Rotary International President Jennifer Jones says her club has so trained 2500 community healthcare providers in healthcare management.
Ms Jones explains that the Rotary International embarked on training of community healthcare providers as a way to increase impact in the implementation of the “Malaria free Zambia” program by making healthcare services more accessible.
Speaking during a Media briefing at Lusaka’s Neelkanth Sarovar Hotel yesterday, Ms. Jones said the development will in the end saturate communities with the needed community health workers.
” We have it within our capacity to be able to tackle malaria and reduce the cases by 90%. This is something that we have been doing for the better part of the year and 2,500 community health workers is the target for us to be able to train to get saturation in the community with health workers needed to touch individual families, ‘ she disclosed.
The Rotary International has partnered with the World Vision and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation who have each contributed US $ 2 million to collectively come up with US $ 6 million investment in the Malaria free Zambia program.
“This program of scale is Malaria Free Zambia. It is a partnership between Rotary International, World Vision and the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation.
“ We have implementing partners here in the country but our ability each one of us as an organization is to put US $ million to make a total of US $ 6 million into the community.
“ And these funds are being used to create a public health infrastructure of community health workers to tackle the disease of malaria” she said
With malaria being the number one killer, especially under five children, the program is being implemented in Central and Muchinga Provinces.
It aims to reduce prevalence of the disease up to 90% by ensuring that patients are tested and treated at early stage of the illness.
Ms. Jones expressed happiness with government’s support and commitment to provide technical support in the implementation of the program.
Ms. Jones has so far visited the Rotary international funded projects in the country as part of the mandate of her office.
We have to be extremely careful this time round, these are the same organisations who brought AIDS into Zambia in the eighties.
Mwape above its too late. This hh has been in bed with imperialist since the days of privatisation when they paid him kickbacks to under our parastatals.
Look how he doesn’t wear a mask when interacting with whlte people.
Please be careful with these organisations especially anyone working with the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation who are strangely focused on their vacines when all you need to combat malaria is having clean surrounding to stop mosquitoes laying eggs and spraying household with insecticides.
The Rotary Club meant something decades ago I remember my father taking me to their stand at Showgrounds …how times have changed now from a the boys’ club to now a woman as President. This orgnisation used to non political non-religious organization but what the hell is it doing in bed with organisations with wicked agendas such as the Gates Foundation who are fell bent on Africans indigesting their vacines remember these are organisations who champion depopulation on the African continent whilst they are in the forefront in procuring large chunks of farm land all over the world.
HH7 please wake up stop embracing everything!!!
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