Friday, October 11, 2024

Mansa Community radio innocent over killings – Father Chansa


A lone policeman walks the street on Mansa
A lone policeman walks the street on Mansa

Mansa Community Radio Station Management has denied allegations that the station aired a news article that was believed to have contributed to the riots that recently engulfed the town this week killing three people.

And ZANIS reports that calm has now been restored in Mansa town, the provincial capital of Luapula province following Police and other relevant officials who have kept vigil in the area.

Station Manager Oswald Chansa says the radio station is purely catholic which promotes love and peace saying there is no way his institution could engage itself in acts of anarchy and lawlessness.

Father Chansa in a statement released to ZANIS in Mansa yesterday that said the story in question is unrealistic, unfounded and a deliberate attempt to malign and implicate the community radio station.

He strongly advised people behind the allegations to immediately stop and show responsibility in the manner of addressing to problems.

The community radio station manager stated that the mix-up could have come from a news item where a pregnant woman died in an unclear circumstance at a named place, 40 kilometres away from Mansa.

Fr. Chansa added that the death of the woman was not in any way connected to rituals in the district.

[pullquote]The community radio station manager stated that the mix-up could have come from a news item where a pregnant woman died in an unclear circumstance at a named place, 40 kilometres away from Mansa.[/pullquote]

ZANIS Crew that toured Kapesha Senama market and nearby other trading areas revealed that business activities had normalised as some traders were selling their merchandises,. as usual.

Meanwhile, Luapula province Minister Besa Chimbaka is tomorrow expected to hold consultative talks with the authorities in the area.

The caucus meeting is meant to iron out the problems caused during riots.

Police have since recovered some properties that were looted by the residents as police have intensified patrols in the area in order to bring law and order to Mansa town.



  1. Every disquiet in Zambia is resolved by govt bullets by those in authority, but we will show them who wields real power when we chase these thugs in govt through the power of the ballot

  2. It was a radio 2 fiction story that caused things.Thing is that youths are disgrantled with MMD and lookin for any chance to riot

  3. MMD has created a population of hungry and angry men. Kafupi Lazo stole and did not think about his brothers/sisters in Luapula. Its a pity that even hard working business man/woman suffered the wrath of the people.

  4. #4. Your analysis has hit the nail on the head! Govt should just sit up. Passing the buck to the Catholic Radio Station or anyother person clearly shows lack of leadership on part of RB’s appointees.The rumour about ritual murders had been in circulation in Mansa for over a month and nobody cared to clear the air and assure the people that their lives were safe. If I was RB, I could first fire DC,Chimbaka and direct security commanders to deal with their local representatives if at all they had failed to give proper information long before people rioted the DC, Police and Minister himself. Anyway pa Zed nififine there always a scapegoat when things get sour!

  5. #5, no, I don’t remember the times of UNIP in the 1980s. What am I suppose to remember? The pretty girl who moved in the neighborhood? Being bitten by a dog? My journey to Sesheke? Be specific. The 1980s cover 1980-1989. A lot can happen in 10 years.

  6. That picture looks like a jungle. Glasgow is not that, That picture is like a forrest. Oh dear………


  7. I mourn with the families of those that have lost their loved ones because of this madness. Rural Zambians are watching too much “Nigerian movies”, that are adding no value but causing them to believe that one cannot be successful unless s/he a satanist. This is a primitive way of thinking and explains why almost 50 years after independence we are still poor than the word poor. How can one think of investing in Mansa and create employment if his/her investment cannot be protected? Police should take responsibility for failing to protect lives and property. Blaming the local radio station is also unproductive. The rumors of these ritual killings have been in Mansa for a long time. I know some politicians don’t like Catholics, but it lack of reason to blame them for everything.

  8. The Minister of Luapula Provinced erred in accusing the community radio station. The real intention was to implicate the Catholic Church in the mistakes made by the unprofessional state media Radio 2, ifyabukaya. The Minister Should apolgize to the Catholic Church and The Arch-Bishop in Mansa in particular as he is the overseer of all activities in Luapula.

  9. #13 Oh I am saying is, How can someone consider that place habitable. How could one live in such a place and call it ‘home’ If that is what Mansa boasts as the heart of its city, then I am glad I have never set my foot there. If you Glasgow even remote areas are brilliant. Thats not to stay there are some minor places, I would love to live in, in Zambia. You are the same people who protects what should not be, I was shocked when I also heard people back home eat Beans for lunch, I couldnt believe it. The country needs help !!!! Thanks

  10. These are the results of poverty. In a rovince where poverty levels are so high and the majority of youths have no means of survival, every conceivable excuse could be used to get what may make it possible for them to live for another day. Chimbaka should not politicise this incident. These are the results of 20 years of MMD mismanagement and political selfishness which has created hopelessness and disperation.

  11. Mushota you sound dull. Whats up? Please don’t embarass us out there. Learn that some things are said better if you say nothing at all. As for you, it comes out with a tint of dullness. Let me choose to forgive you maybe you’re just a 10 year old.

  12. Mushota you sound dull. Whats up? Please don’t embarrass us out there. Learn that some things are said better if you say nothing at all. As for you, it comes out with a tint of dullness. Let me choose to forgive you maybe you’re just a 10 year old.

  13. Luapula province has always been the epi-centre of witchcraft. In fact it is believed that they sell witchcraft at PF controlled council markets. I remember travelling to Chiengi and when we passed Mununga village, all of us in the vehicle developed terrible headaches and after passing the village the headaches disappeared. It was the same when getting back. Okay, I have exaggerated that a bit. But you should not blame government or the police for the happenings in Mansa. When there is violence you blame the police for failure to contain the situation. When they contain the situation you blame them for using excessive force. How else do you want the police to approach riotous and looting crazy crowds? With a lollipop in one hand and a pack of Jiggies in the other? Be resonable!

  14. No 18 Humanism week, why do u not ask the first question first..! Why do peace loving zambian citizens become riotous. We always accuse ourselves of being docile and too “peaceful”, so what really provoked Mansa? If people’s security and freedom are endangered and those who are supposed to guarantee these security are too corrupt to care the normal reaction is people will take the law in their hands to fight for their freedom and security……..! These government of RB tolerates and even creates violence through its cadres. 

  15. Mushota what about these Glasgow rangers supporters sending letter bombs to celtic, is that civilised? – no thanks

  16. No 20 People here in Glasgow don’t hate Neil Lemon,They dislike him intensely, not because he manages Celtic, not because he’s Irish, not because he’s of a race they can still legally abuse(red head), not even because he spits venom at every breath, it’s because he tries to windup and used to kick opposition players on a regular basis but can’t take it back, he has no sense of fair play, he’ll never say fair due to the referee, I am told. The guy has no class. I don’t watch football, because it a boring sport compared to Rugby, Volleyball and Netball but It is why he is hated and people want to see him removed from our streets of Glasgow, but Celtic have something to say about that.Thanks

  17. Mushota that may be the case but my question was, it that the civilised way to deal with your differences with somebody by sending letter bombs? – no thanks

  18. Good leadership go with focus and acting in good time. People around Mansa have always been talking about the rituals in that place. If my memory can get me right around the late 1970s those activities were there. There were few business men who were believed to be behind such acts. But all along nothing has been done to establish the truth about the whole issue. The problem in Zambia is that we like locking the door when the horse has been stolen!! Wake up people in leadership to prevent such babaric acts.

  19. Pa blog apa pali****. Kamushota***** #18 *****. The failed MMD gorvernment deployed 600 police officer to Mongu during the Kuomboka to protect George Kunda from unhappy people and only deployed 100 police to Kasama after people were already dead. This is how incompetent this government is. Police should have investigated the rumors a long time ago and cleared the air. If the rumors were true, arrested the perpetrators. Same should have happened in Mongu other than fire fighting with live bullets. Calm has not returned to Mansa, Mongu and the rest of Zambia until this government is gone. Zambians are Hungry and angry. And there is also another foo.l on the blog who does not know what happend to UNIP. Police are just good at collecting bribes on road blocks.

  20. Sure the govt is happy since they have killed the required number of pipo which is two. In mongu they killed, went to mazabuka again they killed two now its mansa not knowing which town is next.

  21. Chimbaka is tyring to please RB by ppertuating lies against a Church Radio station. He thinks things will change in his favour. Baba you have no sympathyser. Issues of ritual deaths hve been there for a long time but govt has been slow in responding to the people’s cries. Chimbaka should take the blame for not responding quickly to rumours. Had he, as Minister instituted investigation quickly the situation would not have gone this far. DULL CHIMBAKA

  22. People should avoid going into a debate with a brainless chicken Mushota. The chap is a lost soul and appears to be suffering from some form of alien sickness.His contribution usually is out of touch. She or he could be one of those employed to change old people diapers in whichever country she or he is based.
    Anywhere back to the topic. It is sad that the Zambian police is still using live bullets to control rioters when  Mukondo Lungu announced that the Police Service has now acquired the proper gear for riot control…..amazing contradiction from the government.

  23. What has happened in Mansa is a signal of how people may just react if these chaps the so called MMD rig the elections this year!! People are hungry, frustrated and angry at the same time. If wives of police officers can join the looting, next time its the police themselves to grab mealie meal, since they are hungry too!! To hell with rebel chimbaka.

  24. These should be PF kaponyas, they are well known for lawlessness and a loud mouth. This is just an ice berg. vote wisely, vote UPND

  25. My home town! And how do I get to invest home if any little investment locals try to bring on board, someone says they are ritual murderers! This was, a scapegoat for people to just loot others. I have known people in Mansa who are very hardworking, some of whom we were together at university. These guys have made it through being responsible and discipline. Someone works out his lungs and some stupid villager comes and destroys in seconds.

  26. ka mushota wabe inchinyo incha go and stand on that corner in glasgow and hope some more dicks come,thats your income.or maybe your guy and his friends do you a gangbang like they do every weekend.yaaaak,disgusting b*t*h.nothing in the head but dick thinking are an embarssment to zambia,your family and hell with u.period.

  27. #27 your abususive language tells which political party u support,U are known by that,be sober and inteligent like other collegues contributing.MMD nafuti nafuti

  28. Mushota i can not believe you are Zambian. I have to inform you that i also eat beans for lunch . And for your infor i get quite good money if not more than what you get. You are insulting Zambians for that comment. Please apologise or else do not come back to Zambia. For those who where young in 1986 or not yet born, there were riots on the Copperbelt where people looted shops and collected alot of items from the shops. The riots were as a result of the increase in price of mealie meal. This resulted into Milling being classified as a strategic industry by UNIP and milling companies nationalised.
    After the 1986 riots things just got bad and hence in 1991 came the change that requires another change now. Change is inevitable Now.

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