Sunday, September 8, 2024

Be ready to resign – GBM challenges HH


Aspiring candidate for the position of president of the Patriotic Front, PF, Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, GBM, has challenged President Hakainde Hichilema to resign in the face of acute hunger currently underway in several parts of the country owing to what he calls poor leadership.

Mr Mwamba has reminded President Hichilema of his own words once posted on his Twitter page in which he said, “If a person were to die of hunger under my Presidency, I would seriously evaluate whether I am fit to continue leading the nation. This is deeply troubling, and I can’t contain my displeasure”.

According to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, IPC, “Over 1.35 million Zambians (10% of the analyzed population) are experiencing severe food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 Crisis) between July and September 2022, due to high food prices and climatic shocks. This population requires urgent humanitarian action to reduce food gaps, protect and restore livelihoods, and prevent acute malnutrition”.

The former Kasama Constituency lawmaker says Mr Hichilema was especially voted for by the very population that now faces acute hunger and whose lives hang in the balance. Mr. Mwamba says this population believed Mr Hichilema had the capacity to protect them from hunger and the death that might result from there.

The former Defense Minister says it is now clear that President Hichilema does not have the leadership he claimed to have to protect the vulnerable parts of the Zambian population. Instead, Mr Bwalya says the President duped the Zambian voter by promising them what they wanted to hear.

“I have no doubt in my mind that Mr Hichilema was only attracted to public office for the title ‘president’ and not really to serve”, Mr. Mwamba says. He adds, “Since he is evidently trapped in an office whose challenges he did not bargain for, he simply needs to resign when he still has a bit of dignity to walk away with”.

Commentators fear that the food security situation in the country will get worse, especially in view of the chaotic distribution of farming inputs that has characterized the 2022/2023 farming season.

Claiming to clean up the system, President Hichilema has fumbled his way around an obscure agricultural policy which has left analysts wondering whether the President really knows what he is doing.


  1. We love you papa gbm and thank you for my release gift. The 40 year old whisky . Hh days are numbered. You cannot arrest me and expect to win next election.

    • Ignore this UK based Impostor desperately scratching the bottom of the barrel for material for attention on here…it is a shameless being we have a lot of these here in the UK.

    • You are commenting on my business yet you asking people to ignore me. Can you please follow your own advice and ignore me! Don’t comment on my business you sick little boy

    • Forty year old whiskey!!
      Why waste money like this when we have starving street kids?
      Sickening self indulgence

    • yaa UK has so many fuuls, including that son-of-b!tch Larry Mweetwa, no wonder PF was deporting it from own country. Was it given a job that idyot or where is it?

  2. This thief GBM is supposed to be in jail. From the money he stole from Zambians while he was a Minister of Defence. He was a minister and supplier of goods toothed defence forces. Zambia unlike West African counties is the only country where such criminals are left to talk freely. Instead of confiscating their properties and give them back to Zambians.
    Even the notorious Kaizar Zulu. He should have been deported back to Malawi and his properties confiscated. How can a simple clinical officer from Chawama become a millionaire.
    Corruption and thefts in Zambia has reached such a level that such criminals are adored.
    Anti-corruption organizations are a just cover up to cheat and fool Zambians. We have never witnessed any confiscated property being auctioned. Let us come to power. We…

  3. But bo Fat Albert also, why can’t he regurgitate the food in his colossal stomach to feed this starving Zambians!

  4. If UPND government intensifies the corruption cases, all this political rhetorical cry would change to political persecution. The corruption net is wide and firm to can catch all these loud mouthed thieves. After all, all Zambians know that PF comprises of thieves whose most criminal cases are active in courts of law.

  5. Its laughable that GBM is even challenging for top position…this man is the true definition of a fat cat, he is not only greedy but very corrupt and power hungry sponge. Wherever he has posted he has helped himself to all the contracts in that ministry via his children as proxies. This is a man who resigned from PF when he was not guaranteed top position by old man Sata. This man is a street thug and his antics are obselete …PF should do everything in their power by not electing him.

  6. Why we even debating this issue when he doesnt stand the slightess of winning
    same with Lubinda
    So let them waste their money

  7. GBM give us a break…
    1. Produce your from 5 (G12 certificate) which you said people will be surprised to know that you have it.
    2.Tell the nation who was behind gassing of innocent citizens.
    3. Stop fighting your foe on trivial matters.
    4.Give guidance how the nation can be self reliant, food production and manufacturing industries.
    Doing so would mean that you are contributing to the nation’s development, frivolous talks won’t help.

  8. PF cadres day dreaming n forgetting that they left us in a big financial hole that the current administration is taking care of…..ifwe paka 20 31 n beyond.

    • There was more money in circulation during our reign unlike now where only the elite are touching money. Watch what the people do in 2026. You think it’s your hh who votes in elections

    • Ignore the UK based Impostor it does not understand what it is talking about or how money works…these are dull chaps here in the UK even though he is surrounded by free Public libraries and free Wifi everywhere it still chooses ignorance,

  9. Ifonly these words were coming from someone other than corrupt GBM! GBM is known for his lack of principles with examples of yo yoing from PF to UPND and back a big exposure of this. If PF makes him president it will be a one way trip to the graveyard

  10. The situation on the ground is very different. If elections were to be called today, HH would lose by a big margin because of poor agricultural policy and high cost of living. People are truly suffering in Rural Zambia

  11. I’m currently in Nakonde, UPND strong hold prior to elections. People here want UPDN out ASAP… No jobs, no business, no money, no prospects, no hope. Things are bad on the ground. MP AWOL… stays don’t lie.

  12. Kaizar Zulu. How can we have money in circulation. When in fact the Malawan drunkards living in Chainama came and stole all the money.

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