Sunday, September 8, 2024

HH Abusing Intelligence and Security Wings to Spy on Opposition


By Fred M’membe President of the Socialist Party

There’s an illegal, unethical and unacceptable practice by our intelligence and security agencies that is becoming accepted as a normal and legal practice. This is the surveillance of opposition leaders and the gathering of information about their election campaign strategies and activities and passing that to the leadership of the ruling UPND and Mr Hakainde Hichilema.

The intelligence and security agencies are today being abused by Mr Hichilema as part of his political and electoral machinery. Such acts and abuses of the intelligence and security agencies to manipulate the political and electoral processes should not be tolerated. This UPND government of Mr Hichilema is using intelligence and security agencies to serve its political purpose and spy on opposition leaders and keep track of even its own allies and party leaders.

Such acts subvert the democratic system and breed an atmosphere of illegality in the higher echelons of the government. They cannot and should not be tolerated. Protecting the covert activities of intelligence and security agencies cannot and should not be made the pretext for such abuses and illegality.

In order to prevent the continuation of such practices, there’s a need to put in place a clear set of guidelines prohibiting the use of intelligence and security agencies for any form of surveillance of opposition political leaders and their election campaigns. Instructions on surveillance on grounds of national security or investigation of criminal activity must be codified. The intelligence and security agencies must be subject to parliamentary oversight.

This UPND government of Mr Hichilema is misusing and abusing the intelligence and security agencies to gather information about the campaign strategies and activities of opposition political leaders in order to prolong their survival, instead of using them to gather information about the activities of anti-national, transnational corporations and foreign armies they have brought into our country.

This is an unethical, unconstitutional and shameful act on the part of Mr Hichilema and his government. He is resorting to such despotic actions as he has failed to perform on all fronts other than boasting, posturing and globetrotting – making him seemingly insecure and prompting such despotic actions.

This is an outright violation of laws and a bizarre infringement of our fundamental rights. I hope I will not be challenged to provide evidence of this. I have deliberately decided to be general and avoid naming officers who I have personally confronted following me. This is because I very well understand the value and importance of these institutions if put to good and proper use. No nation has made good progress without these institutions operating efficiently, effectively and in an orderly manner. I am not out to undermine or destroy these necessary institutions. I simply want them to function in the right way, to do things the right way even if it calls for the greatest effort.


    • Attention Fred M’membe
      Surveillance is an abstract term. Please, stop copying, pasting and removing what does not support your purpose. Fred, you are simple minded and you expect every one to understand your theses the way you formulate them. The intelligence is the cornerstone of safety and security. When the security personnel conduct surveillance, it is just that. The results which stem from surveillance guide the security personnel about how to proceed in the future. That being said, you cannot prescribe limits of the surveillance conducted by the security personnel of Zambia. If you are under surveillance, there is absolutely nothing to worry about as long as you are not involved in illicit activities. The constitution empowers security wings to protect you and every Zambian…

    • @ Deja Vu: You believe Fred honestly? If ever there was a president who abused institutions??? Was Lungu, from police to OP. Even his cadres beating the police yet You M’membe just kept quiet. Now you can even talk, but in PF you were quite coz they would beat you up. Get serious at stop your exposing your st.upidity.

    • Nothing new here. All African governments do this. It will only be stopped by God. Human beings are too weak to pass up such an enticing opportunity. Human beings including HH that is. Perhaps we should just ban the intelligence office. How does it help the common man. All Zambian citizens could do without red brick. Only the president will miss it

  1. It is a good thing that we have pf loyalists still employed in OP and intelligence services. We know what is happening even before hh.

    Pf in uk

    • Look at this clown..PF loyalists in OP in the other post the selfsame clown was complaining and claiming that there UPND cadres in ZP…its such dull utterances that got Bowman in very hot soup because of his big gob.

    • Orange or whoever you think you are. We are demanding that you cease to comment on any of our posts. Take this as a formal notification of cease and desist. You are risking legal action. Don’t think blogging protects your identity fully. You will regret it

  2. It looks to me that Fred is directing to HH what he learned under Michael Sata. Everything he knows Sata and PF did he is reflecting on HH and UPND. The same thing is happening with the PF. They think that HH is doing what they did. If the Intelligence Services were doing this in the past, you should be fighting to change the law so that it never happens again. The law can be changed to prohibit Intelligence services from spying on citizens withoout a good reason approved by a high court judge.

  3. This is one of the reasons why Africa is a “Waste continent. We have misplaced priorities. Our country is flooded with conmen and we en from mainly west Africa trying to swindle people of their savings and our intelligence is busy spying on their opponents. It is a shame.

  4. Fred M’membe President of the Socialist Party…really laughable …this chap talking about abuse of national intelligence is ironic this is the chap who had stooges all over State House and govt when his friend Michael was President. He also had his chola boy George Chellah in the hot seat as Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations.
    Anyway take everything this man says with a pinch of salt …I do not hate this man but I know what he is capable of!!

  5. A Socialist President who writes about everything else apart from socialism principles…I bet him and Sinkamba from the Greens are in the same WhatsApp group!!

  6. Another one who over rates himself , like HK…..

    If you are not seeking arms from socialist crackpots around the world………

    What are you afraid off…….???

    Just campaign and pass your message to the masses, stop seeing shadows ………

  7. That’s possible because Saboi Imboela claims that since she was summoned by Buju, state agents have been on her to the extent of even peeping through the toilet window to check in case she forgot to flash. It’s not necessary

  8. As a la??er, I ve ?was gräded Membe as þhe most unrêalîstic political leader in zamba if not in the ?h?le entire Africa. if i ay sk, ‘what s the work of the the sp??ial bränches r?gärding the internänal security ?, Îs it ñôt the dûty of te intéligency wing to detect all posible evil plans aganst the ation, govérnment, instuions, rgnsation? I f membe was a trnsprent politican, he was not going to be afraid of other knœ?ing about hs vision, manîfeo, and his politcal actvites. And membe, why do yuo want to bring the culure of weringmilitatary unifors in politics? are still in mussolini, híltler eras? so let the secury wings carry out the dutes madaed to them, so that they can dedect any possible dangerous plans of some individuals, grous, and organisation and make the presdent aware and…

  9. As a lawyer, I ve always gräded Membe as the most unrêalîstic political leader in zamba if not in the wholle entire Africa. if i may sk, ‘what s the work of the the special bränches regärding the internänal security ?, Îs it ñôt the dûty of te intéligency wing to detect all posible evil plans aganst the nation, govérnment, instituions, rgnsation? I f membe was a transprent politican, he was not going to be afraid of others knowng about his vision, manîfeo, and his politcal actvites. And membe, why do yuo want to bring the culure of weringmilitatary uniforms in politics? are we still in mussolini, híltler eras? so let the secury wings carry out the dutes madated to them, so that they can dedect any possible dangerous plans of some individuals, groups, and organisation and make the presdent…

  10. Nothing new here. All African governments do this. It will only be stopped by God. Human beings are too weak to pass up such an enticing opportunity. Human beings including HH that is. Perhaps we should just ban the intelligence office. How does it help the common man? Which outside enemy has our insipid intelligence ever stopped?
    All Zambian citizens could do without red brick. Only the president will miss it

  11. shoe is ver dull . ther is ño ntion wiþout the intélignce. n oly crooks h?ve str?g wîßh s disbanding ßo þ?t thy be free ih thé croôery ways

    • You sound retarded yourself. Do we do things just because everybody else does them? He’s asked some very valid question answer it: What has your intelligence office ever done for your country?

  12. shoe is very dull . there is ño nation wiþout the intélignce. only crooks have strong wîsh of disbandin it so hätt they can be free ih thé croôery ways

    • You sound retarded yourself. Do we do things just because everybody else does them? He’s asked some very valid question answer it: What has your intelligence office ever done for your country?

  13. LT you keep printing stories by this joker who is a Conspiracy theorist, WHY?
    Not a shred of evident was produced.
    When such accusations are made they should be supported by evidence, yet none was produced.
    LT if you wish to be considered as a serious publisher you need to move away from being a propaganda rag.

    • Far lefts always look for imaginary foes to cover their failures, show a country in world where far lefts are ruling and the economies of those countries are in perfect condition.

    • Who are far lefts? Dont steal terms from the First world and misuse them here. We dont have doubles for everything European

  14. mukeana, you cant understand because you are equally not inteligent.and backward like member. Which nation hae no security system i this universe? which ation hates being aware of the coming dangers? Even the bible repeatedlly urges people to be aware of the plans of the enemy. but only dangerous people hate others knwing their evil scheme. But remember ‘ what ever is covered Shall be un coverd by God through man because God works through man. So makeana set yo self as credible as you had been. dont let the dull and unrealistic politician like membe baptize you wrongly. and dress you in military like attre.

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