Sunday, September 8, 2024

Former Kwacha Joe Malanji Petitions Kwacha Seat in High Court


Former Kwacha Member of Parliament has asked the High Court to declare the election for Kwacha Constituency held on 21st October, 2022 as void for non-compliance.

In a petition filed Wednesday, Hon. Joe Malanji also seeks a declaration that Hon Charles Mulenga was not duly elected as Member of Parliament from an election that did not meet the standards required by the Electoral law.

Hon Malanji has also challenged the participation of Lawrence Kasonde who had resigned but was allowed to participate in an election.

The Electoral Commission of Zambia had set election dates and allowed campaigns in Kwacha constituency during time when the High Court had restrained all activities to take place in Kabushi.

During the Constitutional Court hearing in October, 2022, the Electoral Commission of Zambia had told the Court that they could not cancel an election and call for fresh nominations in Kwacha Constituency as the election had been stayed by the Court order, the position which the Constitutional Court endorsed on 17th October, 2022.

ECZ later U-turned and start conducting election activities in defiance of the same court order the Commission and the Court said was valid, an act the Attorney General told News Diggers was cleared by the Constitutional Court.

Meanwhile, Mr Malanji has said that he cannot withdraw what he has done for the community, adding that Kwacha Constituency is his family. Hon Malanji said if he was to collect the things he has donated to the community, “the first place would be the Riverside Police Camp itself.”

“In 2007, the whole police camp had no adequate power. ZESCO only provided cables to do the wiring of the whole police camp. I spent $35,000 to buy three transformers and other accessories to have the police camp connected.”

This follows reports that some sections of society have been going round telling the people of Kwacha that the former Member of Parliament had been getting back what he donated to the community following the outcome of the Kwacha by-elections.

The political heavyweight had been “blocked” from participating in the elections, an act that made well-meaning Zambians to question the independence of the Electoral Commission of Zambia and the Judiciary at large.

Speaking when he addressed the media yesterday, Hon Malanji, who the people of Kwacha refer to as Bonanza due to his generosity said being an MP was not something for him to be opportunistic about.

The former lawmaker whose popularity has over the years grown due to his community services from own money has vowed that he will go back to the Constituency and continue with the works that he has always been doing.

On allegations that he has started grabbing the things he donated, he asked “if I’m to do that how many things will I have to grab?”

And commenting on the elections in Kwacha and Kabushi Constituencies which were characterized with an extreme poor turnout due to the absence of Bonanza and the Bulldozer (Hon Bowman Lusambo) from the ballot, Hon Malamji said what electorates did should not be taken lightly.

He explained that the electorates sent a strong message which warns against taking Zambians for granted.

The former lawmaker mocked the UPND for having failed to bring message of hope to the people of Kwacha as they just concentrated on talking about his helicopters.
He stressed that as opposed to being in Parliament for the salary, he was there for service.

“I will go back to them and continue working. The people of Kwacha and Kabushi have sent a strong message. Don’t take Zambians for granted…. they sent Campaigners and the only message they had was Malanji’s helicopters. I have told them to dig deeper,” he said.

“The police are now going in churches to search for what I have donated, where is the morality in this society? They now want to go into the community creating fake stories.

That will never happen. I am telling the people of Kwacha, that is my family. There’s no way I can withdraw what I have done for the community. The same Constituency, tomorrow my son will be there to render services, my nephew will be there…. I’m morally upright, there is no way I can do that.”


  1. Malanji has no locus-standi as he did not participate in the said election.

    Anyways, the lawyers are laughing all the way to the bank ? !

    • Poor thinking. Am sure u have never read the Electoral law.

      Sadly too is Attorney General wants public to believe the Constitutional Court endorsed the election to go on in Kwacha, when not

    • Baby Malanji
      You are insulting the people of Kwacha . Why did you donate your change to the people of Kwacha? Answer my question honestly. You have provided us with the reflection of your actions in Kwacha. Your intentions were to invest your small change in Kwacha after spending stolen money on your family and social life. You spent leftovers after misusing stolen money which was meant for ordinary Zambians. Your small investments in Kwacha have not yielded anything for you and your likes. The police must charge you for misusing state resources, causing unrest in society and alarming the citizenry. The earlier you are incarcerated , the better it is for everyone. Viva UPND, viva HH

    • Poor timing, it should not have bought helicopter.
      You don’t need that in Zambia or else you sink like a peace of sh!t.

    • Malanji is evil, he stole, then when he is not allowed to stand, he goes back to grab what he donated at a clinic? Who does that? He has a bad heart. He can’t think of the poor. Kwacha people, never allow this fool again..

  2. The Attorney General wants to use the face of the Constitutional Court to justify the sham election. I think the Court is innocent and has nothing to do with illegal decisions to conduct sham elections.

  3. the red wont stop at nothing but continue creating fake stories to gain mileage, they say a lie is like a foot print it follows you every you go.

  4. We support you dear uncle and are rooting for you. We know you deserve the seat and the people in kwacha want you

    Chris malanji
    Student at university college London

  5. The former lawmaker has disclosed the GRZ, taxation without representation. Where was the taxpayers to Provide electricity to the police station?

    “Fragile states have characteristics that substantially impair their economic and social performance. These include weak governance, limited administrative capacity, chronic humanitarian crises, persistent social tensions, and often, violence or the legacy of armed conflict and civil war.”

    Every day should be the UN General assembly.

  6. If this seat means so little why petition… but hey you will have your just day in court to produce your G12 cert which was obtained at different sittings…thank you contributing to Kwacha now go to the convention and go for the big one so that you can spread your generosity nationwide….and thanks for recalling the exact amount you spent on the police post thirty-five quid…and also happy you have asked the cops to dig deeper…all the best JM.

  7. Unfortunately for Malanji he has to first take his case to the high court .
    Otherwise , like all PF crooks, they rush to the ConCourt.
    After he loses the high court petition, he will appeal to the ConCourt. Thats his main objective.

  8. Do these politicians have anything else to do other than filing lawsuits…. get a life bwana Bonanza

  9. He now thinks he owns kwacha………

    Just like lungu before him who thought Zambians owe him their vote, he will be disappointed by the shifting sands……..

  10. Let’s hope he can sustain his ” Donations” until 2026………..

    The people of kwacha will decide who has provided sustained development as opposed to hand to mouth handouts………

    Competition and choice is good for society…….

  11. Let him explain to Zambians as to where he got the money to buy a helicopter?
    Where did he obtain from to his Grade 12 certificate?

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