Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sinazongwe Coop appeals for water pump


Lake Kariba in Sinazongwe district

A cooperative in Sinazongwe district in Southern Province has appealed to Government to buy them a water pump to save the affected farmers from failing to cultivate their winter
crops this year.

Buleya Malima Irrigation Scheme Chairperson Peter Munakacheka told
ZANIS in an interview today that the cooperative has only remained
with one water pump because the other one is damaged.

Mr. Munakacheka said one pumping machine is not enough to pump water
to the 71 hectares of the irrigation Scheme.

He said the farmers have no money to buy the pumping machine which is
valued at K22 million.

The Chairperson said many farmers will fail to cultivate this year, if
the damaged water pump is not replaced.

He also said said most crops cultivated using the irrigation scheme
includes, maize, okra, and vegetables which have contributed to
uplifting the living standards of many people in Buleya Malima.

Government rehabilitated the Buleya Malima Irrigation Scheme at the
cost of K2.3 billion in 2006 and it is the biggest in Sinazongwe



  1. give them pumps they do not want geysers and bulbs. let Zambians benefit from economic growth you the govt talk about.

  2. Badala ihinthu yonse kulomba ku nhulumende. Atubelekele anthu omwe tuhule pump a menda. Government has already rehabilitated the scheme for us at a cost of K2.3 billion. Lets also invest the little we get from the proceeds of selling our vegetables and buy a pump. We understand that this is an election year and government may consider your request but in future lets learn to complement govt’s effort.

  3. Shame why are you people not planning well. What have you done with the income you earned since the govt rehabilitated the pump. Have you produced the income and expenditure of your dealings. These are the people blocking development. Plse plse learn how to manage what is given to you.i am sad to hear this type of story at this time . Shame that you can not produce simple 22k

  4. Begger mentality…… Because of poor cooperation, selfishness and lack of a common vision these people will never ever recoup what was invested by GRZ. Like # 5 has put it, these are the people blocking development! However GRZ needs to set up programs to change such attitudes and mind sets. Maybe they did’nt even ask for the irrigation scheme. Give them an inch and they will ask for a mile.

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