Sunday, September 8, 2024

47 houses in Chilanga collapse due to downpour


47 houses have collapsed after recent heavy downpours in the Chilanga district of Lusaka Province.

Chilanga District Commissioner, David Sheleni says 3 houses first collapsed in Kasupe ward of Chilanga, then an additional 30 houses fell in the Chinyanja ward.

He confirmed the development to ZANIS in an interview in Chilanga today, saying an additional 14 houses later collapsed in Mwembeshi ward of Chilanga district.

He says the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) in Lusaka has sent 30 tents, 9 by 50 kilogramme bags of Kapenta, Beans and 9 by 25Kg bags of mealie meal for the 30 affected families in Chinyanja ward.

He explains that officers from the DMMU were on the ground to ascertain how much damage has been done and find out what the affected families are in need of.

“Today we have plans to go back to Mwembeshi ward as the disaster team and check on the affected families and also see if the down pour over the weekend caused any further damage and to assess what the 14 affected households need so the DMMU can quickly intervene,” he explained.

Mr. Sheleni has advised people to construct proper houses made of bricks and cement instead of using mud which gets easily washed away when there are heavy rains.

The country has been receiving heavy rainfall in the recent past which has caused floods in various parts of the country.


  1. Mr. Sheleni has advised people to construct proper houses made of bricks and cement instead of using mud which gets easily washed away when there are heavy rains. Ati advise. We all know this. What we need now from you is to Just give us your plans to help us build these brickhouses.

  2. Thesepolticianscare insensitive lecturers. If people had money they would have brcks houses but they are robbed by politicians as city councillors to president eat 38% of national budget. It is insensivity of 2,000 politicians in civil centers, parliament and plot one that steals from the poor what rightfully shall be used for their well being.

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