Friday, October 18, 2024

Judge halts Miles Sampa’s suspension from PF


LUSAKA High Court Judge Timothy Katanekwa has granted Patriotic Front(PF) presidential candidate Miles Sampa an interim injunction halting his suspension from the party pending hearing of a court case.

Judge Katanekwa has also restrained PF acting president Given Lubinda and acting secretary general Nickson Chilangwa from holding themselves in those positions until final determination of the lawsuit against them.

The Judge has also granted an order restraining Mr Lubinda and Mr Chilangwa from defamation or innuendos against Mr Sampa, a member of the Pf central committee.

This is according to an ex-parte order of interim injunction granted to Mr Sampa yesterday.

Mr Sampa has rushed to the High Court to challenge the PF’s decision to suspend him from the organisation founded by his uncle, the late fifth President Michael Sata.

The former deputy Minister of Finance has also sued Mr Chilangwa and Mr Lubinda for slander and libel and has accused dual of illegally holding office.

The lawsuit comes barely a week after Mr Lubinda announced that Mr Sampa was on suspension of Mr Sampa for allegedly issuing demeaning statements against his fellow party members by allegedly attacking some of his fellow presidential aspirants at a press briefing last Friday.

Mr Lubinda said during his suspension, the Matero Member of Parliament is barred from attending or participating in any party functions including meetings that shall be called by his fellow Members of Parliament.

Unhappy with the move, the former Lusaka Mayor had field a lawsuit citing Mr Chilangwa and Mr Lubinda as first and second defendants.

The plaintiff wants the court to declare that the defendants’ decision to suspend him as member of central committee is invalid and should be annulled for being procedurally improper and a breach of the rules of natural justice.

He further seeks damages for slander and libel and an injunction restraining the defendants and their agents from suspending or expelling him.

Mr Sampa also seeks an order of injunction restraining the defendants from holding themselves in their positions until final determination of the matter, which the Judge granted yesterday later afternoon.

“The plaintiff seeks an order that having no president and secretary general of the party proceed to immediately hold a general conference to elect leaders to file up the vacant positions under the joint leadership of the central committee,” the document reads.

Mr Sampa submits that his suspension, without a disciplinary hearing, was made in bad faith because he was not charged and neither did he appear before a disciplinary committee.

“The actions by the defendants has not been made in good faith but it is a ploy to prevent him from participating in the general conference slated for March 2023,” the document reads.

Mr Sampa also wants the court to order the defendants to immediately hold a general conference to elect leaders to file up the vacant positions.

The court has set February 16,2023, as date for hearing of the case.


  1. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake Jomini (1827). The shovel is now going round before final committal

  2. Interesting…
    Was it not Miles Sampa who provided SURETY for Lvbinda when he was detained. not long ago? It appear Lvbinda is easily manipulated by power hungry sharks in PF…..
    Well, this case with Miles. most likely, he is lossing even the little that was left in him. Instead of RE_BRANDING, busy-wanging internal fights.
    I always say, PF has no leaders, only power hungry pones….Lvbinda, Nakachinda, Mundubile, Lvsambo, Mwamba. GBM. CK ….hey, they are all no match to HH. Don’t be offended by this statement, but that the reality.
    Go…..Miles…..Go…..Miles….Go….Go….PF has entered the self-destruction mode.

  3. Milesi said it himself, PF is a family party made up of cousins, uncles and nephews. Let them fight….Ni va pa banja panu.

  4. One would wonder how a school without discipline would look like? Discipline is key to increased production,unity and oneness. Zambians desires discipline because it moulds and produces responsible people who would take the nation to higher heights of development. Discipline make us people look beautiful and productive.

  5. Also remember that:
    If you masterbate everyday as a man you will lose 50 brain cells a year and your childrenare at risk of being born cross eyed . This is because even the cow does not milk itself and the goat does not bleat to its own convenience. So if a rabbit eats cabbage and produces round faeces will you run round that same faeces to please yourself?

  6. Lubinda, should realize that the any supplication prayers that coducted by the widows, orphäs, stranded retrenchees, and retirees were nôt in vain at all. More are yet to come

  7. Lubinda, should realize that the many supplication prayers that conducted by the widows, orphäs, stranded retrenchees, and retirees at his office were not in vain at all. More are yet to come

  8. Journalism of these days awe mwandi, type errors throughout you wonder why the rush without proof reading. Download grammatical apps please.

  9. Why? Why? Why? Did President Lungu chose such a man as Kaiza Zulu with a mouth full of vulgar language as his political advisor. Was the President Lungu drunk before he could make such an appointment. This man called Kaizar Zulu is really an embarrassment to the Zambians. What a shame.

    • You are a retarded upnd piece of amafi. I served this nation diligently and during our rule things were better for the poor. Watch what happens in 2026. I will personally beat you up if you ever visit zambia.

  10. This young boy must know that have an uncle as a founder of a political does not qualify you to a leader. Miles Sampa is a mall boy with little brains to be a leader. He should just keet on playing with stollen money.
    Look at the children for KK and other leaders in UNIP era behaved. They too distance from politics and started a quiet life.

  11. Miles Sampa can’t think properly. All along he never saw anything wrong with Given Lubinda and Nixon Chilangwa holding those portfolios and executing their duties. In fact the election he wants to participate in is being organized by the same people that he’s said are holding those positions illegally. It’s a contradiction that Miles went and filed his nomination with Nixon and he wants it to be valid. There’s no sane tribunal that can sustain this injunction just on that ground. My advice is that he should just apologize and stop antagonizing his fellow members else he be considered as a hired gun. It’s 1 candidate against 8, Miles will lose unless something strange happens

  12. Sampatreading to finish himself. He overrates himself him cos PF was founded by his uncle. He is not a presidential material. Too showy and childish and discipline is the key for every thing

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