Saturday, February 22, 2025

Zonal Census Coordinators undergoing training


About 1, 800 participants are currently being trained at Kambule Beit hall in Mongu as Western Province Zonal Census Coordinators for the 2022 census of population and housing.

Western Province Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary Richard Mulwanda confirms that the exercise is an important implementation process as it is second in the series of training aimed at adequately preparing field staff for the census exercise.

Speaking during the official opening of the ten days training, Mr. Mulwanda said the government is committed to conducting the census in line with the provisions of the statistics Act number 13 of 2018.

“ The data from the census is particularly important for the government because it provides information of all levels of administration such as national, provincial, district, constituency and the lowest administrative level-the ward, “he said.

The Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary pointed out some of the tremendous strides that the government has made towards undertaking the 2022 census of population and housing such as mapping and listing exercises, the pilot and post pilot census pre-test.

116 District Census Coordinators and 116 Information Technology (IT) officers who will train the zonal census coordinators have also undergone training.

Mr. Mulwanda has since urged the Zonal Coordinators to ensure that there is complete coverage of all the areas in the zones and enumerate each household.

And Western Provincial Regional Statistician Raphael Masangu disclosed that the Zonal Coordinators have been drawn from all the sixteen districts in Western Province as they are expected to train numerators in their respective districts.

Mr. Masungu said the only numerators based in respective districts will be considered.

The 2022 census will be the sixth census conducted in Zambia since 1969.

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