Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government to increase beneficiaries under nutrition programme


Southern Province Permanent Secretary, Namani Monze has disclosed that government intends to increase the number of beneficiaries under the 1000 Most Critical Days Programme, currently being implemented in Choma and Monze districts in the Province.

The program which is implemented by the government through the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) II multisectoral approach seeks to end malnutrition in children from conception to the age of two. This is ultimately expected to reduce stunting levels which currently stand at 29 per cent for Southern Province according to the Zambia Demographic study.

Dr Monze has explained that the scaling up of beneficiaries under the program will ensure that more children grow up into productive citizens as good nutrition plays a major role in improving mental capabilities.

The Permanent Secretary was speaking when the German Parliamentary Committee on Food and Agriculture paid a courtesy call on him at the provincial administration in Choma.

The committee, consisting of nine members of parliament and some technocrats is in the province to check on projects, that the Zambian government is implementing with support from the German government. These include the 1000 Most Critical Days Program, and some climate change mitigation initiatives among others.

Dr Monze further thanked the German government for supporting various technologies in the province such as climate-smart agriculture and food processing, adding that these will help promote food security.

Meanwhile, the German Parliamentary Committee on Food and Agriculture is impressed with the government’s implementation of the 1000 Most Critical Days Program and other projects supported by the German Government in Southern Province So far.

Committee Chairperson, Farbor Hermann who also led the delegation stated that his team attaches great importance to ensuring that children are given a good start in life so as to secure their future.

He further assured the Zambian government of continued support towards the 1000 Most Critical Days program and other projects.

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