Friday, March 7, 2025

Rupiah has neglected KK – Sata


Patriotic Front Leader Michael Sata
Patriotic Front Leader Michael Sata

Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata has accused government of neglecting first republican president Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, who is reportedly sick in Windhoek, Namibia.

Mr. Sata says it is unfortunate that government has not done anything for Dr. Kaunda during his illness.

He says if it was president Rupiah Banda who was ill, government would have quickly rushed him to Cape Town for special treatment.

Mr. Sata also wondered why the Drug Enforcement Commission on Friday stopped Kaunda’s son, Waza Kaunda from leaving Lusaka for Windhoek to see his sick father.

Dr. Kaunda, who is still in hospital, is reported to be in a stable condition.

This afternoon, Government has dispatched a team of medical experts to assess the condition of first republican President Kenneth Kaunda who is hospitalised in Namibia.

The team of health experts that has left for Namibia included Dr Kaunda’s former personal physician Professor Chifumbe Chintu, Director of Emergency and Mobile Health Services Dr Welani Chilengwe and University Teaching Hospital Director Luckson Kasonka.

Ministry of Health Spokesperson Kamoto Mbewe has told ZNBC News that the team will examine and review the condition of the former head of state.

He says government will keep the nation informed on the health of Dr Kaunda and the progress made by the medical team sent to assess his condition.



  1. Satan Satan Satan!!!!!! Government has alraedy dispatched a team of medical experts to check on Dr. Kaunda’s condition. With you every situation present you with an opportunity to gain political milege.

    • The reason is simple, how does the govt say KK is well and on holiday when he is sick. Isnt that tantamount to neglect? Think you fool. Why should a govt agency stop his son who is a medical doctor from visiting him? The answer is that he would have exposed them, so they wanted to reach there first. Pathetic people in govt. Dont play with KK. You chaps in MMD have messed him too much including changing the constitution to bar hom from standing.

    • why u call somebody yo fathers age that way,respect is good,despatched what? after being instructed or talked about.u are under pressure from the very satan u are calling.see u next month
      ba mbokoya

  2. How was waza stopped ba sata? You mean he bought his ticket and went to the airport only to be told that he cant travel? Aaah kanshi nga nifyo we need change of goverment nomba nichi bufi.

  3. iyeeee! Chi mudala ichi chikatuletelela fyebena Zambia, yanguuuuuu! We mupamba weeee! I knew this old crook and his handlers will squeeze in something to make it look like its RB’sfault- nshamonapo desperado to this level! ABASH SATANA and others of like mind!

    • nimwe ba lucy changwe nshi mayo? muleichindika muli banakashi,mwe baleleta upamba te mwe ba cadre mwe baba muchilonganino cha bula ba mpanda mano,ala tulemimona, tulemimona ba mbokoya.mutekanye tuka mitungula,ni next month.mwe ma futu mwe.

  4. If you are still believing in SATA that he is normal, then forget man. This old man does not know when to open his mouth. This is the man the Bemba people want to be head of state. Just appoint him as a head man in northern province… he is very dull old man…with his rotten teeth..

    • Sir/madam, you are insulting me and millions of bembas who are supporting RB, HH and others. Think b4 you write something down. Votes from Mporoksoso- Maynard, Lunte- Mutati, Isoka East- Namungala, Kaputa- Nalumango and many more went to RB. Look at 2008 election and count how many people from Northern and Luapula voted for RB.

  5. Knee Jerk Reaction as usual MR SATA will  always take political mileage out of any thing especially sicknesses he just jumps into  immediate unthinking emotional reaction produced by an event or statement to which the reacting person is highly sensitive; Now all zambians know sata and its predictable what he would say. SATA AND FTJ tormented KK.


  6. Yawn!!!, how I wish elections where tomorrow so we can send this snake back to wherever it came from. 
    It is 35 days before election date and instead of doing what his friends RB and HH are doing ..going to the villages where votes matters, he is busy playing to the media in urban centers and then when he loses he will start his rigging song. How sick!  Now I believe that this old man is a truly I D I O T and does not deserve to be in State house

  7. Oh God! this man can yap, why always capitalizing on anything. What did Sata and his Chiluba administration to DR KK. They were just interested in power and arrested him for false allegations. Sata please, the more you open your mouth the more you remind us about your past. This man is really useless indeed, and full of noise.

  8. It was addressing a rally in Kanyama this afternooon. It certainly looked deflated and no energy. Believe me, it could hardly speak!

  9. Isnt this the same man who falsely accused KK of having an arms cache at his farm Sindamisale? 


    MMD candidate for Nsefu Ward Damian Mphasi scooped his seat unopposed because the opposition could not find candidates in the area due to lack of members.

  11. The young people must know that since Sata is not educated beyond Standard 4, he hates the whole concept of education. The majority of Zambians are now educated and value the impact of education in developung large numbers of intellectuals. Many literate Zambians have come to realise that Sata’s 1990s politics were all based on lies. This time Sata wants to capitalise on KK’s illness to paint a bad picture on RB. Yet we all know the worst treatment that a Govt in which Sata was No. 3 inflicted on KK, Nakatindi, Chief Inyambo Yeta and many other UNIP leaders under the guise of the so-called “Black Mamba” saga.

  12. It is not possible that KK would have travelled to Nabibia without Govt. knowledge. We know that when Mwanawasa fell ill in Egypt the Govt to charge of the situation. Does Sata know that Govt has already dispatched a Medical Team to Namibia? We know what Sata said and did after Chiluba’s death. The MWITI even refused to attend FTJ’s funeral. Sata is a develish cunning politician fishing on dry ponds for trouble-shooting scenarios. Let Sata just concentrate on PF campains with credible arguments. We are sick of this Mwachusa LIAR and his Indian cold-blooded Given Lubinda. Zambians pray for descent politicians. The opportunists dull PF guys such as Lubinda, Jean Kapata, Prof. Luo and Guy Scott will this time face a formidable team of opponents in Lusaka.

  13. Sata is not normal. Who does not know how he and his god father Chiluba treated KK after leaving office. This fool is really sick and he requires treatment for normality. PF members are not normal too because they know their leader is a moron yet follow blindly

  14. Everyone has condemned Sata here.
    I will not.
    I can only encourage his family to commit him for Psychiatry assessment.


  16. When all the first 20 comments on a site like this condemn a presidential candidate’s calibre and level of thinking it all that remainSS surely is just to day those who will cast a vote for such a foul are worse than the moron themselves.

  17. Interesting Team…Professor Chifumbe Chintu (Surgeon), Director of Emergency and Mobile Health Services Dr Welani Chilengwe (Paediatrician) and University Teaching Hospital Director Luckson Kasonka(Gynaecologist)….Who is playing a joke on the Kaunda family. Why not send a physician…

  18. Am glad the world can see through this man who thinks he knows everything about everything .This is why Hakainde refused to be Vice-President to this standard 4 .How could such a man be boss to HH ??
    Viva HH ,Viva REAL CHANGE.

  19. Ladies and gentleman – I have just been on QFM website and all I could see was a statement handed by MMD. This is a radio where I would expect the recording. Give us the recordings pls

  20. In tresting tim. Bat then, the lo in Zambia daz not rekognaiz speshalists. Iven ana haus ofisa stret from unza kan bi kold apon tu du e forenzik post motemu.

  21. once again its gratifying,mmd and upnd supporters ve ganged up against the incoming president. iwe chi OCTOPAS stop using demonic powers to articulate issues. chi veteran useless chap. yes zambians are educated; these so called educated cant improve the economy, no jobs; chaps with degrees cant run a small business hallucinating about R4M.

  22. CHI VETERAN, a ward in nsefu, whats that ? looks u bask in mainuity non issues. veteran who are you? are you related to that filipino woman priscilla isaacs, the so called ECZ director the most arrogant animal on earth

  23. Very good information we are getting from the bloggers its just some take these things so personal and insult others. Guys bonse tuli bena Zambia so let us agree to disagree and then life goes on. No one can be president unless God wills regardless of how they come in its God in the big picture. God bless Zambia

  24. Sata, waba utuma tee ukufota. Concentrate on campaigning for your MPs. Atleast some them will end up in parley and get gratuity. U will die bending down for meembe. Disgusting

    • chikala @37 have respect am non partpartisan but on this chikala waitaya .debate wisely without insulting our leaders and parents. i can ,tell you are a cocroach from upnd .kankutombela (…



  25. #29, lol. You are right my man. Gynaecologist can be on the entourage to see an ill old man………job on training. The man shouldn’t loose on hefty travel allowances pegged at director level………….why not? lol

    On a serious note, these muppets should have gone as ‘technocrats’ not ‘doctors’ as none of them is specialised in the area they are pretending to be experts in….

  26. But you are the same who are quick to say this one is malawian or Zimbabwean, etc… You think being racist, tribalist and divisive will feed your children.

    What a shame!

  27. I can see they are alot of *****s stil eatg with the MMD on this blog who jumps to condemg the old man Sata at any slite oppornity given-bafikala, give the man a break, at least he has the garts to speak out unlike some ‘big’ opposition leaders I know who are cowards!

  28. It (sata) really amazes me . His concept of i know it all is now exposing his foolishness . This faece teeth coated old has now completely lost direction . It thinks us zambians are so dull that we would easily be swayed by stupid foolish politics of always wanting to gain political mileage on every situation . Atase he has no brain.

  29. The vernomless serpent is sympathizing fo votes.. 2011 is different..HH stands a better chance of winning the presidency.

  30. If you cant kick the habit after 30 years of age, its advisable to start soaking the stuff in some vinegar before taking the splif. It reduces on the potency & as such the hallucinations. Aire, one love!




  34. If it is not neglect and irresponsibility for a government to say that one of its citizens is not sick, but on holiday, then tell me what is, and who is mad and “demonic”.

  35. Ba Sata mwilasabaila sana! You will lose elections if you will be commenting on any silly little issue. Leave such things to your subordinates Kabimba and Lubinda while you look Stately Mr Future President

    • Y pass on silly comments for Mr Sata if u ar nt demonic ad whatsover names u call the big man ? This man says sensible thins. u only realise after wards. So all of you who have passed bad comments on Mr Sata ar nt reasonin properly b4 u open yo mouths. Lets mind the words we use.We know u ar MMD cadres

  36. #Checha: when you see a person being demonised, it means that person is hitting where it hurts. KK has been ill for over a week we have been told, not they have sent “specialists”. They have been busy buying votes ba some of us; basakala nyongo. They know prison awaits most of their sponsors hence the comments. Bakaponya are the majority; nothing changes. Even if we go to war; we know who will be attacked. This year; kuya bane.

  37. Ba mudala ba Sata Forgive me I commented before reading the story. I just saw the headline. No you were entitled to comment this time especially if KK’s son was prevented from flying to see his ill father. Njeleleniko bamudala

  38. Bushe utujiri -jiri natumipoka amono mwa? Why are you so obbsessed with Sata! Leave him alone. He is entitled to his own opinion! Whats wrong with MMD cadres?

  39. On a personal level, (politics aside) I admire KK’s ‘soberness’ and humilty over the last few years. I wish him a quick recovery. But I am just wondering why a ‘speciaist’ health team had to be dispatched to Namibia. Are the Namibian docs not good enough? How come they hardly dispatch these experts when a politician is flown to a South African clinic? Better still, if we have these specialists in Zambia, how come there is no confidence destowed on them to treat ‘vip’ politicians locally? The whole policy, attitude or ‘plan’ in the health sector is puzzling.

    • Knee-jerk reaction would be my guess. I am sure the Namibian medics are better placed to take care of him whilst he is there.

  40. This is the only credibl opposition keeping checks and balances the rest are dead. You ca imagine if PF was not there, there could have been no zambia MMD could have looted like in the UK. You will come to appreciate this an more if PF wins because thus when you will see how bad the current govt is and how much they have stolen. In govt ministries there are huge numbers of unexplained imprests given to Ministers, deputies, PS and directors before the dissolution of govt. I work in govt Accounts and I know what Iam talking about. What this space Annie Chifungula.

  41. Some people have short memories. Mr Sata PROUDLY dribbled KK back in the day under the MMD leader Chiluba. I know politicians lie but don’t be so blatant Mr Sata. 35 more days till we decide. I cannot wait.

  42. People, regardless of what Sata did to KK, he has a point here.  And I can already hear some of who saying KK’s suffering from old age – typical African mentality!! People can live over a hundred years, its normal if you’ve lived all your life on a healthy diet e.g Super Ken.  Its scary that Waza was stopped by DEC! what were they preventing him from discovering in Namibia??



  43. ba sata, Ba Sata, BA SATA!!! On whose time was KK jailed and spent Christmas at Mukobeko prison… only to be released when late Julius Nyerere visited him? On whose time was KK’s entourage shot at by police with Rodger Chongwe as one of the passengers in the vehicle? On whose time was KK humiliated, that he was forced out State House and his belongings were searched, accused of stealing books from government? On whose time was Wezi killed?

    During all these events who was FJT’s special and chief advisor?

  44. Ladies and gentlemen read the story which is in postnews paper about government stoping Dr waza kaunda from going to see his sick father in Namibia before you start exposing your ignorance on what sata is saying here. Dont just read LT and be mislead by ba LT read other papers also that way you have a balance of information. i read the postnews paper and other papers and i kept wondering myself how on earth can some one or government stop somebodys son at the airport from going to see his sick father? its sad bane with whats happening now.

    • Thank you Ground Zero. People also forget that it was only under LPM as president and RB as VP that KK was built a house. Sata should be the last person to say (or better still keep quiet) government/RB has neglected KK.

  45. Luckson Kasonka is a gynacologist to do what???? he is just spending tax payers money why didnt the send the right specialists???his speciality is to deal with women issues….he shd have selected specialists Dr Sacker could have been used. Prof chintu is KK age… his a Peadiatrician someone who looks at kids r we serious.

  46. #55 kibs o kids whatever u call yourself,can u use brains for once. KK was arrested by FTJ and there was nothing SATA cud do, he was not the president nor anywhere the security apparatus.if your reasoning is to go by, then BY katanga mwila, miyanda must take the blame they were more closer to security system than SATA. justs admit, SATA is making mmd and upnd shit in their pants.#55 kibs o kids whatever u call yourself,can u use brains for once. KK was arrested by FTJ and there was nothing SATA cud do, he was not the president nor anywhere the security apparatus.if your reasoning is to go by, then BY katanga mwila, miyanda must take the blame they were more closer to security system than SATA. justs admit, SATA is making mmd and upnd shit in their pants.

  47. At this ponit who ever presdo that will win the election is welcome for as long as peace development are a priority pa Z’d , i’ll have no problem.

  48. MMD and upnd cadres,learn to reason,for once please.your hating Sata is not going to move this country forward.We know why you hate him,he gives your so called educated presidents sleepless nights.I dont think Waza would be so petty and claim that DEC blocked him from going to Namibia.Its true because they thought he is going their for political reasons.T mmd should admit that they have neglected the old man and embraced thieves like this little late thieve that they spent billions on.Whether mmd and its partner cadres of the upnd comment negatively about Sata,he is going to state house,go to the Zambia online site and check out the poll and you will see how people love this man.

  49. Ba #6 why do you behave like a dog on heat?Why do you have to include the BEMBA speaking tribe in all your demonic rantings and spew vomit all the time (this is one thing I have noticed about you be it Zambian watch Dog or Lusakatimes) Have you been rejected by a Bemba woman? please if that is the case that is personal between you and her We are not intrested and please don’t include all of us in your demonic rants GET A LIFE

  50. Ive been consistant on the issue that Sata is not head of state material period. Can you imagine this madala making a statement at world foras like the UN general assembly.@mwiponta. you are right we need sata, but in the opposition for checks & balance. As for plot 1, awe twakana.@’counterfeit’ Tony Blair, Zambia will be the only country in mordern times to be ruled by a grade 3 & as for the arrest of KK, sata was in favor of that. It had to take the late LPM to have KK receive his benefits. So pls dont try to manipulate the truth and to build the nkotizo’s image. The post has tried to do that without success. I wish you luck if u wanna give it a try.

  51. I really doubt this man’s sanity, is he not the one with his Chiluba regime, him as number 3 and advisor to the dribler Chiluba arrested KK on christmas day, and now KK fell sick just yesterday on his tours in Namibia, then he finds it as political mileage. This is the same man who almost died due to poverty in 2008 when he could not afford medicals outside, but Mwanawasa saved his life. Zambians remember, just after mwanawasa died he started politicking saying Mwawasa saved his life as political mileage, shame on him and his folowers. This is not a man to trust, and he should not get close to power.

  52. Why did the Govrnment refute that President Kaunda was not sick, they have only dispatched the dr to day after suffering for a week, stupid Banda, why did you wait long to send the drs.

  53. Before you become a specialist, you are a trained in General Medicine. It therefore does not mean a specialist only knows what he/she has specialised in.

    Sata addressed a rally in Kanyama. I am reliably told he used Bemba throughout. Who told Sata that Bemba is the official language? Even in Kanyama, the most widely spoken language is Nyanja.

    • Czar, end this Zambian tendency of being “reliably informed”. Nowadays there are mobile phones and recorders, so just post a link to YouTube so that we know how reliably informed you are! Tripe!

  54. Its sad to see people showing their ingnorance on the medical proffesion. All Doctors specialize in one feild. There is nothing just like a Doctor. E.g – internal medince, orthopedic , ear and nose etc. The basic training is what saves lives and referalls to a specialist once the problem is diagnosed ! Every Doctor is a Physician.

  55. Kwena Mr Sata chinangwa. I can’t wait for election day to see this man thrown into oblivion. Mr Satana when you open your mouth only shit comes out. Please keep quiet if you have nothing to say. You see the same behaviour with his subject Gavin Lubinda. Yapping shit all the time. Men sale your manifesto. Don’t waste time for the Zambian people.

  56. All PF haters will be disappointed. We know too well that UPND is in league with MMD. This is the reason why the learned judge Matibini ruled against Chanda Chimba’s program becoz it is based on lies and malice. This is typical of UPND and MMD mentality. Matibini in his ruling stated that:”In my opinion it is palpably wrong for any person before or during an election to publish false statements in relation to any candidate’s personal character or conduct for the sole or dominant purpose of adversely affecting the return of such candidate, unless or of course he clearly show and adduce reasonable evidence and grounds for believing in fact that the defamatory material is true, is a fair comment on matter of public concern, or is protected by qualified privilege as posited above.” 

  57. #16 dont boast because PF has already 2 unoposed seats in your strong hold north western province wards. kwata amano iwe.

  58. Leave Mr Sata alone, KK has been in Hospital for over ten days in namibia. The MMd Govt., did not even inform Zambians. The MMD govt. even used DEC to block Dr. Waza from going to Namibia at the airport after he had even bought an air ticket. So why was DEC involved as if KK was peddling drugs???? DEC moved swiftly to stop Dr. Waza but they have failed to investigate the corrupt company printing ballot papers in RSA. Lubinda has even given them the account No. used to corrupt ECZ officials.

  59. The Mwachusa LIAR is at it again. After FTJ’s death Sata tried to sell his popularity to people of Luapula by stating that RB failed to offer medical help to Chiluba. Yet his hatred for FTJ was clear when Sata refused to attend Chiluba’s funeral. Now he wants to please voters in Malambo (Mambwe) so that the Kunda people can vote for Kaweche under PF ticket. Yet we know that Sata insulted the Kunda as animals. Sata worked on Panji and Kaweche against Tilyenji. When KK was imprisoned on tramped up charges over the Black Mamba, his dancing Queen Nawakwi sang praise songs of “Kaunda Alala”. When KK moved his estate from Shambakale to Sindamisale Sata acused KK of hiding military arms at Sindamisale when we now know that Sata has 7 guns at his home. This time Zambians are wiser.

  60. All the manifests of insanity are showing in this senile old crook. What more evidence does anyone need to know that this phool cannot rule?

  61. Viva PF Viva Sata….. i echo #54 ba MMD want to rule like Mugabe no opposition so they build mansions buy cars e.t.c time is coming and when you see your favourite MMD chaps go to jail you will regret calling the future President of this Country Satana….. My goodness Zambian parents never raised us like this…I like PF supporters they are not calling the President any names shame bloggers….. Viva Ba Sata Viva PF

  62. People, the truth is the government is lying here. However, that does not mean they have neglected KK. Sata is trying to politicise the whole issue. This is the reason i dont like this man. He is never direct! whatever he says has something behind it and is not said genuinely. Please stop that habit because i can see it has already costed him in these coming elections. Let everyone going to vote say a prayer in that booth else you will vote for the devil himself.

  63. I can only say that Sata is sick both physically and mentally too. Look at the things he concentrates on, simply shows that he is not a presidential material. Sata is not the health minister and neither is he the President, is he privy to all the information?

  64. sata is very right. Timely warning. Viva Sata PABWATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  65. You are all useless pipo! How would you fill if your Father was sick and his outside your country and all you need is to go and see him and then someone stops you from seeing your father because you support the opposition. Only an ***** like most of you are can support it. I for one will never support based politics like what you Lusaka Times are doing, Shame on you! My follow Zambian’s these media houses will cost the peace we enjoy as Zambia’s who live in Zambia and our children will safe the most. Viva Mother Zambia and long live KK. Rubbish Bins.

  66. #44 OCTOPUS PAUL BWALYA ; You are very correct in saying the team should have been inclusive. By the way in case you have forgotten, in Zambia it stems from the notion that whoever is called professor has it all in terms of expertise. For example there are people who are professors in a mining field but back home they are idolised as experts on biofuels.

  67. Can you guys that follow Sata please report on issue that affect the country please. Is Sata campaigning to become “President of Kaunda” now?????

  68. We all know that fish starts rotting from the head. I hope now the Patriotic F-o-o-l-s (PF) know the kind of leader they have. This chap behaves like a witch -indoshi. How can he politicise an illness of an old man to this extent. We all know he hates the old man to the borne. Let this serpent be reminded that he will also become ill very very soon and he will need some sympathy.
    Sata you have irritated me…to hell with your campaigns.

    S-A-T-A nyoko.

  69. Those that use their kidneys to think will vote for PF. Those that use their brains know that it is better to vote anything…but PF. How can this old uneducated mental retard be entrasted to run this country? Sata has never ever aticulated issues like normal people should. God bless Zambia.

  70. Why was Kaunda’s son dinied the chance to go and see his father. I can smell a rat here. You who are saying Sata is offside, supporse it was you and your father is sick outside Zambia and you are dinied the way to go and see him, what would you conclude? Surrely you can say something is cooking unless if you are not a real son but an imposter. Laugh now we shall laugh at last.

  71. we are always reminding our politicians to be issue based in their my fellow bloggers u see i always get disapointed with the way we debate issues on site.we are very fast in attacking the persons issueing statements unlike wat has been said.we the so called learned bloggers here have failed to be issue start with,we ve all made mistakes just like all these politicians we ve today.The truth of the matter is that KK has not been well for sometime now and him KK been a VIP of this country the gvt were the first to inform the ntion on his condition and not wereby they first deny it in their media and letter on they send the med team.any person in his right mind would definately say the gvt ve neglected leave sata alone i think on this one he has a point

  72. Well I think the Lusaka Times should be ashamed of themselves, this is low level journalism to say the least, firstly why didnt they report that Dr. KK has been in hospital for over a week and that Waza was stopped from seeing his father? I must say this is turning into one blog for the MMD chaps to come and issue insults based on unethical journalism. You should be ashamed of yourselves Lusaka Times, i think you deserve to be called Lusaka blog…

  73. I wonder why Sata always thinks that he is the only one endowed with the monopoly of mercy. In as much as the country deserves to know KK’s condition,  it says a lot about why Dr Waza did not know from the very moment KK was hospitalized and this surely points to family feuds which the nation must never be dragged into, by Sata. I for one doubt Rupiah has not done anything, KK is being paid his retirement package and the government is picking up all bills. We all know KK does his medical reviews at UTH and he must be comfortable in the hospital he is in now and unlike Sata and Rupiah who are always so eager to land in Morningside even for a simple armstring or heartache, KK is not like that.

  74. Movement for Mad Dogs MMD why haven’t you condemned Times Of RB over the false story the carried yesterday when Dickson Penis Heard Jere refused that KK is not sick? How can you fill if your brother or sister goes public and says that you are not sick when you are actually sick? MMD and UPND come one use your heads to think don’t just hap and use your balls and …….

  75. As usual useless yapping from Mikaeli SATAN!Old man, you are a spent bullet and should seek a cure for your chronic verbal  diaerha:d

  76. #58 Don’t you know that the Post is no longer credible? You are quoting from it because you are a PF supporter. There is nothing to read from the Post. It is a PF paper. So do not come on this blog and begin referring us to the Post. Sata must not make a fool of himself. We are intelligent enough to know what is going on.

  77. Kalos2121 your reply to Czar is frivolous. Sata addressed Kanyama residents in Bemba only. Sata is an illiterate who can’t speak on write the official language very well. Bemba is not Zambia’s official language. Muppet! Kalos2121 your reply to Czar is frivolous. Sata addressed Kanyama residents in Bemba only. Sata is an illiterate who can’t speak on write the official language very well. Bemba is not Zambia’s official language. Muppet!

  78. @96 Q&A, It sounds to me that you have never worked at senior level. The state does not just yarp any how like you PF president is doing. There are state secrets that are only announced on due time. It would be irresponsible for the state to start alarming the Nation about KKs illness. It was going to announce at an ideal time. Even his son Dr WAZA, I doubt the doctorate that he has. Thats why his own brother and sister disowned him by going to press to announce about his fathers illness.

    Even late LPM , MHSRIP,could have died long before the state announced. Thats how the state machinery operates.

    Anyhow we forgive you for lack of knowledge, but the bible states that my people perish,,,,

  79. Senior Citizen (Posting 16)

    The PF has also scooped two seats unoppossed in Westen Province in Lulangunyi and Lweti is Sikongo consitutuency.

    KK has been in hospital for over a week with no news at all from ZNBC or Government, didnt they know?? How come it is only after th Post broke the story that Government jumped up??? He is a Statesman and not one is doing a favour, he deserves it!!!

  80. ” Those whom the gods wishes to destroy they first make mad”. How true. Mr Sata is definetly not normal and he wants to believe that he cares for KK after what he and FTJ did to KK. This is truely madness.

  81. There are NO HOSPITALS IN ZAMBIA thats what this heading tells me. surely a former head of state flies out for treatment??? what more the poor?? obviously left to die.

  82. Wait when you will be sick and see if the state will give you not even a panado. Go to hospitals now which MMD is bosting about there are no drugs or equipment. When commissioning a new ones they transfer equipment from one old one including patients. Those of you blogging about MMD go even to the old schools let alone new ones no teachers no teaching aids, so what are you blogging about. Even teachers who are there are poorly numerated that they intead of teaching go for other sources of income to make ends meet. Some travel two weeks to and fro their places of work to get their salaries and essentials from the nearest boma due to poor infrastructure which MMD is bosting to have worked on 47 years after independence 20years of MMD in power. This year you are packing.

  83. @ Jojo, you spineless fool what senior level are you talking about when you fools depend on hand to mouth from MMD you cowards can even sale our country just to fill your filthy stomachs and support every stupid thing gvmt does… i pity you

  84. This is hilarious! How time changes. So many people a few years back whe Levy died were so anti RB. How the tide has changed. It makes me doubt anyting LT writes anymore. Writing is poor sprinkled with spelling mistakes. Get a grip and represent your country properly and show wold and the diaspora that we are not petty individuals.

  85. The Truth is Kaunda has been neglected. Crime, he attended PF conference. Why should it take a week plus for GRZ to send Doctors to attend to the Former Head of State. Gents let us not be oblivious to reality and be drunk with mischief. Mabenga was sick of stomach pain and the whole world new. IT WAS NEWS. Who is Mabenga, The truth is RB has been neglected, you like it or not. WAZA is right

  86. Analysing his pattern of arguments,Sata never complained when he was air lifted to South Africa for treatment and for GRZ waisting hard earned tax payers money because UTH was at the time capable of managing him locally.The experts have described Kaunda’s condition as stable which means he is not in danger and can be managed in Namibia.Sata made friends with Chiluba during Levi’s time and during Banda’s rule he spit into Chiluba’s eyes and called him all sorts of adjectives.Sata called Levy all sorts of names and now he wants to finish the projects Levy started in Lenje land.Lets overcome another line of reasoning on Sata,It’s painfully obvious that Sata doesnt use Kabimba in all his case because the guy is trumpetes guess work as law and keeps losing all the cases in courts


  88. As much as we care about Kaunda, we have got a lot of vital economic issues at hand to sort out. Put the old man in a safe caring hospital and leave him to rest and sort out his own family issues.

  89. What Sata says, in the most, is simply appalling and hurtful. He does not mind what comes out of that mouth of his, no matter who it might hate. Isn’t this the same Sata that lied that KK was hiding arms at Sindamasale. This is pathetic. Sata has just a way of making me angry.

  90. God had a plan when he went and took some old retired farmer (RB) to become the president of Zambia.. He knew that the day will come when the devil will have to be defeated once and for good…
    Thats day is 20th September…
    We pray and hope that KK lives long to see that day

  91. Sata like a devil he is cheating the gullible. He is using the very tactic satan used to hoodwink eve in the garden of eden. But sata(n) is a liar and the father of all lies.

  92. Government has not neglected the father of the nation Dr KK as Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata says,Government sent four specialised doctors to attend to him,the zambian ambasador to Namibia has been visiting him countless times,the president Rupiah Banda who has a very close relationship with Dr KK has called him countless times,Dr KK is responding well to medication and is doing far much better.

  93. sata should concentrate on campaigning he is wasting time on all these rumors of his,RB always responds to health issues

  94. SATAN SATAN SATAN..This crook is at it again he opens his mouth unnecessarily. Let him ask himself how he and Dr.Chiluba treated KK. Gov has sent a team of experts to examin his condition and Satan wants to talk ill of Gov. Mannaless man. This man is a true ***** even if he is an elderly man.

  95. I think I will now retire from this blog – honestly some of you are so far and don’t know what you are saying and just projecting ignorance and hate from so little info.

  96. thats why Sata is stopped from attending peoples funerals.Chased by maureen at levys funeral ,banned by MMD at Chiluba’s funeral what next? i think this man is a wizard why him elo lyonse pamalilo bama pisha Mfwiti.check the fellow properly a lowa uyo

  97. #124, it is election fever… just look at the number of comments… MMD is buzzing with fear. All the nonsense people are saying… from how much info? More than 100 comments already. lol

  98. You chaps with heads full of cow-dung should appreciate PF for most of the sudden development we are experiencing at the moment otherwise “mwadya mweka daddy” would have been eating on their own still. At least election time is an opportunity for the nation to enjoy a bit of the “national cake! MMD is only kept on their toes by PF otherwise they don’t care the shit about anyone else except themselves. Public service is a thing of the past. Manje, ni, “fill up your pockets while you’re still in power. 

  99. mr sata is such a disgrace how does he say kk has been neglected when he knws that a team of medical personel has been sent there his just tryin to fault find but its all working to his disadvantage

  100. This man’s time is running out and all he can do is comment foolishly on an issue well known to zambians,does he think every zambian has a memo like his?why should one in his/her rightful mind support such polluted politician.came 20/9 you are gone!

  101. Sata, Sata, Sata…please keep the nonsense to yourself: When KK was booted out of ZCCM house after leaving State House (you were in govt); when he was made to reside in shanty -opposite UNZA (you were in govt); when he was arrested on trumped up charges on Christmas day (you were in govtt); when for more than ten years he was not paid his pension as a former head of state (you Sata was in govt); when KK was accused of stealing books (you were in govt); when govt could not build him a house which he was entitled to (you Sata was in govt); when a clause was passed to bar him from standing, i.e. exercising his rights (you Sata was in govt). When all these acts of victimisation were reversed by Mwanawasa (you were out of govt). So how can you honestly accuse RB when u we part of this?

  102. This is the same SATA who lied in 1990 that KK was hiding Saddam Hussein’s wife and children at State House! Come off it Sata. You absolutely have nothing sensible to say. How can a certain Guy Scott, PhD (Oxford) be a lap dog of this man? What has gone to the head of Scott? The pig scandal?

  103. The desperation on the part of the outspoken PF leader is understandable. He now finds himself a captive of the high expectations of his gallant and faithful followers. Consequently, he can’t convince himself to jump out of the boat prior to September 20th, for that would obviously be suicidal. He appears instead to have contrived a different strategy, namely to feign that he is a victim of political mischief by his key political opponent. By this, he hopes to quell the animosity of his supporters against him and win their sympathy instead. Since the majority of them would rather die than think, they are already buying into this and are thus ready to cause havoc “should he lose this year’s elections! It’s hardly fathomable the number of blind followers he has!

  104. ba rubish this doesnot call for insults from blind people like you finshi bamilisha ba Bwezani? ama ploti ne fitenge? leave Sata alone he aint no PHSYCO! Atleast he has more integrity than u who are feeding from taxpayers money all in the name of goverment coffers!!

  105. I found Ba Sata’s sentiments very childish and immature with such a stature. What does he think of Namibia’s health? Not every country will evacuate its patients even when its a minor body knock. Sorry super K’s condition is not as bad as your. Try to cancel your programs and visit Namibia and its health facilities.

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