Sunday, September 8, 2024

82 year old murdered in Chinsali for alleged witchcraft


Police in Chinsali District in Muchinga province, have arrested a 42- year- old man of Chilasa village for allegedly murdering an 82 -year -old man of Mubaya Kapimpa village in Chinsali District.

Muchinga Province Deputy Police Commanding Officer Lucky Munkondya says the matter was reported to Chinsali Central Police Station on July 18, 2022 at 16:20 hours.

ZANIS reports that Ms Munkondya said in a statement that the incident occurred on July 18, 2022 around 14: 00 hours at Chilasa village in Chinsali District.

“A cellphone call was received from Lasford Chewe aged 22 of Chilasa village stating that Shombe Sipanje aged 82 of Mubaya Kapimpa village in Chinsali District was beaten to death by Sekwila Mwila aged 42 of Chilasa village,” she said.

Facts are that, the now deceased Shombe Sipanje was a village headman for Mubaya Kapimpa village in Chinsali. On July 18, 2022 around 08:00 hours, the deceased crossed Lubu river to Chilasa village to visit his relatives.

“When he reached Chilasa village, he found the issue of him being accused to being a wizard that he bewitched Blessings Mwila aged 16 who is epileptic, daughter to Sekwila Mwila,” he said.

The Police Deputy Chief added that at around 14:00 hours whilst the now deceased was at the house of Nebert Kampamba within Chilasa village, Sekwila Mwila also of the same village went to the house of Nebert Kampamba with a wooden stick and started beating Shombe Sipanje until he fell down dead.

Ms Munkodya stated that officers visited the scene and the findings were that the dead body was still at the scene lying down facing upward.

Physical inspection reviewed that the deceased had a broken left hand, a cut on the left hand, multiple cuts on left side of the face, swollen head and bleeding from the mouth.

She added that a broken wooden stick which was allegedly used in the act was found at the scene beside the dead body.

“The body was later picked from the scene and deposited in the Mortuary at Chinsali District Hospital awaiting post-mortem examination,” she added.






  1. And yet they will worship old whlte people and some even wipe their bums there abroad them upnd diasporans

  2. Kimishi nako. Abanenu in other countries they celebrate the aged. Imwe every old person is a witch

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