Sunday, September 8, 2024

Farming Inputs are on the way, HH assures farmers at a campaign meeting in Mkushi


President Hakainde Hichilema has assured farmers in the country that they will all receive farming inputs under the Comprehensive Agriculture Support Programme (CASP).

Mr. Hichilema says the consignment of fertilizer is already on the way and has advised the farmers not to listen to lies.

Addressing a gathering at the show grounds in Mkushi, on Tuesday afternoon, the head of state has observed that there has been a lot of lies from the opposition Patriotic Front (PF) and even some extension officers surrounding the farming inputs.

“I am your servant. I am your president and an elder in the church and I don’t tell lies. The fertilizer is already on the way and I am confirming to you as your servant,” Mr. Hichilema.

And Mr. Hichilema has called on the people of Mkushi District to vote for the UPND candidate Melson Chilema in the Mkushi Town Council By-Election slated for Friday 4th November 2022.

The head of state observed that Mkushi was lagging behind in development because he had no direct link to carry his vision.

“I know we didn’t get a council chairperson here in Mkushi. I know we didn’t get the MP here in Mkushi. But God is God of a second chance.

” God has given us another opportunity to correct that which we didn’t do in 2021. Let us join the rest of Zambians that have decided to move forward,” he said.

He said is aware of the poor township roads, scarcity of water and lack of development in general because there is no one he could work with to accelerate implementation of these programmes in the area.

President Hichilema reminded the gathering that he promised to increase the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) during campaigns in 2021 and his administration has since fulfilled.

It is for the first time that the government is ahead in terms of fund releases as well as sending funds to the districts.

“CDF is in the bank and you people of Mkushi you deserve better markets and when you give me Chilema I will have someone to send.

” It is the first time the president has sent money to the district, but I have no one to work with, so vote for Chilema,” he stressed.

To demonstrate the love of the One Zambia One Nation Motto, the government now releases CDF on the same date to all the 156 constituencies.

Mr. Hichilema urged the people of Mkushi to wake up very early in the morning of Friday and vote for the UPND candidate.

The Mkushi Council by-election has been necessitated after the election of Evans Bwalya of PF in the 2021 was successfully petitioned by Chilema.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hichilema has advised Mr. Chilema not abandon the people after being voted into office on Friday.

“We are servants of the people, and we must work to sort out township roads, issue of desks in schools, markets, water and sanitation challenges in the district,” the president advised.

And Mr. Chilema has promised the people of Mkushi that he will provide the servant hood leadership once voted into office.

Mr. Chilema asked the people of Mkushi to vote for him on Friday.

The ruling UPND is fielding Melson Chilema while Evans Bwalya and Mabvuto Nyirenda are standing on the Socialist Party and PF respectively.


  1. Am a church elder in the church and I don’t lie mmmmh price of fertilizer has it reduced? Fuel price has been reduced? Ukulanda kwaliyanguka

  2. failed project … some people the word shame doesn’t exist even if you had to put them in fire, lying is part of their DNA. It’s in the blood, born with it. Surely you even have the encourage to talk about fertilizer. The previous government the patriotic front used to start distributing farm inputs in June or July by the time its in November the majority of farmers would have received their inputs, In your government this is in November no single farmer has received inputs and the rains have started! And what saddens me is to see a farmer killing farmers by not giving them inputs on time, you are destroying the Agricultural sector full stop . Is there any medicine the makes people to stop lying! Zambians let’s stop listening to liars.I think you people formed government to play this…

  3. Most of our farmers rely on rain fed production so the distribution of inputs is tied to the planting season. The fertilizer tender hasn’t been properly handled. While you’re assuring farmers there are reports that 2 companies that were awarded didn’t have the commodity ex-stock, they’re struggling to bring it in. There are even allegations that these are very close to you Sir. You risk not being taken seriously and that’s how leaders fall. Your predecessor managed to distribute fertilizer by end of September so your rating has dropped on that score. We expect you to stop politicking and do better

  4. Thousands have been removed from the programme—no explanation. Deliverly delayed by three months—-no explanation except promises in order to get that vote.

  5. I think let me add that your anger should be directed at such failures. If you fire somebody for the shortage of medicines in health facilities or for delayed fertilizer distribution we’ll agree with you. But if you get Saboi Imboela or Sean Tembo arrested for making noise then that’s misdirected anger. Sean and Saboi entertain us and that helps relieve pressure, so leave them to do what they do. We have no money to pay for comedy so allow Sean and Saboi to entertain us

  6. Are we cursed FTJ was a trade unionist it is what made him popular but he killed the very same trade union made them weak…LPM opted for a task force thus killing the office of DPP and undermining the legal office….ECL a lawyer killed the Judiciary its still recovering from the abuse…SHH is a farmer inputs are on the way this is November….am sure the type of inputs that are on the way require a visa as they must be stuck at the borders…

  7. The SDA church must consider removing this man as an elder for lying to the Zambian people that the cost of fertiliser will reduce and farmers will receive there inputs on time when elected when he was in opposition.The man has no shame

  8. This is the first serious mishap by the new dawn GRZ………..

    On this one there is no excuse for underperformance ……………

    We all learn from mistakes………..

    Let’s hope it is not too late to correct for this season……….

    You have 3 to 4 more planting seasons before the next elections, we expect all to be smooth…….

  9. Some people are waste then Judas Iscariot because when Judas Iscariot realized the wrong committed he took back the money to the priest, What is sad about upnd lying has become a way of life, it’s a lifestyle

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