Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government commended for teacher recruitment


Association of Higher Learning Institutions in Zambia (AHLIZ) has commended the government for recruiting over 30,000 Teachers and over 11, 000 health workers who are yet to be announced.

In a statement revealed to ZANIS in Lusaka today, AHLIZ Secretary General Humphrey Monde stated that this is the first of its kind in Zambia from all the successful Presidents and governments as no one has done what the new dawn government has done including the entire African continent.

Mr. Monde indicated that the government means well for the country which can be seen through the introduction of free education policy which the nation is benefiting from and this should be supported by all Zambians as the government develops the nation.

‘’We want to live in a country where there is a job for every person and every person for every job under the new world order of work,’’ he said.

Mr. Monde also encouraged colleges and universities that have not yet registered and accredited with the Higher Education Authority (HEA) a requirement under the higher education authority amendment Act number 23 of 2021.

‘’We are also inviting universities and colleges to register with the association for them to benefit from various key projects that the association is undertaking in the education sector.

President Hakainde Hichilema is a great leader, we have seen what he has done in less than 12 months in office. What’s more when we give him 10 years in office, greater things are coming our way,’’ he said.


  1. No one is on the pay roll yet. We have heard they wont be until next year. Be careful trusting a governent like upnd that is skilled in telling lies all day.

  2. Government should still come up with a plan for the over seventy thousand unemployed teachers, not all of them would have the initiative to employ themselves through various avenues due to the harsh economic realities. This exercise and excitement should not end with the 30,000 teachers, the direction is right but the job is not even half done

  3. I note the statistics for teachers recruitment from 1964 to date. I think Kaunda and UNIP remain the best performers followed by HH and UPND. I say this because in those early days, the population of Zambia was hovering between 4 and 6 million, so ratio wise, Kaunda excelled. There was no trained teacher who was unemployed then, even untrained ones (pupil teachers) were hired. Then IMF and world bank happened. The rest is history. I rest my case.

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