Monday, September 16, 2024

Barotse Agreement promise cheers BRE


File: National Constitutional Conference chairman Chifumu Banda receives a submission from a Barotse Royal Establishment representative in Lusaka

THE Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) has welcomed the assurance by President Banda that his government is looking into the issues it has raised surrounding the Barotseland Agreement of 1964.

In a statement issued in Lusaka yesterday by Induna Namunda on behalf of the office of the ngambela (prime minister), the BRE has also called an emergency council meeting to evaluate the progress made so far to chart the appropriate course of action on the matter.

The BRE said it recognises that Government is actively dealing with the issue of the Barotseland Agreement.

“Government has set up high-level teams of experts to study the resolutions of the Barotse National Council (BNC), and will advise on how best it can respond,” Induna Namunda said.

He said President Banda recognises that the pleas for socio-economic justice from the people of Western Province are genuine and need attention.

Induna Namunda said the BNC will study in detail the statement made by President Banda and the various issues Government referred to for guidance and consultations.

“In this regard the BRE is calling for an emergency meeting of the BNC to study the statement made by the President,” Induna Namunda said.

And the BRE has called on its stakeholders to attend the meeting to ensure it is conducted in a transparent manner.

Induna Namunda said the BRE is objective and principled, and will continue to foster democracy.

“It has been resolved to broaden further representation of the BNC by inviting stakeholders and interest groups to attend this emergency meeting,” he said.

Last week, President Banda appealed to all the people of Western Province to give his government a chance to resolve the complex issue of the Barotseland Agreement of 1964.

He expressed happiness that both the BNC and the BRE are in favour of the unitary State of Zambia.

Mr Banda said Government is actively dealing with the matter, and that authorities expect to come up with a practical road map on how to resolve issues raised by the BNC in its January resolutions.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Now that is what am talking about!!!Instead of political bikering H.E RB is recognising the importance of dialogue at the round table.This is empirical evidence that H.E RB has now started listenning more and talking less to plight of all zambians.An endorsement and a pat on the back is now deserved.One zambia one nation.Now its clear as VJ puts who is trully winning this years elections for the writing is  on the wall.Wina azalila monga lyonse!!!

  2. The MMD Govt is endowed with a rich class of intellectuals well versed in the fields of economics, history, political science, psychology, sociology and a host of disciplines in natural sciences. Issues pertaining to the Barotse Agreement of 1964 are complex. The Govt should use its pool of intellectuals to conduct preliminary studies in Lesotho and Swaziland to probe causes of apparent unrest in these countries. Since the Kingdom of Swaziland belongs to a clan of the Dhlaminis, it is vital to establish clans that feel supressed by the Dhlaminis. This may be replicated in Lesotho. The final settlement relating to Barotse Agreement must contain elements that will help resolve differences between the Lundas and Luvales; reflect on causes that led to the creation of Luapula Province.

  3. i think moenry this time arround will have a great potion in the ploitiical arena BRE has no direction. how long have they been fighting for this for them to be cheated at last minute in an election year TIZAONACO

  4. We, the Nkoya People of Western would like to see wide consultations on the way forward for Western Province. We believe that the best way forward is to separate some areas from Western Province to create a separate Province called Kafue Province. This will help to clearly separate Lozi interests and other tribes like the Nkoya people who do not recognise the BRE or the BA64 document. This is what the government should be working on, deciding where WP will start and end and where Kafue Province will equally start and end. We all know that is all matters are left in the hands of the BRE in Western Province, no progress will be made and everything will favour Lozis at the expense of other non Lozi tribes like the Nkoya people. Two Provinces, One Country called Zambia is the only way forward.

  5. It is high time this issue of Barotseland Agreement is brought to an end. Let there be a referendum for all people who live in the the gegraphical jurisdiction of the so called Barotseland vote if they want to be part of it or not. The peole who signed the agreement did not consult the stakeholders if they wanted to part and parcel of it or not. I for one being a Toka Leya would not like to be part of the Agreement which would make me different from other Zambians in the rest of the country.

  6. There is a very big difference between the BRE and the people of Western province. The BRE has been known to side with the government over this issue and the people are very aware of the same. Promises are not what people are looking for, but pragmatism over the issue. He who seeks votes through the BRE is just wasting his time. Had it not been for the respect lozis have for their tradition, by now the Litunga would have been someone else or no litunga at all. The BRE are stinking rich and have no complaint but the general or common masses are the suffering majority. No one goes to the palace to have free lunch. What people want is equal opportunity not through the known BRE conduit where nothing sieves to the poor masses.

  7. THIS IS RUPIAH BANDA FOR YOU. HE’s ALWAYS LIED, BELIEVE HIM AT YOUR OWN RISK MY FRIEND. I just hope my Lozi brothers have not easily forgotten what he said about you last year and what happened to your fellow brothers and sisters in January. RUBBISH BIN IS A DESPARATE POLITICIAN JUST SURVIVING ON LIES. He knows he is using and wants to use you to win the Election.

  8. Trust Rupiah at your perial. Am sure my fellow brothers from western province knows he’s just but lying. Oh ni Donchi Kubeba mwana, let him bring the GRZ money. When did you ever hear Rupiah speak something that is not a lie.

  9. HERB or NyamaSoya has been ruling Zed for three yrs. where was he for him to start now saying he has proposal for the Baroste agreements. last minute developmental lies wont win him votes. Let us Vote RB and his Minnions OUT this year.

  10. When you are a thief or plunderer or you have been telling lies since you were born, it is impossible to believe that other people can do honest things. That is the tragedy of PF.

  11. Surely no sane person can compare RB and Sata, just where do you start from if even Sata’s closest ally Mmembe has failed to compare the two? The (bad) record of the latter is all over past editions of the Post and in our own memories, which is why someone in LAZ wants to gag an innocent Chanda Chimba III who is simply repeating what the Post wrote. Unless Mmembe now admits that what he wrote about Sata and many others were lies, how do you erase (Post) newspaper facts?

  12. Nkoyas are from Kasempa. You know your history very well. You are breakaway group from Kaondes and were given to just settle in Kaoma. Lozi is just an ambrella name for all tribes in Barotseland. You go to Namibia you will find the Fyes and Subiyas using it as an umbralla language. So for a settler from Kasempa to come tell us what to do in our land is very unfortunate.

  13. our dear rb should have highlighted the so called complex issues surrounding barotse to make us believe he is serious about whole issue.otherwise we might be forced to believe he is justing reacting to the welcome sata received in western province.

  14. The only people this president cares about are those in eastern province and seriously the lozis can trust him at their own risk. He is just soliciing for their vote and nothing else. This induna Namunda sounds like a recipient of a big fat brown envelope.

  15. What is this”us nkoya” we do no want. Nkoyas were just given part of western to settle and now you think you have rights.shut up yo ass you dirt smell I.diots .bunda,nkoya etc just be loyal. 

  16. Hope you know he is just saying vote for me now I  will rubbish you’s stup1 to believe him ,he is campaigning.

  17. Some comments that are referenced to the Nkoyas just reflect the type of atitude Lozis against people who do not sing the BA64 song with them. Some of you just amaze me with your ignorance, why would you give someone a better place then you the alleged owner remains in a swampy areas which then causes you to be relocating every year due to floods? This small example just illustrates who the original inhabitants of Western Province are. Nkoyas are not just found in Kaoma but also in Kalabo, Kataba, Muolobezi, Mongu, Sesheke etc within Western Province. One will also find Many Nkoyas in Southern Province ‘s Kalomo, Kazungula, Itezhi tezhi. In Central Province one will also find Nkoyas in Mumbwa, Chibombo etc. In North Western Province, you will find Nkoyas in Kabompo, Kasempa etc.

  18. There is nothing like Barotseland!  There is only Western Province!  What part of Western Province being an integral part of Zambia don’t you understand?

  19. In all areas mentioned in post #21 Nkoyas have their own Chiefs all recognised by the State of the Republic of Zambia. So if some of you think the BA64 issue is some small issue, then you have no clue of what you are talking about. Three government administrations have so far failed to come up with a winning solution because the matter is complex and affects not just Lozis. Do not forget that Zambia is signatory to a good number of instruments and treaties which prevents the State from favouring Lozi demands against other tribes within Western Province who do not recognise ill obtained documents like the BA64 without any consent from other inhabitants of Western Province. As mentioned before, the only realistic solution is to partition Western Province into two Provinces. Kafue Province!

  20. @ D.S. Malama – Thank you for highlighting reall issues. The Lunda / Luvale rivalry amazes me also. However, it is difficult for the younger generation to undertsnad where these positions were brought from. I am not sure of the Luapula Province but it is important that these historical facts be discussed. It could be that they could shed more light on how the Barotse issue happened prior to Independence. Tackling root causes is always better than cosmetics. Thank you for that insightful comment. BTW what caused the Luba-Lunda splits? Could these genes be active?

  21. #11,12 & 13 you are spot on. RB is the most deceiptive, trecherous and vicious person. The Lozis will only trust him at their own peril. Remember before ascending to power in 2008 he promised that he would not sign the bill to increase his salary and that of his ministers but the first thing he did was to sign the same bill he promised not to. In January 2011 he accused SATA of lying on the existence of the BRE agreement of 1964. RB WITH HIS MINISTER RON SHIKAPWASHA acused the organisers of the meeting in Mongu, arrested them shot (MAIMED & KILLED) others and charged them with treason. Today he turns around and says the agreement exists and he is committed to implementing it if the lozis voted for him. What will prevent him from changing his mind again this time around after elections.

  22. Zambia has 72tribes, most of them with recognizable chiefs, i wonder why we always have to hear about lozis this, lozis that! if this tiny group of people come up & say they dont wanna be zambian anymore, let them be. cut them the little piece of land they claim has minerals, & let them start running their country from the start, & call it independence. twanaka mwe, I really want to see the minerals pantu all i saw when I was there is that W\province is a vast village, with rice & fish that they want to believe are ‘natural resources’.

  23. now thats honesty..the president is looking into the matter and concerns raised..not bambi ati within 90days il restore the BRE agreement..u think u can cheat the people of western province with ur cheap politics? MCS we are retiring u this year..kuya bebele

  24. Rbish should not be trusted by all right thinking Zambians, but mostly by the Lozis, Mansa and Mazabuka residents. He will come and shoot more of the malozi once re-elected if you even mention BA64. If this tyranny wins, we are in for a rough 5 years. Don’t just trust him, he is desperate and he will say anything just for votes! As for me you can campaign all you want, I will vote against the disastrous MMD! MMD zwaaa! VIVA CHANGE, VIVA MCS!

  25. It’s have the following Bemba landa,Lozi land,Tonga land,Bisa land,Kaonde land,Ngoni land etc.Why waste time on national issues.I rest my case

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