Friday, March 7, 2025

Chongwe males responding well to circumcision


Chongwe District Health Director, Mweene Nseluke says there has been a positive response by males in the area towards male circumcision in the last two years.

Speaking during an interview with ZANIS, Dr. Nseluke stated that a lot of males are getting circumcised at various health facilities that offer the service in the district compared to the past.

He said 3,160 males have been circumcised from January 2022 to date which he described as an improvement compared to 2021 when 2093 males in the district were circumcised.

Dr. Nseluke said he is pleased to note that Chongwe is among the districts that are currently performing well in terms of offering Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) services.

He said more adolescent males in schools and those who are not in school have also started undergoing the procedure.

Dr. Nseluke said the response from the males is mainly related to the sensitisation programmes on male circumcision conducted by the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders.

“We have been conducting various outreach programmes together with our partners who support us to sensitise males in our communities on the importance of getting circumcised. These programmes have contributed a lot in increasing the number of men who have been coming forward to get circumcised,” Dr. Nseluke said.

He said more efforts however, need to be made to demystify some myths surrounding circumcision which scare males from undergoing the procedure.

Dr. Nseluke encouraged all males to get circumcised not only to reduce their chances of getting infected with various sexually transmitted diseases but to also keep themselves clean.

He said those who are sexually active are able to protect their partners from the human papilloma virus which causes cervical cancer if they are circumcised.

“The benefits of getting circumcised are many for men. I am encouraging all males in Chongwe to take advantage of our health facilities which offer VMMC to get circumcised,” Dr. Nseluke said.

Dr. Nseluke also explained that circumcision does not reduce libido or the sexual sensitivity of male reproductive organs as perceived by some men.

He stated that there is currently no medical proof that men who get circumcised experience such conditions.

Dr. Nseluke urged adolescents and adult men who are skeptical about circumcision to get the right information from health facilities and individuals who have been trained to offer VMMC services.


  1. Don’t fall for this rubbish. Those westerners who tell you to cut your doodoo do not do it themselves. This is genital mutilation which the same westerners attack us for doing to women. So why should it be OK for men to be mutilated? If yoh think this protects you from disease then go and sleep with a positive woman whilst circumcised and tell me the outcome.

    Even women will tell you that it is more enjoyable to sleep with a man with foreskin as the skin provides warm friction and enjoyable sensation. There is a reason you were born that way. Ask hh if he is circumcised

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