Sunday, September 8, 2024

Nalumango demands moral uprightness among church leaders


Vice President, Mutale Nalumango, has said government expects leaders of the church to be men and women of good moral standing in society. Mrs Nalumango said the church is a holy body of Christ hence its leadership should be morally upright.

She said government is however saddened with the behaviour of some church leaders who find themselves doing wrong things. She revealed that government will nevertheless continue to offer moral support to the church in order to help it grow.

Mrs Nalumango was speaking at an induction service of Reverend Roy Kanchele, who has been ordained as Bishop for the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) Western Presbyterian for a period of four years.

She was represented by Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Vice President for Parliamentary Duties, National Guidance and Religious Affairs, Ndiwa Mutelo. The Vice President congratulated Bishop Kanchele on his ordination, saying the position shows the confidence the UCZ has in him.

She has since advised the newly ordained Bishop not to relent in his duties of uniting the congregants saying the task ahead of him is huge. The induction service, which was attended by hundreds of congregants, was held at All Saints UCZ congregation in Livingstone’s Highlands area.

And in accepting his new ministry, Bishop Kanchele pledged to use the power of God to lead the church. Bishop Kanchele emphasised that without the hand of God prevailing over him, he would not have risen to his current position.

He added that as a church, his vision and direction is to continue working on financial viability. Bishop Kanchele stressed that the church is working on an investment policy that will enable it to become financially sustainable.

He revealed that the church further plans to establish a radio station in order to reach out to masses and carry out other evangelism programmes.

Bishop Kanchele expressed confidence that that his team will support him in making sure that all the plans are actualised.


  1. Since when did politicians demand morals from priests? Perhaps the Zambian govt should swap jobs with the priesthood?

  2. Hey I grew up in the boys brigade of UCZ. This church never had bishops. Only Reverends. Why this move towards catholicism?

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