Sunday, September 8, 2024

17-year uncle of Ndola has connived with two other teenagers to defile his seven year old niece


A 17-year uncle of Ndola has connived with two other teenagers to defile his seven year old niece of Kaloko Compound.

Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Sharon Zulu has confirmed that Police in Ndola have arrested three teenagers for defiling a seven year old girl of Kaloko Compound.

Ms Zulu said the minor sustained bruises on her private part from the incident which occurred between 1st January, 2022 and 25th July 2022 in Kaloko, Ndola.

She said a concerned class teacher last Monday observed strange behaviour from the minor and upon questioning her, the child revealed that she was sexually abused.

“Defilement reported at Masala Police Station. Jacaranda Police post, Occurred between 1st January, 2022 and 25th July 2022 in Kaloko Compound Ndola in which female Pamela Matanda aged 42 of H/No. 1880 New Kaloko Compound Ndola a teacher at Spring of Life School situated in Kaloko Compound reported that a grade one pupil by the name of a female juvenile aged 7 of H/No 1380 New Kaloko Compound was sexually abused by three (3) people which one of them is an uncle,” Ms. Zulu said.

“Brief facts of the matter are that on 25th July, 2022 around 09:00 hrs a concerned class teacher observed strange behaviour from the minor and upon questioning her, the child revealed that she was sexually abused by male juvenile Ngosa Ngosa his uncle aged 17 of H/No. 1380 Kaloko Compound, male juvenile aged 13 of H/No 1380 Kaloko Compound and M/J/Emmanuel Mulenga aged 17 of Kaloko Compound. Upon hearing this, on 26/07/22 the teacher reported the matter to the Police. The child’s private part was inspected by the mother Cynthia Chitoku who discovered that it was reddish and had some bruises. Zambia Police form 32B was issued for her examination and treatment. A docket was opened and arrest was made on the three suspects,” she said.

Meanwhile, a man from Chamboli in Kitwe is on the run after defiling his 14-year old biological daughter.

Ms. Zulu said a docket of case was opened and police investigations are ongoing as the suspect Gilbert Mwaba is still at large.

“A guidance and counseling teacher at Butotelo Combined School in Chamboli Township , Kitwe reported on behalf of a female juvenile aged 14, a grade eight (8) pupil at the said school who confirmed in her that her biological father male Gilbert Mwaba has been defiling her for close to a year now. The victim did not complain of any pain. However Medical report (Z.P form 32) was issued and she was escorted to the hospital for medical examination and the findings from the doctor are consistent, she was found with a stretched hymen, Lacerations at three (3) and nine ( 9) o’clock with healed edges,” Ms. Zulu said.

“Brief facts surrounding the case are that, in September, 2021 when the victim remained home with her biological father, while her step mother was at Chamboli Market where she runs a restaurant, her father sent her to get the car keys from his bedroom. While there he followed her, locked the door and told her that he wanted to have sex with her. After she refused he used force to undress her and had unlawful carnal knowledge of her. He then threatened to kill her if she ever told anyone about it. Since then he could call her for sex whenever there was no one at home,” she said.

“On 04/07/22 around 1400hrs after she was sexually abused she told some people who withheld their identity and advised her to inform her elder brother who lives within Chamboli Township for assistance. On 23/07/22 his brother moved her to his place because he was not happy. However, he did not report the matter to the police. On 25/07/22 she was called by the guidance and counseling teacher after she noticed that she has not been active, after a long chat with her the victim disclosed what has been going on in her life and the teacher took it up and reported the matter to Police. A docket of case was opened; investigations are ongoing as the suspect is still at large,” Ms Zulu said.

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