Sunday, September 8, 2024

Inspector General of Police Condemns Unwarranted Attacks by Chishimba Kambwili


The Inspector General of Police, Mr. Lemmy Kajoba, has issued a statement in response to recent attacks by Chishimba Kambwili against the Office of the Inspector General of Police. The statement expresses “displeasure on the continued attacks by Chishimba Kambwili against the Office of the Inspector General of Police.”

In a recent social media posting, Mr. Kambwili is heard making claims that “the Inspector General of Police is a figurehead and that a named senior Police officer at State House is one running the Zambia Police Service.” The Inspector General has expressed his disappointment with these remarks, stating that “we do not wish to engage him in public fora such as the social media platforms. However, we are watching him closely and analyzing every statement he utters.”

The statement also points out that “His attempts to sow division among the Police Command will not work because we work within the professional and legal boundaries as provided for in the laws of Zambia.” The Inspector General has emphasized that the Zambia Police Service High Command will not be influenced by Mr. Kambwili’s tactics, stating “Therefore, the Zambia Police Service High Command will not fall prey to Mr. Kambwili’s divisive tactics.”

The Inspector General has reminded Mr. Kambwili of his role as the person responsible for the command, direction, and control of the Zambia Police Service, stating “We wish to remind Mr. Kambwili that the Inspector General of Police is the one charged with the command, superintendence, direction and control of the Zambia Police Service and he is responsible to government. Therefore, the rantings by Mr. Kambwili are not only misplaced but misleading.”

The statement also advises Mr. Kambwili to focus on preparing his legal arguments if he is accused of committing an offence, saying “If Mr. Kambwili is accused of having committed an offence, he should concentrate on preparing his legal arguments when called upon in an appropriate forum such as the courts of law so that he exonerates himself.”

The Inspector General concluded the statement with a warning to Mr. Kambwili, stating “As a ‘leader’, we wish to warn that he should desist from making unwarranted and false attacks on the Police Command and the entire Police Service.”

The statement by the Inspector General of Police, Mr. Lemmy Kajoba, is a clear message to Mr. Kambwili to stop his attacks on the Office of the Inspector General of Police and to focus on presenting his legal arguments if he is accused of an offence. The Zambia Police Service will continue to carry out its duties professionally, within the bounds of the law, and will not be influenced by any divisive tactics.


    • “we are watching him closely and analyzing every statement he utters”-The Police have abandoned their needed duties of watching criminals to watch a political enemy CLOSELY. How about finding out who gassed us? How about analysing all the crimescenes in MotherZed? Who robbed that Israeli diplomat?

  1. The fact that you have responded that is testimony itself I recommend the President fires you on professional moral grounds you are not a politician to be answering or issuing such statements you are supposed be partial and non partisan as required by the constitution law of the land

  2. Those PF don’t know civil politics ……….

    That freedom of expression is confusing them………..

    Insults and wild innuendos is what they know………..when they are not stealing….

    We all saw the videos of PF caders hurling unpalatable insults, encouraged by their leadership, during 2021 elections……….

  3. Those PF don’t know civil politics ……….

    That freedom of expression is confusing them………..

    Insults and wild innuendos is what they know………..when they are not stealing….

    We all saw the videos of PF caders hurling unpalatable insults, encouraged by their bosses , during 2021 elections……….

  4. Mr. Kajoba needs to pipe down. Zambia is not a police state, even though police continue to abuse their power. ‘Office of the Inspector General’ really? I have never heard the head of Scotland Yard talk like this; and he gets criticised big time!

    • And his president just watches. A police chief can’t be threatening citizens as if it’s his country. Unless the president is supporting his crazy tantrums

  5. This kajoba boy is arrogant and pompous that is why we fired him during our reign. The boy even puts stars on his cars as if he has ever done a single day of army training. He needs to be beaten up by commandos. Let him remember that in 2026 pf will be back. I will personally ensure that we finish him.

  6. In the next government, they should buy khaki uniform for Kaizar Zulu. They should give him a chewa tail to run around SOWETO markt to whip those what are seen urinating on the streets. That would a nice job for such a man.

  7. Kaizar Zulu was a maringara who even disappeared to Malawi during the compulsory national service. What does he know about military issues? Nothing than gun trotting.

  8. In any functioning country, this useful ***** would not be anywhere near such a position. The role of the police service is to uphold the laws and not to politic or intimidate a member of the public. CK is a political actor and not a political leader, why is this ***** targeting him?

  9. The nonsense of Zambian politicians who in the first place wish and demand unprofessionalism of the police services tet the same politicians infiltrate the police service ranks creating cadres of men in uniform and disparaging those not conforming to party politics! High time that apolitical men and women in uniform were left to serve the country as they pledged to serve!

  10. Chishimba Kambwili could also have helped the situation by lodging a complaint to the Police watchdog body. It’s of course unprofessional for a police officer to engage with politicians in the media.

  11. I don’t it is right for a civil servant to be responding to politicians , civil servants are supposed to mentein silence in matters concerning politicians .
    Civil servants are supposed to remain non partisan then the general public will respect them , but if they start talking like that people will think they being biased which is really bad .

  12. Civil servants must show professionalism in doing their duties listening to this Kajoba you don’t find any iota of the calibre of a civil servant , civil servants aught to remain non partisan if the general public will respect them.
    A civil servant must be a respected servant of all Zambians and that will help every Zambian safe and secure but we are hearing is troubling to innocent citizens please leave politics to politicians , and soon very soon this government will go away .

  13. Ba Kajoba muli chipuba. You’re actually threatening a citizen with your, “we are watching him”. Be a professional and do a your job. There’s no way you can be an IG in developed countries, only in Zambia. You have more time responding to comments than applying the same zest and zeal to fighting crime. White collar crime.

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