Sunday, September 8, 2024

UPND is a Group of Vendors Trying to Sell State Assets – Msoni


UPND-ALLIANCE partner, All Peoples Congress (APC) president, Nason Msoni has described the UPND led government as vendors, whose interest has now shifted to selling a military jet for profits.

Msoni observes that the appetite of selling government assets by the UPND is unprecedented to the extent of disposing off a military jet meant to protect the President.

His comment follows the revelations by former Ministry of Defence Permanent Secretary, Stardy Mwale who said the jet was not an ordinary plane but Air Force One.

Mwale, has since requested President Hakainde Hichilema to weave his oath of secrecy in order for him to speak about the purchase and the nature of the plane under investigations.

Msoni says the revelations were serious as they questions the mental capacity of merchants (vendors) trying to sell a military jet with most advanced instruments designed to protect the President.

“Following the serious revelation made by the former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Defense Mr Stardy Mwale, the burden now invariably shifts on the reasoning and the mental capacity of the Merchants (vendors ) themselves trying to sell a military Jet with the most advanced instruments on board meant and designed to protect the president. It is clearly stated that additionally there is a top up of $50 million USD worth of security equipment installed in that jet over and above its normal cost price,” he said.

Msoni has also noted with sadness that no normal reasoning human being can contemplate to sell such an important equipment for a song, given the important security installations fitted on board at such a colossal cost.

He said the argument advanced by the vendors in reference to the UPND leadership of saying the jet was too expensive to maintain does not make sense.

“The argument advanced by the merchants is that this jet is too expensive to maintain and they intend to sell it and buy a similar one. I don’t know whether this line of argument really makes sense to anyone. It is absolutely a senseless argument meant to hoodwink the gullible citizens,” he said.

Msoni has since demanded that Zambians stop the sell of the jet by a government of vendors.

“The Jet cannot be sold and must not be sold because the equipment is meant to Protect the head of state. In any case the question of selling the Jet must now put off completely because it is potentially an exhibit. “You cannot sell an exhibit “

On the other hand, what we expect however, is that those who are charged with the responsibility of providing enhanced security for the office of the President will appropriately counsel the errant merchants from selling an important piece of equipment meant to protect the office holder,” said.

He has since advised the UPND administration to value the security of the President and not profits they want to achieve.

“It is important to note that profits and security are at variance to each other. Undoubtedly the motivation for the sell of the jet is driven by pride, bitterness and the corrosive hate for the previous administration,” said Msoni.


  1. Wako ni Wako is not going to work for you. And your easterner friend won’t get any sympathy for going to social media. Why can’t he wait and explain in Court? You’re also on record for condemning PF for buying that plane, what has changed? Because you weren’t picked in HH Cabinet?

  2. Masampo Bally wants to offer the plane to his business partner at a massive discount as a way to pay back some money lent to him for the campaign. Sengulani manso Zambians!! Bally and his cohorts pledged a lot of assets to be sold to their lenders, next to go is ZAMTEL and disbandling of ZESCO so that different units are offered to their friends. NIPANO TULI!!

  3. Another nonsense article.
    Zambia is a country that is bankrupt, so this unnecessary extravagances should go. HH is the president and I think he should know what is required for his travel.
    When was the last time the jet was used?
    As for ZAMTEL and ZESCO they should be sold, political appointees do not know how to run businesses. That is clear for all to see.
    Did you all see this headline:
    ZESCO reaches arbitration settlement with Maamba Collieries, agrees to pay $518 million by August to settle arrears.
    Could you have seen this happening if it was privitised

  4. Procurement was flawed. I can nearly guarantee you that a high quality brand new jet can be bought for $50million and enhancements made for $20million. Guys, $400million is the price of a Boeing 737 is $123million. You were hoodwinked.

  5. This man full of praise for HH and upnd prior to elections but after seeing no appointing letter forthcoming he has decided that his praise was misplaced.

    • He is a pragmatist, uses data available along with his “loaf”. May be he has been dealt a Fube blow,nevertheless,his argument dwarfs yours!!!

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