The Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) Annual General Meeting held today at Kabwe’s Mulungushi Rock of Authority in Central Province failed to resolve differences with the Andrew Kamanga led Executive Committee walking out of the meeting following the withdrawal of the Vote of No Confidence agenda which was being pushed by the same committee.
The Kamanga led executive was prompted to boycot the meeting after Mazabuka United Chairperson Evans Mushimba withdrew its Vote of No Confidence agenda which was being pushed against the Kalusha Bwalya led Executive.
Reacting to this development, FAZ President Kalusha Bwalay refused to pass the motion of banning Andrew Kamanga abd Simataa Simataa and in the interest of reconciliatio however described the behaviour of the two as uncalled for and warned that if the duo continued with the same behaviour in the next three months they would be subjected to disciplinary action.
In a Live TV broadcast by MUVI Television and monitored by ZANIS in Lusaka today, Bwalya said the AGM was a meeting where matters of policy concerning soccer developments should be resolved and not a platform to castigate one another.
He said Zambia had for a long time held a good history of soccer but wondered why the two and their group were exhibiting such behaviour by walking out of the meeting after the Vote of No Confidence was withdrawn by Mushimba.
Kalusha further urged Andrew Kamanga led Executive to put the interest of players, soccer fans and football first and put personal differences aside and always resort to dialogue.
And FAZ committee member Macha Chilemena described Kalusha Bwalyaa’s action towards the dual as a description of good leadership.
Mr.Chilemena also said people who had moved out of the meeting clearly demonstrated their pure lack of passion for the success of Zambian football.
Speaking at the same meeting, International Football Association (FIFA) Director of Member Association Primo Corvaro said the world soccer governing body and Confederation of African Football (CAF) had been closely following football affairs in Zambia since October last year.
And FIFA Director of Member Associations Primo Covaro, who insisted that the motion be on the agenda, warned that the meeting resolves all contentious issues or possibly face the consequences.
Last night the Andrew Kamanga led executive released a statement saying that they were pleased to announce that a last minute attempt to exclude the vote of no confidence motion using underhand methods at the delayed annual general meeting has been botched.
The interim committee received disturbing news that Mazabuka United, movers of the motion, had been induced to withdraw the item.
An emissary, who is in the police service, was sent to Mazabuka by our colleagues at Football House on Wednesday and met two officials.
According to the statement the official from the dysfunctional FAZ induced some members at Mazabuka United and asked them to withdraw the motion and stay away from the meeting aimed at resolving the crisis in Zambian football.
The two officials at Mazabuka United were told to withdraw the motion on claims that the seconder, Pemba United, had withdrawn its support.
“We wish to categorically state that this is an act of desperation by our colleagues which does not serve the interest of the Zambian people, most important the many sponsors that have invested in it awaiting a smooth administration to take over”, read the statement
“It must be noted that the vote of no confidence motion cannot be withdrawn by anyone, Mazabuka United inclusive, because it became a property of the FAZ council immediately it was seconded and constitutionally approved.”
“We are saddened that having gone through a close to half a year dispute, our colleagues are not ready to end the standoff and would do anything to frustrate an important motion that FIFA has directed must be part of deliberations at the meeting in Kabwe”
“Our caucus held at Chrismar this evening was alerted of activities by our colleagues but resolved to stand firm and ensure the vote of no confidence is tabled.”
“We are happy that FAZ officials from the Copperbelt, Western, Southern, Central and North Western provinces attended the caucus at Chrismar in Lusaka and are resolute in supporting the motion”, the statement concluded.
Latest reports are that the Andrew Kamaga group held their own executive meeting and announced the formation of a break away National Football league
Please let them go they have been such a nuisance.
If you love football – Zambian football that is – this is getting scary.
Kamanga and simataa, my advise is that, please at all costs learn to do your home work extensively…. dont ever take people for granted, dont ever think on behalf of other peaple, remember that every person be it a fool have their own opinion. Dont react to save your faces or repeatition learn to accept defeat especially if you were over confident and thought all were on your side. a parrarel league is un head off ‘twifilila mu nsenga’ after all its just next year when an elective year is on and am sure by then you will mature…..
Is there anything to talk about when it comes to Zambian football? The other question I can ask is “Did anyone expect any resolution at the meeting?”. I do not think so.
Good evening all,
What’s all this confusion at FAZ kanshi? Why are Simaataa Simaataa and Andrew Kamanga being so uncooperative? Kalusha is right, Zambia has a good history of soccer and we cannot afford to forfeit our reputation because of some contentious individuals. We should be building on our previous achievements and aim for higher heights instead of bring politics into the game. Especially now that the world soccer body and CAF are taking a closer look at our players.
It is too much now. No maturity, no spirit of give and take, let FIFA just ban Zambia so that we learn to be mature and putting aside personal interests.
Why cant Kamanga and Simata wait for 2012? Why are they so desperate for FAZ leadership?
FIFA do something.
Why is it that kamanga and simaata cant believe that they cannot challenge kalu. They were the ones who pushed mazabuka united 2 start the no confidence crap
When the two bull elephants fight, it is the grass that suffer. Poor administration affects players’ performance. London outing, club in zed disquisting as national team… more poor international match arrangement. Why chasing away this lady (Violet Bwalya) ??? Shame, shame, shame.
Kamanga and Simataa wait just for next year. If anything Kamanga what time development have you done at Kabwe Warriors a team that has even a finished cooler box and poor houses for its players. We are kabwe dwellers and our team here is in bad shape. What new things and ideas do you have to contribute to Faz. Just develop Kabwe Warriors and we will support you next year. Iwe chi Simataa, you are to blame for this confusion in this country. Your fight with Kalu has gone too far
Simataa was once FAZ president. I cant remember for how many minutes though. The guy just enjoys confusion. What daz he want again when he failed to utilise the chance then. 2012 is not far from now. Pliz Kamanga and Simataa wait for the next elections. I wonder what u wil say if FIFA bans us. Pliz grow up guys
If I my memory serves right Simataa was  thorn in the flesh of Roald Paulsen. To hell with him
Simataa is an anarchist. I can not understand why Andrew, whom I know to be very intelligent, is being hoodwinked by this deranged Simataa. Just let Kalu finish his term and your time will come in 2012, patience Simataa and Andrew is a virtue.
Simata is also PF , hence the traits
The petitioners are nonsensical and childish! All the items on agenda did not matter to them other than Vote of no confidence! This is the same idiosyncrasy that has permeated the Zambian constitution making process where people feel that it is only the 50+1 clause that makes constitution legitimate. All the other clauses are secondary. Shame on us africans! The petitioners must wait for elections next year 2012, after all some of them participated and lost elections. FAZ Constitution must be amended to allow the executive to fill casual vacancies in between non election years created by people who resign on their own so as not to make the game ungovernable. May be FIFA must ban Simata and Kamanga from all soccer matters until they reform.
“Word” I agree with yhou 100%.Simata and Kamanga should just be banned for life from all football relating activities both internationally and locally
“Word” I agree with you 100%.Simata and Kamanga should just be banned for life from all football relating activities both internationally and locally
In the interest of soccer I urge the Andrew Kamanga group to accept the true reality that there is only one FAZ led by only one Executive and that is the one led by Kalusha as they have in the past accepted indirectly. At one point I hear the Kamanga Group saying they are FAZ and yet at another point I hear them asking FAZ to recognise them. So, how does FAZ ask to be recognised by FAZ. No wonder this FAZ Executive has walked out of a FAZ AGM meeting because they know they are not FAZ. For how does a supposedly convener of the meeting walk out of his own meeting. So, let the real FAZ now carry on and let those who have walked out remain out. Kalu, please lead us and let your light shine that we may see the real FAZ and revamp Zambian football
Its all hunger, absolutely disheartening. I would not want to have a leader like Kalusha, a second tier player that thinks he is better than he is. i despise the man, If anything ban the whole thing, its a saga. Scandals like that are not good and disrespect the people who unfortuantely follows these headless chickens. If you let w hite person take over that FAz you wont have the miniature drama acts being exhibited here. Pathetic. Thanks
you look horribly worse than that Violent Bwalya Mushota. You can never atract a man especially from zambia where there classic shashoable ladies. you are bitching with white pigs in Britain
I think I have better things to do than waste it on a non-performing national team and an incompetent F.A.Z executive. Until the team brings the African Nations cup to Zambia, they are a bunch of under-performers.Â
Any normal person who has Zambian football at heart will not condone or support a splinter group. This group is selfish and seeks for nothing but to head an organization which has an elected official who they want to forcibly carry out a coup d’etat. They cannot challenge the incumbent in a normal election cycle because they cannot win through the door, hence the dribbling we have noticed through self-seeking and arrogant persons. The announcement of trying to form a parallel league tells it all: selfishness.
“Kamanga executive” What a joke these guys are! Kabwe Warriors’ executive?
Nine Chale. Mwandi mwana its tiring. I wonder why the greed by these all want to be Chairman. In any family there is a first born just as any country has a leader. we all cant be presidents, prime ministers, kings etc.
Its all just a lack of maturity and desperation to be recognised same as Mushotas. Cheers. .
I`m dissapointed with the whole thing.Kalu is indeed a desperate galu.Respect is never bought but earned.What nonsense !
This thing called Violet Bwalya where is it from? Check out how it looks, it looks like a true thug, shame.
awe ici ci gelo ci violet bwalya ni ndonga sana thats why she was not allowed in. mama footballers all over the world bakonda tu mpompo twa proper not with those looks. u are ugly and u also forment trouble? what a combination! try bull fighters or sumo wrestlers.
too much underlating others from Kalu and corruption Kamanga keep it up
chi simata simata and ka kamanga why start a fight which you know you cant finish? see now you are just bring confusions, this is the second time you folks have boycoated FAZ AGM, it just shows how weak and failures you are, and personally i can not trust you with any leadership responsibilities at FAZ coz its clear you just bring confusions in Zambia football and of course you are time wasters period.
All of you 1 to 22-may b 23-you dont understand real issues or what actually happened at FAZ AGM do you? tell me do you????…….what happened???? tell me what hapenned??? and do you knw tha background of the whole issue??? what is it??? can anyone say here on Lsk Times?????? analyse before you comment please!!!!!!!
We are not a task force to examine what actually transpires at the AGM. We rely on the report at hand and the headline says it all. There’s nothing progressive or worth analysing in this issue. How do you explain confusion? When elders fail to dialogue and start walking out of meetings, even a child knows that’s not a good sign.
FAZ leadership is wasting so much time & energy on strife and we are here trying to analyse their confusion, meanwhile other organised African teams are gaining momentum in the game and by the time we are through with the nonsense, we’ll be left courses behind in soccer development!
Politics of benefit and corruption extends to football.Candidates are told to withdraw from contesting elections,clubs bribed to withdraw motions at critical moments.Don’t take people for granted.FIFA should take a lead
I find it disturbing with your remarks. Kalusha was elected to office until 2012. He must finish his term. Simata and Kamanga are desperate for power. What did Simata do when he was FAZ president compared to what the current FAZ has achieved? Lets be serious and support the people who were elected than trying to use other dubious ways to power. If Zamba is banned, it will be nation at loss. Simata and Kamanga won’t care. For the love of sport, Kamanga should wait until next year and challenge Kalu for FAZ president.
Thank God that Tribalist Simaata has been shown how its done by a sharp Bemba. We rule !
violet bwalya kwati mwaume
Kalusha Bwalya is a FOOL. He is corrupt. By the way what is Kalus profession apart from playing football? FAZ has gone politics. FAZ has gone to the DOGS. VIVA KAMANGA + SIMATA. Get all premier teams. FAZ has no team, just like FIFA and CAF. Charlie Cool and Johnson Bwalya were great footballers. I love BARCELONA.:-?:-?
It’s only is fellow Katangese where stealing power, votes, money and wives “e bwaume” where such shameful stinking “Gbogban” toilet acrobatics are showered with accolades. You bet “ba Maureen” is from Kolwezi and is a second cousin of ‘Kabongo wa Ngoi Mutubile”. With fellow country mates like these, just how the hell do you expect to develop a nation? Kalusha is worse than Sekuru Mugabe because for all his failings, Mugabe had the guts to hold an election. The onus is now on the government to dissolve FAZ and withdraw from FIFA for five years to re-organise soccer in the country.
Ok Ba Mwisho u are exhibiting ubu tutu… you have proof that he is corrupt? Dont bring issues you cannot prove. He was and probably will be the only soccer player in Zambia to have played international soccer that is recognised and will always be in history. You dont need to be a graduate from uni to have a profession and be successful. Others attain professionalism from skills others from education. What is important in life is that you can feed and look after your family in a noble business or employment.
I’m with you Kijo. In other words what is important is wisdom and definitely that does not require a university degree. The word profession does not also a
degree, diploma or whatever you may call it.
Thanx guys for coming out proffessional. It’s only in africa where people still thinks that one can only achieve if they had been to the university after completing form 5 or grade 12. Kalu may not have been to the university after finishing school but opted to do his tallent which has earned him money more than Kamanga and Simata Simata but has acquired himself the Diplomas in Europe and is currently his Masters. Wait and see just after June.
The same people who are advocating for Kalusha to be allowed to serve out his term are the same one who advocated for Chiluba to be allowed a third term to so called “finish off his program”. The sheer excremental st’u’p’i’dity that characterizes some Zambian minds is to say the least g’u’t’l’ess. Bwalya is literally driving Zambian soccer into the grave like Chiluba did the politics of this country  and yet these stinking Katangese kabokes reckons ebwaume! Why is it that chila bushiku na akasuba these people ifili mumutwe tapali kano nangu chimo kano ubunangwa?
#25, We didn’t need to attend the AGM for us to understand what went on bcoz minute by minute coverage is there even on ZWD. In case you missed it, this is the end game: Kamanga lost, Simata was banned but great Kalu came to his rescue and prevailed so ci fattie should thank Kalu for showing exemplary leadership qualities in that regard.Then this woman whose pic is shown above is very ugly and she doesn’t look feminine.Maybe she is a he and that explains her passion for football, who knows?Lastly, you are bitter that your fellow losers lost it again in a very embarassing manner but that’s our man, Kalu! The kid is way out of your league.More importantly, this woman is ugly even if they say beauty lies in the beerholder wamene uyu ena awe, maybe in the eyes of a lutuku-holder!
Shibata and Kamunga cannot be entrusted with football in Zambia. The chaps are selfish just like this RSA chap Lihana. They have a grudge and are the usual carriers of the prevalent PHD syndrome in Zambia. Someone who cannot contest normal elections and chooses underhand methods to usurp power must never be entrusted with power. He is an opportunists and angry. Sorry RSA chap and your shattered dreams!
#31, 33 An angry man! Loser!
#31 & 33 If you cant beat Kalu, just join him but whatever you do, DO NOT follow SIMATAA !
When you become political, expect politics!! Politics and corruption are married, just like pushing a stick into the hole!!
I urge FIFA to ban these good for nothing gangs of Kalu or is it galu and company. The f.ool knows for sure that he had his days and that there is nothing in him now. Gone are the days… Why cant he table what FIFA recommended to him of is it FAZ. The Simataas also have a point but they are being ignored. Simataa and freiend  should just form their own league and run it more effectively than these galu/d.ull heads. Its time to make a change for sure. Kalu has lost direction and he should be shown the boot. I cant forgive Kalu when he let us down in Botswana by insulting a receptionist who just wanted him to give her his identity. He is big headed and for me we Zambians do not like bossy chaps/f.ools.
Andrew the earlier you realise that simata is only about confussion the better look at history the man is always bring confussion come on Andrew this man is up to no good
If I was Kalu, I could have quit the postion way back. If the very people you elected you change mind, its better to suject yourself to a new mandate as long as your Constitution allows for such actions. Kalu was our best player but management of the game has been awful under him. There have been too many scandals. HE has failed as Manager of Football. Kudus to him for having been our best footballer and shame on him for having been our worst FAZ President ever.
why cry foul when you have withdrawn the motion
when normal pipo ague with fools,they all become fools.calling yo friend galu surely.we don’t want cadres in futbol.why can’t u join manyozo forwarding party b4 2011 general election.they need pipo like u who insult anyhow.b beta not bitter.after all its a game.
An emotive issue. Most bloggers are just waffling. Procedure at meetings follows age old convention. At the start of the meeting, the agenda is adopted and when this is done no amendments can be made. The withdrawl therefore was invalid and the meeting should have proceeded ACCORDING TO THE AGENDA.
Mummy sure, Efyo Mwikele, kwati muleshitisha Pa Maliketi? Good Gush, forget Zambian Football to bounce back, with such Jokers?
Kalu also don’t play smart. You are also a big dribbler. We need Fresh blood in FAZ these Kamanga, Kalu Nonsense should leave Zambian Football alone. They are thieves.
Balya shafula.
Mwa pwalala fye mweka !
Madam bwalya bushe mwaume nangu mwanakashi? Ba LT did you get a true picture of this woma/man. Make your pictures clear. Atleast make them look nice otherwise we wont know them when we actually meet them in person!
Bonse you have the right to express your opinions but let bakulumpe(elders) say the final words,Simata and Kamanga want to bring confusion to the game of football.Imwe bantu Simata has always been like that very controversial even when things are straight forward, he thinks he is all knowing which is a very bad spirit.Let both Kams and Sims go to hell.
The only hope Kamanga had was Mazabuka United(Lead Petitioners).On thursday nite,a soccer fan closer to Kalu(Inspector Mpoma) was given K25m to bribe his fellow loziman Evans Mushiba(Mazabuka United) to withdraw the petition of which he did without Kamanga camp’s knowledge.Mr Kamanga shud have first motivated this unprincipled chap instead of just depending on him without strengthened ties/communication.Shame on you Mushiba,u betrayed your camp
Was this the venue of the AGM? I thought these iron sheet buildings were built for the then NAM-BOARD for maize storage? Yalikosa game pa Zambia!
Unless all camps in this FAZ Saga are dismissed the soccer standards in Zambia will continue on the downward trend. Dan Jordan and Irvin Koza the two soccer adminstrative giants in South Africa lost out to Kirstern Nematandane as a result of in fighting. Zambian Soccer needs new adminstrators not the likes of Simataa and kamanga.
Pepani bambo Esau Phiri ndacimwa kwambiri. I cant join Manyozo Forwarding Party ya bene Diffikoti or is it Bikiloni NO. I am not a kaponya like PF cadres NO. I just wanted to pass my point. Its just too difficult to hold one’s fire when you are dealing with such chaps who cannot reason beyond their noses. Anyway just like what others are saying Kalu should just resign and see what others can do. You will agree with me that Kalu is the most unpopular leader we have ever had at FAZ!
#50, you are right. The building to me looks like a chicken run, a garage or maize storage shed. Its such a shame indeed. I really dont know understand what is going on in our country.
Is that a man or woman sat there in the picture? Not so easy to distinguish with certain people. A woman with manly’s features anyone?
You are out of touch Mushota. keep on doing the donk work in the UK. Keep away from things which you know nothing about you who where raised up in the poor family with parental brutality
Mushota, There is some resemblance – You and the woman you are referring to. But i guess she is more “terrific” in bed than you
Lets call a spade a spade.Walking out of a meeting is not Man’s game.period.
Some people have no taste indeed. How does this lady thrill you in bed sure.Â
All you Great Kalu haters should get a life. in recent zed futbo history, our bloved sipolopolo reached the quater finals of afcon under Kalu’s leadership. The league has record sponsorship deals than at any other time in history , a faz member on fifa commiittee and a considerable players in europe. What more do you want. For sure kamunga/ chimata cant play futbo with Great Kalu no wonder they were dribbled. Amenso pa bola. Kalu 4 third termÂ
People, you should understand the problem at hand. Whatever the Kamanga executive were fighting for is water under the bridge. The people they thought sopported them in their motion have since changed their minds. There is nothing wrong with FAZ sending an agent to Mazabuka and talk sense with them. That is exactly what the Kamanga executive did in the first place, they sent out people to talk to club executives so that they revolt against the Kalusha executive. That Violet Bwalya and group wanted to be having kick backs from every deal Faz entered into and that is what Kalusha didnt want and so those guys thought Kalu was eating alone. Kalusha is a former player who understands the problems players go through and therefore is interst is with the players.
walasa kitwe dweller
Find time to talk to players and the coaching staff and you will realise that they are happy with Kalusha and the problem of not bieng paid after a game is a thing of the past. After all , the people who matter are the players and the Faz executive.
accordingto the way I know Violet Bwalya, I think she is looking are best. That lady is nasty and noy fit for public office.
Fellow bloggers please chech the throughly wel articulated story on watch dog and judge for yourself wheather our so called learned administrators in Kamanga Compound wwth his Shibata Shibata surrounded by finished wewight lifter and unfansed ex boxers as personal body guards.
Mr. Simataa, what have you done for this country? Kalu is an icon. Kalu was voted into office. Then what? Why are you so desperate to be president of FAZ? In my opinion, you are just a bunch of criminals bended on bringing chaos to the soccer fratenity. Long Live Kalu. Kamanga and Simataa are plastic. Bakawalala imwe. To prove that allegation, Simataa wanted to withdraw some money from FAZ Account. No one would ever want to have such a leader. FINISH
Kaluu kaluuu kaluuu, everybody is chanting……..and finally Ba Liwewe ….. its a GoooaaaL…!!!!
3 zero to Zambia…kalu..kalu…pa independence stadium bamudala chicili cileitila.
This lady called VIOLENCE BWALYA ….please ba Lt avoid such pictures too ugly for zambian women..she even says she “drove” from Ndola eh….she owns a car ka!!!
My question to you sir is: Why can’t these thinktanks wait for March 2012 for them to be voted into office. And you as a learned person, do you think that is the best way to go about it? And you think Simataa and kamanga will be better? I don’t trust failed business men. The best is to wait for elections day which I think still they cannot win.
Shimataa shimataa can also tell us his tag so that start saying Nsima! Nsima! Nsima! Ndabula musamu wakujokela ku bwana ikuti ambebo ndibe mbuli Kalusha. He built his reputation as a player. What about Simataa or Kamanga. I really don’t trust these men!
i have changed my mind from the one i posted at no. 66; i think kalu should continue in order to complete his term of office rather than anybody trying to remove him from office using underhand methods, after all the boy has made Faz financially independent unlike other regimes before him….so DONCHI KUBEeeeeeBa….!!!
Sense! Sense! Sense! Ndiye kunkala uku. Tiza punzila liti ise ma Africans? Thank you Big Man. I wish Simataa and kamanga could think like you sir.
I agree 101% with you donchi ukubeba, Kalu has made faz financial stable as compared with previous regims that solely relied on govt and as suh he should finish his term. shimatata and his bitter friend can wait to gather momentum to dislodge kalu, but if they continue with another faz as they have announced, it will die a natural death as no sound mind can want to support a rebelious group when there is a legitimate one in place. they should have stood their ground other than walk out, its lack of respect for football members in attendance.
FAZ is broke, the Mozambique encounter only the other week was funded by State House. Sometimes one surely wonders whether we see the same situations as citizens of the same country, Zambia. There clearly seems to be a dementia that characterises certain minds whenever it comes to thinking logically in the nation’s best interest. We are never going to be made to live in Kalusha’s glorious past. Zambians please, its the future we are supposed to confront in a determined manner, “nzelu za “twali abantu” muleke bakolwe imwe. If someone is a scum of the world, say it like it is to him and that is what Kalusha needs to hear, the lunatic is a lumpen, period.
I would like to be your friend. Are you in Lusaka?
@ # 70, please learn to understand that the Mozambiaque funding claims was a political ploy by our Republicn President while in Kitwe on Muvi TV. Ther purported clima of government having funded or bailed the national team was unfounded since FAZ never received such money. If the claims where true then NSC headed by one Teddy Mulonga can explain better as to where the money went which aws in the tune of K900 Million. My brother be factual and let the ACC,DEC or even Anna Chifungula to carry out inverstigations. That is typical of aZambian falhood aimed at slandering theKalusha Bwalya Executive
let’s be objective and not just blame others when God is watching us
kamanga and chi simataa stop you dogs.and mulonga stop it you failure