Sunday, September 8, 2024

CB Minister calls for churches to apply for CDF


Copperbelt Province Minister, Elisha Matambo has urged churches in the province to apply for Constituency Development Funds (CDF) saying there is low response from the churches so far, calling on more churches to have access to the Constituency development funds in their various constituencies.

Mr Matambo says there are various programs and projects run by the churches which could be boosted by CDF.

Speaking at Masala Baptist Church in Ndola today, the Minister said church women and youth groups should form cooperatives and apply for funds from CDF for expansion of already existing church programs and for embarking on new projects.

Mr. Matambo added that youths can also take part in the youth skills empowerment programs where they obtain various skills that they can use in society to earn a living.

Speaking earlier, Baptist Church in charge, Patson Mulumbwe has thanked the government for restoring peace in the country by removing caderism which brought confusion.

Pastor Mulumbwe said the church is available to work with the government of the day in fostering development.


  1. Every Sunday this loud mouth Matambo keeps barking the same thing…why should churches qualify for CDF when they have so many other tax exempt benefits and you have no understanding of usage of CDF.

  2. They are now trying to politicize churches. They have failed to buy the churches now it’s a forcing matter

  3. This is the second or third time he has said this. Hasn’t he noticed that there are applicants who have not been successful to access the CDF? Why force someone who has not even bothered to apply while sidelining those who really need this money?

  4. Is CDF free for all or just for development? It seems this man thinks every Tom dick and Harry are entitled to CDF even for private projects.

  5. Churches should keep away from government money in whatever form. Otherwise the church will lose its role of speaking truth to power.
    It is not long ago when one cleric was advocating rigging elections to maintain the status quo. What do you think was his interest? How did he get to that position?

  6. This a clear indication that neither the current Govt nor the people know what this CDF under the UPND means or is meant for. It is a very sad reading.

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