Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Zambia facing socio-political and ideological crisis at the hands of the UPND Government


Opposition Socialist Party youths on the Copperbelt have charged that Zambia is facing socio-political and ideological crisis at the hands of the UPND Government of President Hakainde Hichilema.

Reflecting on the year 2022, Socialist Party Youth League Copperbelt Training Coordinator Joseph Kangwa said 2022 has been a very difficult year for the majority poor Zambians economically, socially and politically.

Mr. Kangwa cited the problems Zambians went through in 2022 as mass poverty, high levels of inequity and injustice, political instability, systemic violence, and unemployment.

He charged that the United Party for National Development (UPND) Government has no solutions to the numerous problems affecting the nation such as poverty and unemployment.

“The year 2022 has been a very difficult year for the majority poor Zambians economically, socially and politically. What the country is facing is a socio-political and ideological crisis. And this socio-political and ideological crisis has its roots to the problems of the masses caused by neo-liberal capitalism. These problems include, (a)mass poverty,( b) high levels of inequity and injustice( c) low per capita income, (d) political instability, (e) systemic violence, and (f) structural unemployment. The United Party for National Development has no solutions to these problems as solutions cannot come from within capitalism that President Hakainde Hichilema represents and adores. Mr. HH is part and parcel of the capitalist system that induces suffering and turbulence to the majority poor masses. There is so much suffering, mass poverty, shortages of drugs in hospitals; the whole country is in heaps of problems. And the reason is that President Hichilema and his government have disconnected themselves from their own people, the poor people of Zambia who voted for HH because as a puppet of the west he is so distracted by his imperialists’ agenda,” Mr. Kangwa said.

He said the people of Zambia should search for diverse socio-political and ideological solutions to eradicate the current ills the nation is going through.

Mr. Kangwa claimed that the Socialist Party under the leadership of Dr. Fred M’membe could save Zambians from mass poverty, high levels of inequity and injustice, political instability, systemic violence and unemployment.

“The people of Zambia need to look for different socio-political and ideological solutions to what we adduce as the causes of our present suffering, and in this case as far as we know, it is the Capitalism system that stands on the ‘virtues’ of selfishness (individualism) and greed. And the only system that stands against the suffering of the majority ‘working class’ is socialism. The Socialist Party under the able leadership of Dr. Fred M’membe stands out to be the only political party with socio-political and ideological solutions to the sufferings and problems of the Zambians caused by neo-liberal capitalism. We stand for a system (socialism) that is based on the ‘virtues’ of equity and solidarity. But not only that, it especially focuses on the need for inner transformation of greed into generosity, selfishness into selfless service, arrogance into humility and hate into love,” Mr. Kangwa said.

Socialist Party youths have taken a hard stance against the New Dawn Government.

Last month, Mr. Kangwa accused President Hakainde Hichilema and his UPND government of failing to prioritise key service delivery to the people of Zambia.

“President Hakainde Hichilema and his government have completely failed to prioritize top notch service delivery to the people of Zambia as expected and as promised. Their failure to stabilize the prices of essential goods and services such as food stuffs, fuel, and electricity to mention a few is profoundly evident. It is the same story when it comes to addressing poverty as the majority of our population is still languishing in abject poverty. Lack of equipment and medicines in government healthcare facilities is still a major concern as poor people are dying every day in these facilities because they do not have money to buy drugs, needles and cylinders as the only thing they get from these hospitals is a prescription,” Mr. Kangwa said.


  1. You are the future, start organising yourselves to take over. As youths, spend your energy on creating structures and plans on how you will make Zambia better. Stop relying on these recycled politicians who use you when it’s convenient for them. It is clear that the current generation of leaders are only looking out for themselves and possibly catching up with all the years they wasted. Get organised and start shaping your own future.

  2. Socialism died in the 1980’s and remains there.
    Russia and China are now even more capitalist than the USA itself.
    Fred Mmembe is just using the dead ideology to woe uneducated Zambians .Sadly many Zambians still believe in free things as opposed to hard work.

  3. Textbook politics do not wook.
    Well, Zambia as a nation has chosen multi-partism with each party with its ideology which make sense with the Zambian Social way of life.
    There is no ideology which is perfect because the people who champion such ideology are not perfect in the beginning.
    It is always theif-ology which seem to work for man because man is crookard.

  4. Youth abuse by the socialist movement is a non starter. As of today, there is nothing in the world to be admired of any achievement by a socialist regime. As said above Socialism died almost 40 years ago. Youths of Zambia avoid being abused by dead ideologies, move with an ever changing world in political, economic and technological landscape.

  5. Socialist Russia and China are the main sources of 90% of our current problems through their deceptive acts. Evidence is there for all to see. Unprovoked war in Ukraine by Putin has resulted in subsequent cost-of-living crisis; poorest children are even less likely to access essential services and are more at risk of child marriage, violence, exploitation and abuse.
    On the other hand after failing to be open about the source of covid-19. Now China’s “zero-Covid dynamics” policy could have a greater impact on the global economy than the ongoing war in Ukraine.
    That’s Socialism at work.

  6. While everyone in the world has ditched socialism cos it’s obsolete, some *****s in Zambia still call themselves “socialist party”. ????

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