Sunday, September 8, 2024

US to Give Zambia K480m


United States of America (US) State Secretary Hillary Clinton

The United States of America (USA) government will give Zambia about 480 billion Kwacha in the next five years under the feed the future project, a programme aimed at improving agriculture research and food security.

American Ambassador to Zambia Mark Storella says an initial funding of 160 billion Kwacha will be given.

He was speaking when the American and Swedish Governments launched the Feed the Future project at Mount Makulu Research Centre on Monday.

Speaking during the launch at Mount Makulu Agriculture Research Institute on Monday, Mr Storella says the launch marks a new era in partnership between the Zambian and US Government in fighting poverty and improving food security.

Livestock and Fisheries Minister Bradford Machila thanked the American Government for its support to the food security programme.

Mr. Machila says the Zambian government has placed great importance on supporting agriculture growth and this has resulted into recording a bumper harvests.

Meanwhile, Swedish Deputy Head of mission Per Lundell has pledged his country’s continued support to the Food Security Research Programme-FSRP.

[ ZNBC ]


  1. K480 billion kwacha is that all? The USA should be ashamed. They spent over 1 trillion dollars on the war in Iraq, not to mention Afghanistan etc….I suppose it’s better than nothing!!!! 

  2. This is a sign that CLINTON has endorsed RB for 2011 and that USA want to work with the MMD Government after the CIA analysis that RB is winning the 2011 polls.

  3. #1 why are you complaining, they didnt spend your money in Iraq it was their money. So they’ll give you what they want, we are not their responsibility. So they shouldnt be ashamed for anything, if we feel the money is not enough then we simply dont take it, but am sure RB wouldnt say no coz he knows he needs to steal as much as he can before he does sko sko from State House

  4. They aren’t even supposed to be giving us this money! We could have gotten it ourselves from the mining companies that have been stealing our mineral wealth. Oh I forgot, Chi Situmbeko Musokotwane has already been bribed!!!

  5. Dont do it, Please USA. Keep your money, please dont do it. That money will be stolen before anything happens to it. That country does not deserve it. Please keep your money and create jobs in USA. Thanks

  6. A Big Thank you to the American people. Hopefully, the money will be put to good use for the benefit of the Zambian people especially those at lower echelons.

  7. Mushotaaaaaa I missed your controversy, but heck I agree with with #2, it’s there money we should actually be ashamed of ALWAYS getting handouts, we have enough resources to be self reliant.

  8. As someone working and funded by the Americans be assured this money is accounted for to the last penny. We thank the Obama administration we shall make good use of these funds.

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