Friday, October 18, 2024

President Hakainde Hichilema of being out of touch with reality, He is focused on pleasing Foreigners


Opposition Patriotic Front (PF) Media Director Antonio Mwanza has accused President Hakainde Hichilema of being out of touch with reality in his first fifteen months in Government.

And Mr. Mwanza has branded President Hichilema’s press conference held in Lusaka last Tuesday as a sad show to watch.

Featuring on UNZA Radio on Thursday morning, Mr. Mwanza said the press conference exposed that President Hichilema was out of touch with reality.

Mr. Mwanza said he was worried that the Head of State believes that the country’s economy and the standard of living is good when the prevailing situation on the ground is different.

Mr. Mwanza expressed concern that the country has a President who has focused on pleasing foreigners at the expense of the local people who gave him the mandate to lead them to greater heights.

“Zambians are aware of the serious economic challenges they are going through. I heard one day, my young brother, Anthony Bwalya, who is the spokesperson for the President, saying that the cost of living is very good. It’s manageable. It is the Patriotic Front who is using propaganda to claim that the Zambian people are suffering. Now you must know that comrade Anthony Bwalya doesn’t speak for himself. He speaks for the President and when he issues a statement, in his capacity as the presidential mouthpiece, it simply means that that is the view of the President himself,” Mr. Mwanza said.

“And like they say, the apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree. In case someone might have thought that what Anthony Bwalya might have told the Zambian people that kulibe mavuto, Zambia mulibe mavuto, bantu bakudya three times a day, fuel is cheap, in case someone might have accused Anthony Bwalya of speaking for himself, and not the President, that doubt was removed two days ago when his Excellence, President Hakainde Sammy Hichilema held a press briefing where actually, he doubled up on what Anthony had said. The press briefing of the President exposed a President who is completely out of touch with reality. The President, who lives in his own world, in his own imagination, in his own fantasy, in his own reality. It was a sad show to watch. The President had six agenda items. Simple, straightforward points which could have taken the President 20 minutes to read and the media another 20 minutes to ask questions and for him to respond,” Mr. Mwanza said .

He said it was unfortunate that President Hichilema dodged important questions from journalists pertaining to key national matters at the press conference.

“Simple question from Costa Mwansa. Your Excellence, what is your position on the crisis in the mining sector? Mopani, KCM and now FQM. There is a crisis on the Copperbelt. What is your position? What is your government doing? The President started talking about Japan, about cadres, he is a man in his own reality and you must be scared. If you’re a Zambian, you must be concerned that you have a President who lives in his own reality. The President confirms that Zambians are not suffering. According to him, Zambians are doing very well. According to him, Zambia is an exceptional country with an exceptional President where the whole world is coming to him, I don’t know which world comes to him and admires him. I guess it’s the world of the owners of the mines who are making billions of dollars from this country because they have been given tax holidays,” Mr. Mwanza remarked.

He said President Hichilema was unpopular among Zambians despite receiving praises from foreigners.

“I think those are the people that come to him, adore him and appreciate him. For a woman in Kalingalinga who has to pay K27 per liter for diesel to run a gen set to run her business, they cannot agree with that President. For a student, for this academic year, who has been left out of sponsorship because this government doesn’t care even when he has the correct points, he cannot agree with that President. For a farmer, who has failed to get his Urea today on the 22nd December 2022, for a farmer who has gone to a shop and found fertilizer at K1, 250 per bag cannot agree with that President? For a taxi driver, for a bus driver, who has to pay double the amount he used to pay because fuel prices have doubled, he cannot agree with that,” Mr. Mwanza added.


  1. The time of free money in your pockets in 3 months is over…………..

    With this GRZ it is work, work and more work for a better tomorrow…………

    • Spaka – You need to stop your excessive drumbeating and bootlicking it embarassing put a lid on it …very soon PF will start to look like angels because of chaps like you. RB was on the right track but was out of touch with reality HH will be in a similar position it just takes an opposition who is in touch with the cries of the masses. HH will be patted on the back by the Directors of the Gobal Mines, World Bank and IMF but will shocked when he starts losing seats…we never learn from history.
      Continue beating the drum!!

    • There Tarino goes complaining and moaning again………….

      Does this chap ever stop complaining ?????

      Try Taking a happy pill bro………

    • A single truth said a thousand times in response to lies is never excessive. It is more unforgivable to let a lie stand unchallenged, even once, because one feels a truth has been said too many times. It is these fence-sitting middle ground attitudes towards evil that allow it to grow roots take hold in Zambia.

  2. The reality is there is no easy or magic way out of the pain the PF created for Zambia.

    You can pretend fuel is cheaper when you selling below cost and don’t pay OMC’s $500million. This type of consumption spending that got us in trouble.

    Removal of subsidies means people without cars can enjoy too because of free education and enhanced social welfare.

    If the economic challenges are really serious, the they can’t be fixed in 15 months. This is circular dog chasing its own tail thinking. Things are really bad, but they should be fixed tomorrow are incompatible ideas.

    Yes, feel sorry for students without sponsorship, but many students can eat now because meal allowances have been restored.

  3. The reality is there is no easy or magic way out of the pain the PF created for Zambia.

    You can pretend fuel is cheaper when you selling below cost and don’t pay OMC’s $500million. This type of consumption spending that got us in trouble.

    Removal of subsidies means people without cars can enjoy too because of free education and enhanced social welfare.

    If the economic challenges are really serious, the they can’t be fixed in 15 months. This is circular dog chasing its own tail thinking. Things are really bad, but they should be fixed tomorrow are incompatible ideas.

    Yes, feel sorry for students without sponsorship, but many students can eat now because meal allowances have been restored.

    • Because instead of using those big powerful arms of yours to work in and develop zambia, you decided to become an immigrant there abroad and instead use those arms to attract whlte women.

  4. Listen to the cries of the people who are completely out of touch with reality and zero knowledge of world events will drag us further

  5. History will prove we are decades away from real independence
    58 years of ups and downs !! And still we cant acknowledge we dont have it to go alone

  6. Abuse of freedom of expression, how does free education and recruitment of teachers and health workers please outsiders? its not every thought that needs media publicity, sometimes we should discus as citizens so that we influence what is news worthy. i understand such happens when you listen to your voice

  7. When you tell a lie so many times, you start believing that lie yourself. HH has been telling lies for 23 years to an extent that he now believes his own lies. To HH mealie meal is at k50, fuel is at k5, fertilizer is at k250, free education from grade 1 to university, FISP is at its best, and load shedding ended within 9 months. I wonder which Church elder this liar is, may be the one PK Chishala sang about.

  8. The ones that destroyed Zambia’s economy are the ones who are loud mouthing, they have no sense of shame as Zambians now clear all the mess they left behind of corruption, stealing and left an empty coffer with a -2.5 GDP.

  9. PF thought they were going to win by a landslide. They still think they can come back. Now who is not in touch with reality?

  10. Muna Dekhane is 1000% right , 10yrs of PF being out of touch and destroying Zambia’s economy makes them utter hypocrites. Antonio Mwanza have you no shame?

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