Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Unemployment Teachers Association set up Joint Voices Educators Enterprise Ltd


The Unemployment Teachers Association (UTAZ) has set up Joint Voices Educators Enterprise Ltd an organisation that aims to offer education skills and promote adult literacy in various communities.

Speaking in an interview with Lusaka Times, UTAZ President Francis Musonda highlighted that Joint Ventures Educators Enterprise Ltd is an organisation that was recently registered whose main targets are those that have dropped out of school for various reasons but still have the willingness to learn and attain education skills and knowledge.

Mr Musonda added that the goal is to open centres under Joint Voices Educators Enterprise Ltd in various constituencies where people will have access to various education skills empowerment programmes.

“People will be selected from among the UTAZ members as Directors to manage and handle all the matters and affairs in various centres,” he said

He noted that various people are currently being engaged to help the organisation have more insight on how funds can be accessed and raised and have close working collaborations with the government and other stakeholders.

Mr Musonda said that the government has been encouraging adult literacy in communities especially for those people that have dropped out of school for various reasons and UTAZ came up with the initiative to set up Joint Voices Educators Enterprise Ltd an initiative that is in line with the government’s agenda in promoting adult literacy.

He cited that other projects such as poultry or chicken rearing will be embarked on in the long run as embarking on various projects will have an income-based benefit for the members as funds will be raised from these projects which will bring about sustainable development.

Mr Musonda said that the full knowledge about the newly registered organisation will be brought to the attention of association members under UTAZ as soon as all the laid down procedures are fully in place.

“We first want to get some positive response from government and other stakeholders before bring this organisation to the full knowledge of our members,” he said

He added that once the full details are availed to the members, they will certainly take part fully as they have shown keen interest in seeing the association grow and develop.

Mr Musonda has since encouraged teachers who have been left out from the 30,000 plus recruited teachers to have a positive mindset as more opportunities are yet to come from the government who have set up a policy of recruiting teachers every year.

“The teachers who have been left out can also embark on offering tuitions,” he said

Mr Musonda noted with sadness on the recent suicide cases that have been reported from the time the names of successful teachers where published and he has since called on others to stay positive as more opportunities are yet to come.


  1. It is so refreshing to see people taking this kind of initiative and not sitting around waiting for Government to provide everything.
    Why doesn’t other professional like doctors do the same sort of thing.
    There are now opportunities for folks to do things. They now just need to take them.

  2. Well done! You can still provide service for people without complaining about not having a job.
    We encourage this innovative thinking.

  3. So everything there is an association now. Unemployed doctors ass. Loafers ass. Politicians with cases ass. Window cleaners ass . Unemployed window cleaners ass. Etc etc…

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