives Chanda Chimba 111 to advertise unspeakables on Mr.SATA or someone else pays the bill. Chimba 111 pay your bills to the one who sent you to JAIL not Mr. SATA.

    I feel sorry for this youngman.

  167. Chanda chimba III uleiletelela.The beast in the name of MMD you are speaking rubbish for will abandon you after the elections.You are being used as a mutolilo that will be discarded when it is used.Bakakuposa panse.Grow up boy,you are doing arm to yourself.You are a disgrace to Zambia.Shut your blood mouth and think twice before you release political chorela!!

  168. bonse imwe!…..Just shut yo mouths!! wat this ***** chanda is saying is true but …DONCHI KUBEBA !!!!!!!!!!!

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